WhiteWidow&sum AK-47 grow journel


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone, heres a update of the plants on day 35. Looking really nice havent notice anything wrong with them so far. the trichs are showin up big time.

Thanks for stoppin by all comments are welcome and appreciated!! Good luck to everyone. HappySmokinbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone the plants are doing well, packed with trichs. temp is between 70-80 degrees all day. humidity is between 40-60%.

Thanks in advance to everyone stoppin by to look @ my grow. comments are welcome and appreciated. GL


Well-Known Member
yum yum,,,,day 40 and looking this good,,??nerly 5 weeks in, and thay look like thay will be redy in 2 weeks???? rily nice grow,,:peace:


Well-Known Member
Alright Everyone that is still keeping up with the grow, i finally had some extra cash and purchased me the magnifier from RadioShack(60x-100x) to see how the trics are doing and this is what i saw......

The pic was taken today day 42,Man the trics looks amazing with this little thingy, it trips me out how detail it captures everything. well what yall think, at what stage are them trics? how much longer yall think i got? can i borrow 2 cents??;-)

Thanks Everyone


Well-Known Member
Looking cool mate,i want to get a usb scope but have to wait a while yet,so many things to buy so little cash lol:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hello EVeryone, thanks in advance for stoppin by really appreciate it! Here are some pic of the grow @ day 45, the pics aint that great please bare with me, really hard tryin to take pics in complete dark!! lol
well here they are!!

can anyone see the 2 runts of ak-47???


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, feel relieve to know that everything is going right!! hubby is fixin up the grow room right now, makin it alot bigger, i'll post up some more pics later.


Active Member
do you have a light rail or some sort of light mover? best thing your money could buy, you can get the light closer and make your garden bigger without adding to your electric bill