Everything I said pertains to the Civil Rights movement.
If I was denied service at a drug store to pick up much needed medication ..I was done harm
so my house is open to the public. People can come and go as they please right? Think for once.that private property is supposedly "open to the public".
It is not my definition, it is THE definition. You're the one trying to redefine it.your definition of harm as being purely physical is naively narrow.
says who? Are you saying what you want to purchase can only be made by one person? Thats silly.if i run a construction business and am denied service at the top shelf supply store because of the color of my skin and am thus forced to shop at the second hand supply store, than my business has been harmed.
Only you can insult right princessmore insults![]()
You dont even know the difference between a right and a privilege so I doubt you know what empirical means. Since you don't understand the topic why keep yapping?bigots have the right to be bigots UNTIL it infringes on the rights of others, which empirical evidence shows us was the case.
You didn't articulate, you made up some bullshit. YOU dont get to redefine what a right is in order to fit your blinded agenda. You cannot come up with one response to what Ive said. Up is down, left is right, in your world of using force to get what you want.notice how i articulated a rebuttal WITHOUT using insults? take a lesson.
Government caused the discrimination that you rail against, FACT Government uses force to violate the rights of one group in order to favor another group FACTdiscrimination caused harm. outlawing it via civil rights WORKED. historical fact.
I don't know what the green book is and I dont count on you to hear the truthful reason either. You make things up and you've been wrong to often, you use force to get what you want, why would I want to listen to you?riddle me this: when did they stop publishing the green book for negro travelers?![]()
Yes you are rewriting. You redefined rights. If I don't give you one of my cookies, according to you that is harming you. You're incorrect.i am not rewriting anything. you are the one trying to define harm as purely physical. i am reminding you that harm need not be purely physical.
Lead by example quit insulting others and expecting them to not do it. if you stop I will. You insult people who follow Ron Paul and expect us to ignore those insults. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.so stop insulting or i will simply delete your posts.
It is the use of force in the disregard of property rights. LOL! become informed and you wont be grasping at straws.pot smokers and interring the japanese has to do with civil rights?
keep grasping at straws.
So if you don't have money and the store wont give it to you, you are being harmed too then right?If I was denied service at a drug store to pick up much needed medication ..I was done harm
No one hopefully and I hope no one does it to you either. with all the shit I give you and UB I do not wish any harm on you two ever.Parker who the phuck is coming in your house taking your property ????
So if you don't have money and the store wont give it to you, you are being harmed too then right?
Dude I agree with you on that...I'm talking about public property doing interstate commerce...do you understand Title II of the Civil Rights Act ..hell have you even read the Civil Rights ACT ?????No one hopefully and I hope no one does it to you either. with all the shit I give you and UB I do not wish any harm on you two ever.
If the feds come in and take my plants they are taking my property. if anyone comes into my house uninvited they are abusing my property. The castle doctrine speaks about defending property.
so my house is open to the public. People can come and go as they please right? Think for once.
It is not my definition, it is THE definition. You're the one trying to redefine it.
says who? Are you saying what you want to purchase can only be made by one person? Thats silly.
Only you can insult right princess![]()
You dont even know the difference between a right and a privilege so I doubt you know what empirical means. Since you don't understand the topic why keep yapping?
Government caused the discrimination that you rail against, FACT Government uses force to violate the rights of one group in order to favor another group FACT
I don't know what the green book is and I dont count on you to hear the truthful reason either. You make things up and you've been wrong to often, you use force to get what you want, why would I want to listen to you?
Yes you are rewriting. You redefined rights. If I don't give you one of my cookies, according to you that is harming you. You're incorrect.
Lead by example quit insulting others and expecting them to not do it. if you stop I will. You insult people who follow Ron Paul and expect us to ignore those insults. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
agreed lol actually mental harassment can be considered harm too.according to parker, the only way to harm you is to cause you physical harm. so unless they punched you in the face when you tried to pick up your athlete's foot treatment, stop crying, you baby!
So if you don't have money and the store wont give it to you, you are being harmed too then right?
I answered his hypothetical question with a related hypothetical question. How is that making shit up? You react to much to me instead of the posts. You have a thing about me don't you.why are you purposely making up shit that has nothing to do with the argument?
agreed lol actually mental harassment can be considered harm too.
obviously if a restaurant doesn't want to serve a segment of society they are not advertising being open to the public.do you advertise your house as "open to the public" in the same fashion that a restaurant or gas station does?
an insult wahhhhhh lolthink for once.
I mentioned mental harassment in another post.physical harm is not the only definition of harm. go gat a dictionary and tell me what it says.
Make what you need or buy it elsewhere. Quit trying to say there is only one place to get that product.ok, so since i am not allowed to buy construction supplies for my business, i can just get someone else to do it for me? what the fuck are you trying to get at?
understood you get to make the rules about how many times you can insult someone. Like I said you're a control freak. You insult followers of Ron Paul often, saying otherwise is dishonest especially with all your posts that do it. Bcause my insults are better or hit home harder you're mad?? Dont be jealous.besides saying "fuck you" one time for your repeated attempt at rewriting/denying history, i have not insulted you once.
you do it repeatedly.
again I already answered that, Why ask if you dont read the postagain, i have the right to swing my fist. do i still have that right when your face is in the way?
wrong again. The Feds put Japanese Americans in camps during WW2. The Feds also made quotas which favored a group based on appearance not on accomplishment.state governments helped cause the discrimination, fed gov stepped in and stopped it. they did not favor one group over another, they leveled the field for all groups.
you have no facts, just incorrect definitions you make up and expect others to buy into your little world.get your facts straight and quit repeating talking points that i have rebutted several times over. it gets tiresome.
why would I care to research it? It means little to me. Because you say so it means something to me?the green book for negro travelers was a guide that helped blacks find gas stations that wouldn't charge them double, hotels that would actually let them rest their heads for the night, and the like.
they didn't need to keep publishing it after civil rights passed. you can verify this account with the slightest of research.
why becasue you say so? Once again you tell others what they really mean because YOU think you know what others think better than they do. You keep making the same mistakes repeatedly.this cookie example is dishonest and you know it.
there is nothing wrong with wanting to be treated the same as others. using force to get it is wrong. Many people today still have to face that same issue. It's not just about skin color or sex, it's also about religion and economic differences.wanting to be treated the same as the next guy even though my skin may not be the same color is not asking for a cookie.
You're the one who doesnt understand. You claim you are against harming people yet you use force to get what you want. You agree with fining people and throwing them in jail using force even though those peoples rights have not been violated. Only reason is you disagree with them as well a don't understand what a right is. YOU don't get to redefine rights.you do not have the right to cause harm to others, that is where rights END.
what part of this do you not understand?
I bolded it for you in this post. You either aren't very bright or you think others are not. Either way you're wrong.show me all these insults.
It's mean but doesn't cause harm. Harm means physical not ruffle someones feathers. That's why I mentioned how mental harassment can turn into physical harm.how about denying someone service based on the color of their skin?
Make what you need or buy it elsewhere. Quit trying to say there is only one place to get that product.
It's mean but doesn't cause harm.