On a more serious note, out of threats to my health and safety, I am not concerned so much about 2012 than about whats going on in Canada and the world with regards to Codex Alimentarius.
If you are not aware of it, look it up, as it is very real. It is a set of food restrictions that will go into effect December 2009 and is projected to reach worldwide implementation by 2012 (interestingly enough, considering the thread topic).
Said code will ban the use of all generic vitamins and minerals (with the exception of a small few) and deem them illegal narcotics. Vitamin C, D, Gingo Biloba, all illegal. What the Codex board decides to keep they will restrict the dosage to 1/100th of the dose required to have any positive effect (making these drugs useless).
The code also will require seven of the twelve pesticides banned by the UN in 1994 to be re-implemented and used widespread on all crops. It will require all livestock (beef, poultry) be injected with Monsantos' rGBH, a growth hormone to stimulate milk, egg, and bodymass production.
It is said that the effects of these codes will result in the death of 4 BILLION people, most in third world countries, from starvation, cancers, and ill-nutrition.
This concerns me a hell of a lot more than of a suspected 2012 doomsday as predicted by pagans thousands of years ago.