Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

I give up for now ...off to play Madden or something

me too, need to go make a delivery to a customer.

it would tickle parker to know that my customer is black and that i don't charge him any different than any other customer.

but if i did charge him double and give him inferior product, i am glad to know that parker would say that i am not causing him any harm in any way.
not a whole lot.

but are you trying to argue that segregation and denial of service did not cause harm to blacks in the days before civil rights?

that seems to be what you are doing. i'm not sure why you would try to showcase a lack of historical knowledge in such a way.

blacks were left with inferior selection or were forced to pay twice as much for the same product.

i don't get why an otherwise intelligent person would try to take this hill.
Well of course that isn't my position, don't try to pigeon hole me in that manner. The reason they were treated that way wasn't really because of peoples racism, it was because that was the law. Nearly 100 years of law does not soon go away my friend, many many people were completely brainwashed to believe that blacks were inferior, it was the way it was for longer than anyone could remember. So the law FORCED them to deal unfairly with blacks and the LAW forced people to treat and see blacks in a inferior manner. So now the Jim Crow laws were just as unconstitutional as the civil rights act was, two wrongs making a right I guess. Why do we have these laws today? If we repealed the civil rights act do you honestly think it would revert back to the Jim Crow days? Or do you think it would probably continue on mostly unchanged? there would probably be SOME racism, but there is that right here right now, the racist person just has to justify it by another means. I could deny my goods to as many black people as I wanted (BTW my oldest stepson is half black, just like the current president) and say that I had checked their credit and found it to be lacking as my reason for denial. Happens everyday I bet , somewhere. WOULD I do such a thing? Hell no, i have no problem with any other human being on earth, Don't care what religion you are, what color, what kind of hair you have, what kind of car you have, what kind of clothes you wear. As long as you treat me with respect you can be assured of the same treatment back to you. It would also make little business sense to restrict your market like that, I would assume even the most most racist people would at least tolerate black's business.

The Idea that laws help change minds and attitudes for the better has some merit, but I think a information campaign would be a much better use of the Taxpayer money, instead of thugs with guns enforcing your ideas. Like Cigarettes, alot of people have quit smoking of their own volition simply because they have become educated on the damage smoking does, most of the education came from the public sphere of influence, attitudes started changing and then people started quitting. Change minds, not force ideals.
me too, need to go make a delivery to a customer.

it would tickle parker to know that my customer is black and that i don't charge him any different than any other customer.

but if i did charge him double and give him inferior product, i am glad to know that parker would say that i am not causing him any harm in any way.
In today's world he wouldn't be your customer if you did that, not as many racist people as there were then, they would sell high quality at the correct market price. So in essence, racism does do damage, to the racist.
What if i tell you that I won't do business with you just because i don't want to? Guess what? you gonna have to shop somewhere else. Now what harm came to you?

So this chinese guy goes into a bar and says to the bartender who happens to be black
"Hey Nig give me a jig"
Bartender says?
"what did you just say motherfucker?"
Chinese guys says
"hey nig dont be a prig and give me a jig"
Bartender takes a breath and says to the guy
"look that aint nice, come on back here and see what its like"
So the Chinese guy goes in back of the bar and the black guy says
"HEY CHINK Give me a fucking drink"
Chinese guy says
"Sorry we dont serve niggers here"

its real funny until
A minority doesnt get a place to live where he wants to live because of racism
The car dealership charges a minority more in interest on a loan becuase they are a minority
The bank not only charges more interest but redlines whole neighborhoods where they wont loan money for anything (makes it nice to drive prices down for redevelopment later)
A business wont hire a qualified minority because of their skin color not their experience skill or references

Ron Paul is a racist. He cant walk that back with pretty illiogical and hypocritical rationalizations about "individual rights vs. collective rights"
and if you forgive Ron Paul for that kind of morality then it comes into question what kind of morality you have.
Everyone of us is racist. The best of us rise above it.
Ron Paul never rose above it. He just masks it and not too skillfully either
Why do we have these laws today? If we repealed the civil rights act do you honestly think it would revert back to the Jim Crow days?

Yes becuase there would be no repercussions in the private sector for acting as such. On top of that I firmly believe states like Utah where blacks are seen as the sons of Cain It would happen in weeks. Idaho and South Dakota maybe months.
like i said, it dont matter who wins, if it aint RP, this country will keep getting fucked by huge corporations and the puppets they control in office

Ron Paul is a corporations best freind. We have inadequate regulations keeping corporations in check as it is. Ron Paul advocates not only deregulating everything. But getting rid of the departments that act as watchdogs.
And you are a college student? Are you under 26 years of age? if you are ask your parents to put you on their insurance. And you will be covered. Under their plan.
the holder memo made exceptions for those following state laws.

last time i checked, there are still a shitload of people not following state laws.


