Who is on Suboxone

Never took suboxone when I was detoxing. At the time I was 17 going through 10 & 15 mg oxys 4-5 times a day. One day I woke up with thee worst anxiety of my life. Thinking back I'm sure it was Serotonin syndrome but not completely sure. Was diagnosed with GAD, was prescribed 120 0.5mg alprazolam for about a year. Took about half and started to see a change in my anxiety/panics. All of this was done cold turkey. No help,no meds, no nothing. The meds I was prescribed above wasn't until 30days after my initial withdrawal. Now currently I'm on hydroxyzine 50mg, taking 150mg a day. Helps sometimes, works better when paired with CBD & minimal THC. Currently growing some bagseeds for RSO. Got my hands on some Mephisto gear & High CBD strains/20:1 some 30:1 . Glad you found some help though mate. Getting by in life without opoids suck. Cheers
That's what I'm supposed to do is 150 mg hydroxyzine a day but I only take it once in the morning. All my meds I take is once in the morning. Except cannabis. 10 times a day.
Was on xanex for 4 years prescription from doctor. Till I fucked that one up. 5 or 6 year's ago. Benzos are like alcohol.but can kill you if you go cold turkey.
Never really got addicted to benzos, didn't like the feel of them. Did improve some aspects of life but never really needed them. The hydroxyzine is good enough, was talking to my DR about buspirone and see about the fuss with its Anxiolytic properties.
It's been a life saver for me. Been on them for two years now. Two years clean from opiates other than my own Suboxone. No one else is meds. 1 year clean from all benzos which has been a long ten plus years very heavy use. Two and half since last drink alcohol. It's pretty much been since 2013 since I drank. Got my self in a mess of trouble 2 DUIs in one year 8 months apart. Went to jail for a month.
Hey grow 24/7

Was on Sub for yrs worked great but I have to tell you the withdraw is the worst by far I have ever experienced and the chills (especially in the morning) go on for a good 8 months after. I had to take a 3 month leave from work, once you get below 2 milligrams shit gets real. Just smoke weed all day man and it is manageable to ween off imo. Not trying to discourage you dude, just want you to honestly know what it’s like when you come off, so you don’t set your self up for failure when you do decide to taper down.
Hey grow 24/7

Was on Sub for yrs worked great but I have to tell you the withdraw is the worst by far I have ever experienced and the chills (especially in the morning) go on for a good 8 months after. I had to take a 3 month leave from work, once you get below 2 milligrams shit gets real. Just smoke weed all day man and it is manageable to ween off imo. Not trying to discourage you dude, just want you to honestly know what it’s like when you come off, so you don’t set your self up for failure when you do decide to taper down.
I know what Suboxone withdrawal is all about. Went cold turkey off them 3 year's ago. Very very worst experience. Hallucinating and lot of other bad things on day with out them. Fuck 8 months not feeling right from you, dam it.
Hey grow 24/7

Was on Sub for yrs worked great but I have to tell you the withdraw is the worst by far I have ever experienced and the chills (especially in the morning) go on for a good 8 months after. I had to take a 3 month leave from work, once you get below 2 milligrams shit gets real. Just smoke weed all day man and it is manageable to ween off imo. Not trying to discourage you dude, just want you to honestly know what it’s like when you come off, so you don’t set your self up for failure when you do decide to taper down.
Codster25 what made you decide to be off Suboxone?
My life is stable. Since I've been on Suboxone. I got my driver's licence back, never thought that would ever happen. Being a licensed driver. Lucky I didn't get stopped while driving with out licence for 4 years. 100% out Dept. Was in 6 grand in Dept 2 years ago. Quit benzos 100% . 1 year clean from them. Stopped talking to bad people. At least people that use opiates rec. Haven't had a drink of alcohol 2 and half years. No sick days from work, aka missed work which used to happen bi-weekly. Custdy of my two kids. Mom's a fuck up. She went to jail for child neglect one month after I started Suboxone. I go hiking 3 or 4 days a week. I've learned healthy copping skills. I eat way better. No more live in on top ramen diet. Seriously when I was using. Top ramen was dinner. My health has to be better. I feel good every day. No pain issue. I used to race motocross so I've had my fair share of injuries. Broken ankle 2006 is we're opiates all started in my life. Been in love with them since my first prescription of percacet. Oxycodone. My life is awesome on Suboxone.
Like half the US I was highly addicted to Norco. My doc subscribed me 240 10s a month. In the end I was snorting 20 10's a day. I had to detox the real hard way, in jail. Now I rely on cannabis solly for pain (need total knee replacement) and other issues including anxiety and depression. Never gonna stop taking sonoxone? You sure?
Not for at least a couple years. I've seriously thought about it. But I know with out opiates in my blood I'm not going to feel okay. I would have to have no responsibilitys for at least 1 month in order to quit Suboxone. Which can no way happen right now in my life. I like my life right now. Suboxone is made my life a lot easier. I sleep good, 8 hours a night+. Eat way better, healthier foods. I care for my self. I just go with life now. Take my meds in the morning. I used to be on sleep meds. Trazodone no more. Just Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine and Suboxone
One time a day. Every morning.
Yes I'm glad your off the killer's. If it's working for you keep on it. Or go to jail for a month or 2 like I did.lol Not recommend! There are subs for sale everywhere around here from $5 to $20+. My boy in prison says there the hot commodity up to $300 a strip. (Michigan) Stay off the killers bro. Peace
I remember life before Suboxone. Never again. I plan on staying on them for a long time for sure. My life is going to good to be true, right now. I'm lonely is my only complaint right now. O well. I'm not dope sick or broke on cash now in my life. Relationships are tuff when going through recovery. I'm super selfish now. Better to love my self. Than to hate myself. Stay sober. It's tuff finding a woman that does not drink alcohol or uses drugs. Weed only.
Yes I'm glad your off the killer's. If it's working for you keep on it. Or go to jail for a month or 2 like I did.lol Not recommend! There are subs for sale everywhere around here from $5 to $20+. My boy in prison says there the hot commodity up to $300 a strip. (Michigan) Stay off the killers bro. Peace
Jail is what helped me quit. Alcohol. I was a heavy beer drinker. 10 or 12 bottles of Redhook IPA every day.
You detoxed on opiates in jail. Is what I thought. Shit that would suck. Your not going to be able to die at least. Sure would feel like you were dieing I bet. That would hurt.
Yes I'm glad your off the killer's. If it's working for you keep on it. Or go to jail for a month or 2 like I did.lol Not recommend! There are subs for sale everywhere around here from $5 to $20+. My boy in prison says there the hot commodity up to $300 a strip. (Michigan) Stay off the killers bro. Peace
They are the currency for jails in Aus, have bulk strips u got protection