Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
So Carne
I am correct that the Mormon church has a history of institutional Racism which existed until 1978
And the admission to Priesthood for blacks that came about was due to revelations to church leaders from God
and had nothing to do with the US goverment threatening to take away their tax free status nor anything to do with the NCAA Threatening to kick them out of the league
Once again, I have yet to find a satisfactory explanation for the ban. I have a HUGE problem with it. And once again, it was not the only church practicing some form of discrimination. Doesn't make it right. It really pisses me off. Just like the church getting involved in prop. 8 in California. If you expect me to defend the position of the church before 1978, you are going to be very disappointed. That's why I stick around. Change comes from the inside.
Now, why don't you be fair and bring up the racist policies of most churches across the nation before the Civil Rights Act.