Kind of weird people say Obama is going back on his word. But if you look at the Dispensary busts. They seem to raid some and not the others? I seem to recall they have 2 dispensarys right across the street from each other and they only busted one. Seems to me like some dispensarys dont give a fuck about medical marijuana and are using cover of law fraudelently to conduct an ongoing criminal enterprise.
So this chinese guy goes into a bar and says to the bartender who happens to be black
"Hey Nig give me a jig"
Bartender says?
"what did you just say motherfucker?"
Chinese guys says
"hey nig dont be a prig and give me a jig"
Bartender takes a breath and says to the guy
"look that aint nice, come on back here and see what its like"
So the Chinese guy goes in back of the bar and the black guy says
"HEY CHINK Give me a fucking drink"
Chinese guy says
"Sorry we dont serve niggers here"

its real funny until
A minority doesnt get a place to live where he wants to live because of racism
The car dealership charges a minority more in interest on a loan becuase they are a minority
The bank not only charges more interest but redlines whole neighborhoods where they wont loan money for anything (makes it nice to drive prices down for redevelopment later)
A business wont hire a qualified minority because of their skin color not their experience skill or references

Ron Paul is a racist. He cant walk that back with pretty illiogical and hypocritical rationalizations about "individual rights vs. collective rights"
and if you forgive Ron Paul for that kind of morality then it comes into question what kind of morality you have.
Everyone of us is racist. The best of us rise above it.
Ron Paul never rose above it. He just masks it and not too skillfully either
LOL Ron Paul has written 9 books, why don't you find a single racist statement in them if he is such a hater? Guess how many were Times best sellers? His first one came out in 1981, 4 of the books are from the same time period as the newsletters, yet....there is nothing to verify him as racist, not even a little bit. Guy must be one hell of a man to be a congressman, a Doctor, a newsletter writer and a prolific author all at the same time. One could only hope to accomplish even a smattering of what he has would be considered a great success. The guy is like a machine, albeit not the corporate sponsored droid like Romney.
LOL Ron Paul has written 9 books, why don't you find a single racist statement in them if he is such a hater? Guess how many were times best sellers?

But one of Paul's own books, published solely under his name, contains several passages that could be problematic as he attempts to push his libertarian message into the political mainstream.
In his 1987 manifesto "Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years," Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the rights of minorities and argued that people who are sexually harassed at work should quit their jobs.

But one of Paul's own books, published solely under his name, contains several passages that could be problematic as he attempts to push his libertarian message into the political mainstream.
In his 1987 manifesto "Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years," Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the rights of minorities and argued that people who are sexually harassed at work should quit their jobs.

In 1987 AIDS was predominately a disease only Gay males got. There were some tainted blood supplies, but he wasn't referencing that. AIDS is completely different now.

BTW do you have an actual quote of Ron Paul's or are you going to rely on someone elses subjective view to tell you what he wrote? He never said any of those things, perhaps you should read the book. I could pull subjective quotes all day from these forums to make you look like an imbecile if i wanted, its fucking easy, just the other day i made Dan Kone look like a hateful racist. Just had to leave out "Selected" bits.
In 1987 AIDS was predominately a disease only Gay males got. There were some tainted blood supplies, but he wasn't referencing that. AIDS is completely different now.

BTW do you have an actual quote of Ron Paul's or are you going to rely on someone elses subjective view to tell you what he wrote?

Well ok
You will never accept anything negative about Ron Paul. I can see that. And if you do actually agree he wrote it you will try to spin it as something else or in a positive light.

Also for some reason the population of Hemophiliacs decreased worldwide at the time becuase of aids. I am pretty sure being a hemophiliac doesnt gaurantee you are gay
Well ok
You will never accept anything negative about Ron Paul. I can see that. And if you do actually agree he wrote it you will try to spin it as something else or in a positive light.

Also for some reason the population of Hemophiliacs decreased worldwide at the time because of aids. I am pretty sure being a hemophiliac doesnt gaurantee you are gay
I will completely and totally accept negative views about Ron Paul as long as they are truthful, not made up bullshit pulled out of context and glued together to make the man look bad.

Dude, you should learn to read, I didn't say ALL AIDS patients were gay now did I? I SPECIFICALLY said some blood supplies were tainted didn't I??? You don't suppose Hemophiliacs got their blood from the blood supply do you? yeah that's fucking right, you made it to the "Dumb as shit "list again.
Yes becuase there would be no repercussions in the private sector for acting as such. On top of that I firmly believe states like Utah where blacks are seen as the sons of Cain It would happen in weeks. Idaho and South Dakota maybe months.

Post #246

If Civil rights were repealed everyone would become racist in a couple of months! You are hereby crowned "Dumbest of the Dumb as shit people" wear your crown proudly!
Post #246

If Civil rights were repealed everyone would become racist in a couple of months! You are hereby crowned "Dumbest of the Dumb as shit people" wear your crown proudly!

I said states Like Utah. Which is majority Mormon.
I have posted a link to the source material
Here it is again

I believe Carne Seca is a mormon maybe he can tell you about Mormons and their treatment of blacks. In the meantime here is some passages from the book of mormon

Alma 3: 6 "And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men."

This same racist approach to people of color was the basis for denying people of African descent from partaking of priesthood blessings, a clear indication of which was their dark skin. According to the church the dark skin was a mark placed upon Cain and his posterity so they would not be killed. (Gen. 4: 15)