Who knew that rich, private aircraft owners were the real victims of homelessness in California?

With all the government created stimulus money inflation, it will be harder for old people on fixed incomes to pay the onerous and oxymoronic "property tax" on their homes. In addition to killing Grandma with the covid insanity, now the government is creating other possibilities of making granny homeless. For shame.

Sure hope Bruce Jen, err, "Caitlyn" has thought about that.

I can't even look at that thing. I could care less what other people do or what they are, or what they want to be.

But jenner is just hideous. All these celebrity freaks and their plastic surgery. Can't they look in the mirror and see how disgusting they look after having their faces sliced and diced for years?

And the kardashians? Why do people give a damn about their lives and what they do. The only thing those skanks have ever done was get silicone implants and botox injections. They're just nasty. I'd whack my pud for the rest of my life before I'd touch any of them. I find them to be quite grotesque.
I can't even look at that thing. I could care less what other people do or what they are, or what they want to be.

But jenner is just hideous. All these celebrity freaks and their plastic surgery. Can't they look in the mirror and see how disgusting they look after having their faces sliced and diced for years?

And the kardashians? Why do people give a damn about their lives and what they do. The only thing those skanks have ever done was get silicone implants and botox injections. They're just nasty. I'd whack my pud for the rest of my life before I'd touch any of them. I find them to be quite grotesque.

"I could care less (but people who aren't like me are disgusting}."

"I could care less (but people who aren't like me are disgusting}."

I don't care about jenner being transgender. He's an arrogant prick that's why I don't like him. That and anyone that hacks up their face because they are so vain is an idiot. A bunch of self centered, self entitled, holier than thou, pieces of garbage.

He caused an accident that killed a woman and paid his way out of it with aan $800,000 settlement. Apparently him not paying attention and rear ending another car was deemed to be not negligent. Just another asshole that can buy his way out of something you and I would be charged for.

Yes he's disgusting. Anyone that drives a vehicle, doesn't pay attention, causes a traffic accident, kills someone is disgusting in my book. Yet he's still driving around in his SUV like he owns the road.
I don't care about jenner being transgender. He's an arrogant prick that's why I don't like him. That and anyone that hacks up their face because they are so vain is an idiot. A bunch of self centered, self entitled, holier than thou, pieces of garbage.

He caused an accident that killed a woman and paid his way out of it with aan $800,000 settlement. Apparently him not paying attention and rear ending another car was deemed to be not negligent. Just another asshole that can buy his way out of something you and I would be charged for.

Yes he's disgusting. Anyone that drives a vehicle, doesn't pay attention, causes a traffic accident, kills someone is disgusting in my book. Yet he's still driving around in his SUV like he owns the road.
How long should Tiger Woods serve for running off the road?
I don't care about jenner being transgender. He's an arrogant prick that's why I don't like him. That and anyone that hacks up their face because they are so vain is an idiot. A bunch of self centered, self entitled, holier than thou, pieces of garbage.

He caused an accident that killed a woman and paid his way out of it with aan $800,000 settlement. Apparently him not paying attention and rear ending another car was deemed to be not negligent. Just another asshole that can buy his way out of something you and I would be charged for.

Yes he's disgusting. Anyone that drives a vehicle, doesn't pay attention, causes a traffic accident, kills someone is disgusting in my book. Yet he's still driving around in his SUV like he owns the road.
Explain why I should think Jenner is disgusting?

If you can't, then please explain why your feelz are any more important than Jenner's feelz.
How long should Tiger Woods serve for running off the road?

That guy has had more than one incident and he keeps getting away with it. He's a pig as well. Slime bag. Sleeping with hookers and pornstars when he had a beautiful wife at home. If he wanted to fool around with other women then he should have gotten a divorce. I could care less how much money he has or how good a golfer he is. He's a piece of garbage and I don't understand why people idolize these people.
Explain why I should think Jenner is disgusting?

If you can't, then please explain why your feelz are any more important than Jenner's feelz.

You can think anything you want. You don't need an explanation from me.

I think jenner is a disgusting piece of garbage. Explain why I shouldn't think that.

What are jenners redeeming qualities? What has he done for anyone but himself? He's just another greedy me me me asshole like donald trump.
You can think anything you want. You don't need an explanation from me.

I think jenner is a disgusting piece of garbage. Explain why I shouldn't think that.

What are jenners redeeming qualities? What has he done for anyone but himself? He's just another greedy me me me asshole like donald trump.
Jenner is a human being who is dealing with issues that I've never dealt with. I'm not judging her. You are but you can't say why.

