who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)


Well-Known Member
Just went out bass fishing this weekend. All 3 of us got our limit. And I caught a 5 lb smallmouth so i was happy.


Well-Known Member
i grew up on a salmon troller off the coast of california. :blsmoke:
sweet :mrgreen: wat was it like crazy aas hell u get payed???makein bankk to get some:joint:hurb :).I ben transplanting fish to differnt places lol ben puting cat fish out of this pond in 1 side of the lake they go crazy over dog food at this pond.At that liek behind my house thir is a lot of differnt fish.Nothing at big as a salmon mabe a carp thir are some big carpin thier.
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Well-Known Member
its about 3 here in FL i am gonna wait till the sun eases up a bit, then its off to catch a keeper salt water speckled trout. My GF's brother is staying with us and loves to eat fresh fish so hopefully i can get my trout. It will be low tide by then so makes wading out to the flatt edges a little easier, then i plan on using live sardines that i net from my secret spot lol. So Ill post a pic if all goes well if not then i got one hell of a sunset to see. Lets hope I dont run into any Bull sharks;-)


Well-Known Member
I've been avoiding this thread. I love fish and fishing, but it's been so many years since that I've forgotten just how many. My poles are sitting under the house, in who knows (hubby does) what condition.
I like to "dip the worm" ... Yep Lots of lakes streams and rivers where i live .. I miss salt water fishing ...
There is LOTS of fishing up here in the Sierra, but I have only fished the eastern scarp, once, and I got farmed trout. I much prefer saltwater, but live hundreds of miles away (being in the Sierra and all). I used to fish all the time, every week at least, sometimes more, when I lived in San Diego. We'd fish fresh and salt, but I much prefer salties. I do get HELLA seasick, though! But ya know what? Chumming just brings more fish. 8)

I forgot to add that plastics are my favorite. :)
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Well-Known Member
FUCK YEA!!! shit i love fishing, i just got back from the quarry actually. I got a nice bass pro shop mega cast pole. Somebody actually owed me a little bit of money and now i have a nice selection of rapala lures, 3 nice poles, all types of jigs, spinners, and fake worms, minnows etc. But around here we got something called VHS. I hope we can keep it from spreading all across the USA. Its good to see other fishermen/women aboard the rollitup fam


Well-Known Member
I like going fishing but I don't like to fish I just like to go and check out the surroundings, catch bugs,pick flowers,tease rednecks.


Well-Known Member
FUCK YEA!!! shit i love fishing, i just got back from the quarry actually. I got a nice bass pro shop mega cast pole. Somebody actually owed me a little bit of money and now i have a nice selection of rapala lures, 3 nice poles, all types of jigs, spinners, and fake worms, minnows etc. But around here we got something called VHS. I hope we can keep it from spreading all across the USA. Its good to see other fishermen/women aboard the rollitup fam
I dont know for sure if its this virus but where I am all the carp are dying for some reason. The shores are lined with so many of them and the lake just stinks cause were in a heat wave.


Well-Known Member
good day and we ate very well. I dont usually keep my catch but I couldnt resist fresh speckeled sea trout:-) THE LARGER ONE MUST HAVE BEEN ATTACKED BY SOMETHING, IT WAS MISSING PART OF ITS TAIL AND YOU COULD TELL IT ESCAPED SOME PREDITOR.


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New Member
Haha. I lie fishing too but I also like to talk. :roll:Hubby says they don't go together well.:confused: and there are never enough marshmellows:hump:

LMAO...and tease rednecks......:lol::clap:

yeah I could see me doing that. :mrgreen:
I like going fishing but I don't like to fish I just like to go and check out the surroundings, catch bugs,pick flowers,tease rednecks.
I think it's a hamster.
Yep. You're right.
Its a teddybear hamster.
Awww cuute. :hug: