Who knew that rich, private aircraft owners were the real victims of homelessness in California?

I haven't been called a racist lately but now I'm a homophobe.
No, you're just ignorant.

You base everything on what you THINK and your OPINION rather than trying to use some empathy and learn.

For all we know, Bruce Jenner wanted to be a girl his entire life. Everything he did was alien to him, but it's what his parents, people like you, shoved down his throat.

Only when he got older and wealthy did he decide to be who he felt he was all along.

Transgenders are a very rare breed of human. To hear Fox News tell it, we're suddenly inundated with them and they're a threat to society. Truth is, they're very, very rare. They're .6% of the population of the United States.

Basically, you'd have to walk past around 10000 people at random to encounter a single one, and odds are you wouldn't know them when you saw them.

That's why people are jumping on your ass.
Nobody's like me so I guess I hate everybody.

Yes I called jenner a he. To me that's what he'll always be. It doesn't mean that I care or hate him for snipping off his junk. I do hate him for supporting trump. There are plenty of reasons to hate the guy other than being the homophobe you're trying to make me out to be. I have numerous Gay friends that I've hiked with, met for drinks after work, etc... I've even been to a Gay wedding. I used to go dancing with a couple Lesbian friends of mine. We always had a great time. The reason you think I hate jenner doesn't exist anywhere but in your own mind.
Wait Jenner snipped it off? Fuck I didn't know that. Well now I don't like her at all.
No, you're just ignorant.

You base everything on what you THINK and your OPINION rather than trying to use some empathy and learn.

For all we know, Bruce Jenner wanted to be a girl his entire life. Everything he did was alien to him, but it's what his parents, people like you, shoved down his throat.

Only when he got older and wealthy did he decide to be who he felt he was all along.

Transgenders are a very rare breed of human. To hear Fox News tell it, we're suddenly inundated with them and they're a threat to society. Truth is, they're very, very rare. They're .6% of the population of the United States.

Basically, you'd have to walk past around 10000 people at random to encounter a single one, and odds are you wouldn't know them when you saw them.

That's why people are jumping on your ass.

Nobody's jumping on my ass. They might think they are but I don't see it that way. You know the thing about opinions is everyone has one. Everyone thinks their opinion is right. It's always been that way and always will. I don't let others opinions sway me in the least. I disagree just like you disagree with me. My life still goes on the same so it's really not anything to me.

I'll eat dinner tonight, have a couple beers, smoke a bowl, have sex with my lady who by the way was born female, and go to sleep. I'll wake up tomorrow with the same opinions I had when I woke up today. And continue to live my life the way I live it. Call people what I want. Walk around naked if I want. Pick my nose if I want. Say what I want. Do what I want. See where I'm going.

And you and everyone else is free to do the same.
Seriously. How completely out of touch with reality do you have to be to spew some crap like this?

Caitlyn Jenner: for the RICH people.
I wonder if her "hangar friend" is akin to Individual 1's "friend", "Jim", who says "Paris is no longer Paris"? If so, I'd like to see 10 million more get his courage and leave the state. Texas is calling, they'd welcome Jenner, I'm sure of it.
I wonder if her "hangar friend" is akin to Individual 1's "friend", "Jim", who says "Paris is no longer Paris"? If so, I'd like to see 10 million more get his courage and leave the state. Texas is calling, they'd welcome Jenner, I'm sure of it.

I can't stop laughing. Texas. Too funny.
To be fair, it does suck when you get new hanger neighbours. Sometimes they come from new money.

That guy has had more than one incident and he keeps getting away with it. He's a pig as well. Slime bag. Sleeping with hookers and pornstars when he had a beautiful wife at home. If he wanted to fool around with other women then he should have gotten a divorce. I could care less how much money he has or how good a golfer he is. He's a piece of garbage and I don't understand why people idolize these people.
sorry he hurt your feelings
I'm not homophobic. It's behaviour denotes the respect it gets.
I don't live in CA and so have no vote on the matter. Completely agree with anybody who wants to say something in objection to what she has done or said. But homophobic rants and disrespecting Jenner over her gender goes beyond something specific about to what she's done and drifts into hate speech is something altogether different.

I don't like Kanye West's political ideology and his stance on women's rights, especially abortion I find objectionable. Does that give me license to launch a racist rant and use the n word? Maybe you would but I think it's out of bounds.

If X had stuck to objecting to her accident, I already said it's not something I care about but no skin off my nose. It's when he started disrespecting her gender that I started giving him a bad time.

You, on the other hand, maybe you are comfortable with homophobia, gay bashing and all of that. If you are like that, then it's completely understandable that you don't get my drift. Not that it would be OK. It's time to end the hate speech.