Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?


Alright so the cuttings are dead, I got some rooting gel that I will use next time instead of rooting liquid solution.

They are looking good except for the one on the left I can't figure her out, ever since it was sprouted it something always seemed off with her.



Well-Known Member
sorry about the cuttings, but you got some experience
and you've got some fine looking plants now, even the one that is a bit off
some plants are touchier than others, like some women, nothing is quite good enough


alright so here they are i think im gonna throw them into flower next week because they are moving to a new location.

repotted the girl on the right will repot the other 2 in a few days
Left one still mehhh, when I cut her I didnt cut as low as the other 2 just to see how that one would react. Anyways I want to cut again and plant but I am not sure where to cut I feel like its different the second time around. I went to the new growth the two new top thats branched out and looked above the node and its small i figured too small to plant? at least thats what I was told.. Can you plant the cuttings the second time around? feel free to school me

Heres where the left one was cut

and heres the new growth


Active Member
dude you got to stop watering so much and misting is really unnesasary. REALLY. i think your biggest problem is overtending. lol not to be a wise ass your severely overwatering still. they shoulf have grown twice as much in the time this thread..... or mine do anyhow. lol


Well-Known Member
things look pretty good - misting is one of those things some like to do, benefits seem small(from what i can tell)
but you might good luck with that branch you're pointing to - looks good to me
at least size wise, the leaf curl is less desirable, but worth a try


I lightly lightly mist but may stop that all together, not gonna bother cutting and planting just gonna throw these in flower next week, and hopefully have a veg room and start some from seed while these three are in flower.

dude you got to stop watering so much and misting is really unnesasary. REALLY. i think your biggest problem is overtending. lol not to be a wise ass your severely overwatering still. they shoulf have grown twice as much in the time this thread..... or mine do anyhow. lol
I think a bunch of mistakes were made when I first began and throughout my grow which contributed to stunting of growth, but hey thats where I learn. I currently do not think I overwater as i wait for the soil to dry up then water, and even then I do not do it until run off. I water until run off when repotting. I will check my little notebook and next time I update I will post the dates when watered. Off my head I feel like its once every 6-7 days

Edit: checked my book
April 15th
April 21st
April 25th
May 6th-- 1 1/2 solo cup left, 3 and 1/4 solo cup middle 3 1/4 solo cup right
May 10th-- 3 cups, 2 cups, 1 cup. I do the cups depending on dryness. and i will say i need to gain more confidence with amount watering and how much.
I only water until run off when repotting.


here they are i want to throw into flower asap but its just been difficult finding a new location. I am currently in a friends house lease is up and not moving into another house for another month. Worst comes to worst I will move them into a friends closet grow whose currently in flower which is probably what i am going to do.

Have a question for you folks-- his lights go on at 6pm off at 6am... My current 18/6 is 8pm on and 2pm off... Now obviously I need to do 12/12 for flower if I do the whole 36 hours of darkness before flower method starting at 2pm can i throw them in his flower at 6pm the next day with it being 30 hours of darkness instead of the 36? because I don't see any other way I can have it work for his light cycle.