Were I to Iive in CA, would I want her as gov.? Hell no. Not because you say she's disgusting, but because she has no experience in political office and hasn't said anything to indicate she will be better than McGowan.

Is it her sex change that bothers you? Jenner is a she, by the way.
Jenner is a human being who is dealing with issues that I've never dealt with. I'm not judging her. You are but you can't say why.

Were I to Iive in CA, would I want her as gov.? Hell no. Not because you say she's disgusting, but because she has no experience in political office and hasn't said anything to indicate she will be better than McGowan.

Is it her sex change that bothers you? Jenner is a she, by the way.

I already said the sex change is not the reason. I could care less about that.

He caused a traffic accident that killed a lady. Even though he was cleared by the local DA who probably runs in the same circles as jenner he was negligent. If you rear end someone it's because you're not paying attention to your driving. Anyone that doesn't focus solely on their driving is a piece of garbage. He was probably yacking on a cell phone making reservations at Le Im Better Than You instead of watching the road and it cost a woman her life.

Then he blamed the Papparazi claiming they were trying to take pictures. So the idiot drove reckless and killed a woman because he didn't want his picture taken. Oh wait, someone pulled some strings at the DA's office and he was found not to be at fault. Go rear end someone and claim someone was trying to take a picture of you and see how far that gets you. Different rules for different folks and people like jenner think that's the way it should be. He's pure scum. A killer walking free.
I already said the sex change is not the reason. I could care less about that.

He caused a traffic accident that killed a lady. Even though he was cleared by the local DA who probably runs in the same circles as jenner he was negligent. If you rear end someone it's because you're not paying attention to your driving. Anyone that doesn't focus solely on their driving is a piece of garbage. He was probably yacking on a cell phone making reservations at Le Im Better Than You instead of watching the road and it cost a woman her life.

Then he blamed the Papparazi claiming they were trying to take pictures. So the idiot drove reckless and killed a woman because he didn't want his picture taken. Oh wait, someone pulled some strings at the DA's office and he was found not to be at fault. Go rear end someone and claim someone was trying to take a picture of you and see how far that gets you. Different rules for different folks and people like jenner think that's the way it should be. He's pure scum. A killer walking free.
Jenner is a she. It doesn't matter how you feel about her.

Come on man, you keep calling Jenner a he and I'm pretty sure you know why that disrespects her.

Regarding the accident. People have them. Their insurance company handles it. Does that make everybody who has an accident a monster? In any case, if you want to hate on Jenner because she made a bad choice, it's no skin of my nose. Go for it. But from your deliberate disrespect for Jenner's gender, it's not much of a reach to think you are not being genuine over that. You are a social conservative who hates on people who aren't like you.
I don't care about jenner being transgender. He's an arrogant prick that's why I don't like him. That and anyone that hacks up their face because they are so vain is an idiot. A bunch of self centered, self entitled, holier than thou, pieces of garbage.

He caused an accident that killed a woman and paid his way out of it with aan $800,000 settlement. Apparently him not paying attention and rear ending another car was deemed to be not negligent. Just another asshole that can buy his way out of something you and I would be charged for.

Yes he's disgusting. Anyone that drives a vehicle, doesn't pay attention, causes a traffic accident, kills someone is disgusting in my book. Yet he's still driving around in his SUV like he owns the road.
You keep referring her to as “he”. That sounds like a bias to me.
Jenner is a she. It doesn't matter how you feel about her.

Come on man, you keep calling Jenner a he and I'm pretty sure you know why that disrespects her.

Regarding the accident. People have them. Their insurance company handles it. Does that make everybody who has an accident a monster? In any case, if you want to hate on Jenner because she made a bad choice, it's no skin of my nose. Go for it. But from your deliberate disrespect for Jenner's gender, it's not much of a reach to think you are not being genuine over that. You are a social conservative who hates on people who aren't like you.

Nobody's like me so I guess I hate everybody.

Yes I called jenner a he. To me that's what he'll always be. It doesn't mean that I care or hate him for snipping off his junk. I do hate him for supporting trump. There are plenty of reasons to hate the guy other than being the homophobe you're trying to make me out to be. I have numerous Gay friends that I've hiked with, met for drinks after work, etc... I've even been to a Gay wedding. I used to go dancing with a couple Lesbian friends of mine. We always had a great time. The reason you think I hate jenner doesn't exist anywhere but in your own mind.
You keep referring her to as “he”. That sounds like a bias to me.

You guys can think what you want. I don't hate Transgender people but I will always refer to a person as the sex they were born as at birth. A couple operations do not change what you were born as. Human manipulation with medical procedures and drugs might change your appearance but born a boy, born a girl, born a hermaphrodite, that's what you are.