Who knows of 2012,

ive been doing a lot of searching... it no where does it say the mayans set it to be the "end of the world" they just call it the "New Beginning". The world will not end.. But change.
maybe 2012 will be the year we begin space travel. colonies in space and travel outside our galaxy, which sounds impossible now that i think about it but it could happen! :blsmoke:

can you imagine the change in life that will cause?
sounds like a new beginning to me.
well theres a lot of ppl who believe that reptiles rule the world 4m a 4th dimension nd i think in 2012 the "net" (stoping us 4m seein 4 th dimension) will shut down and we wil see them, these ppl also believe that is what acid is here on earth 4... wen cumin dwn off acid a lot of ppl see reptiles (they think acid alows u 2 see the 4th dimension) i know all this bcz my nebour is 1 nd its quite interesting to listen to!!
Celestine Prophecy would be a good read for many of you. After reading that book I feel we are getting closer and closer to that kind of consiouness...

Technology is progressing exponentially... Think of the world just 100 years ago and how EXTREMELY different it is, what will the next 100 years bring. WE are slaves to technology and earths resources what next?

Using our own resources, our mind... expanding it.

I cant wait to see
people think that reptiles want us 2 have nukes and not be able to control evrything, its quite interesting if u can get it explained properly to you!! suposedly nothing is real and the reptiles use their technology to make us see and feel evrything.. if its true it means they created my best friend mary jane!! she makes me happy! :D
Like the matrix? I've read a little about this. but why reptiles though... why not fluffy, rainbow-colored bunny creatures?

@Theeassassin, fuck the government and their brainwashing ways.
and fuck them for screwing up our economy. and fuck them.... eh there's just too much to bitch about lol
its a weird theory but its very interesting! the same people believe that global warming is the biggest gevernment scam ever created, im onl sayin what i have been told by people who believe it so dont be pissed at me anybody!!
global warming was pushed by a person with no scientific background at all. Al Gore.

Not only is it bullshit, soon they want to put a tax on co2. which means you have to pay tax for anything that releases these emissions. talk about a scam?

and stupid fuckin people just follow, and believe it, no one dares to question anything.

man tax is bullshit!! i wish it didnt exist!! i have always questioned why people just follow evrything there told to do without question.. its not right!!
global warming was pushed by a person with no scientific background at all. Al Gore.

It's been pushed by more people than him, I afraid. It IS bullshit, and I've gotten into a lot of heated arguments with people about it.

When you meet one of these idiots, ask them if they know what is the number one cause of greenhouse gas being sent into the atmosphere. If they say anything other than cow farts, they're not worth talking to. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Seriously, if we all stopped driving our cars or producing shit in our factories - the reduction in gases being sent upward wouldn't even top 15%. I'm not saying we shouldn't be trying to do things that are more environmentally friendly, but most of the people in the 'Global Warming' movement are just anti-capitalist fucktards that know little about their cause and truly care about it even less.

And don't believe all the "scientific studies" put out by the Global Warming Nazis, almost every single one of them is paid for by THEM. They're not subjected to the scruteny of other scientists in the field and therefor are worth NOTHING. You can pay anyone to say ANYTHING, you know. Just because they're a doctor or a professor doesn't mean their word is any less believable.

Very well said.

Im glad im not the only one who feels and knows :)

It's been pushed by more people than him, I afraid. It IS bullshit, and I've gotten into a lot of heated arguments with people about it.

When you meet one of these idiots, ask them if they know what is the number one cause of greenhouse gas being sent into the atmosphere. If they say anything other than cow farts, they're not worth talking to. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Seriously, if we all stopped driving our cars or producing shit in our factories - the reduction in gases being sent upward wouldn't even top 15%. I'm not saying we shouldn't be trying to do things that are more environmentally friendly, but most of the people in the 'Global Warming' movement are just anti-capitalist fucktards that know little about their cause and truly care about it even less.

And don't believe all the "scientific studies" put out by the Global Warming Nazis, almost every single one of them is paid for by THEM. They're not subjected to the scruteny of other scientists in the field and therefor are worth NOTHING. You can pay anyone to say ANYTHING, you know. Just because they're a doctor or a professor doesn't mean their word is any less believable.
finally people who understand!!! i hav got in so many arguements about this!! i can finally talk to someone without having to shout or break my keypad :D!!
It's been pushed by more people than him, I afraid. It IS bullshit, and I've gotten into a lot of heated arguments with people about it.

When you meet one of these idiots, ask them if they know what is the number one cause of greenhouse gas being sent into the atmosphere. If they say anything other than cow farts, they're not worth talking to. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Seriously, if we all stopped driving our cars or producing shit in our factories - the reduction in gases being sent upward wouldn't even top 15%. I'm not saying we shouldn't be trying to do things that are more environmentally friendly, but most of the people in the 'Global Warming' movement are just anti-capitalist fucktards that know little about their cause and truly care about it even less.

And don't believe all the "scientific studies" put out by the Global Warming Nazis, almost every single one of them is paid for by THEM. They're not subjected to the scruteny of other scientists in the field and therefor are worth NOTHING. You can pay anyone to say ANYTHING, you know. Just because they're a doctor or a professor doesn't mean their word is any less believable.
Actually I believe its from their burps more so than their farts, but that doesnt mean its bullshit...so youre telling me that the earth isnt slowly getting warmer? What makes you think its bullshit?
Actually I believe its from their burps more so than their farts, but that doesnt mean its bullshit...so youre telling me that the earth isnt slowly getting warmer? What makes you think its bullshit?

The earth has gone through changes in climate countless times- this sway in weather conditions is not outside the realm of normal for our lovely earth.

Also, may wanna check the contrived 'facts'.. China just had the coldest winter they've had in decades.. among other places.

Is co2 going up? Yes. Has co2 gone up this high in the past? Yes, and much higher. Is the extra co2 caused by us and "greenhouse gases"- barely. Most of it is natural. What do plants do with co2? Change it into oxygen, we all know that. We are knocking down forests at alarming rates- trading farm fields in for strip malls.. and surprised co2 is rising? Ridiculous. Want to lower co2? Plant flowers, plant trees, plant the living natural things than utilize and thrive off this extra co2 in the atmosphere.

Yet, the response by the leaders in power? Tax. Suppress. Lie.

There has been multiple extensive threads about this topic in the Politics forum...