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Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Growing bud isn't free. I mean... I guess outdoors you can toss out some seeds and hope for the best with little to no care... But indoors, when you're trying to at least mimic, if not improve upon, nature then you're going to need to drop $40 here and there for the right piece of equipment. A reliable pH wand is worth every penny.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't look like a hermie to me. Those are calyx's. They are where a seed would be if it was pollinated. Balls from a hermie don't have a hair sticking out of them. They hang.
lol...i was reading some articles/forums about plants turning hermie so i got paranoid... good to know i dont have a freak for daughter...lol...thanx daniels

man those bouncing boobs are hypnotizing me...like those black & white circles that spin...lol...wtf
hi i currently have 4 master cush plants that r 6 weeks old. i have them under a 600w MH approximatly 26 in from top of plants. i run this light 24/7 for veg stage. i use distilled water and i change water every 7 days my ph is at 6.3. my room is a steady 80 degrees with 40% humidity. i use general hydroponics floragrow florabloom floramicro nutrients. my plannts have started to show some yellow spots in the middle and edge of my leaves and the new growth is coming out are in distorted shapes. do i need to add any minerals to my distilled water? should i use tap water or maybe some polland spring bottles?


Active Member
So i was given some plans about 7 weeks ago and i put them into flower about 5 and a half weeks ago.. I was told they are 7-8 week flower so i matched up the nut chart for house and garden for an 8 week grow.. the chart told me to add shooting powder early this week... then my friend came over and told me that he was wrong and the crop actually takes around 80 days :(

Since i have started shooting powder already,( which i have been told makes the plant think it is dying so it pushes all its energy towards the cola and after three to four weeks it kills the plant..

If i plan to go the distance and flower them for the full 80 days do i need to change the water out asap or will only one packet of shooting powder not hurt the plant too much...

Secondly since i had planned to only flower them for 8 weeks and i had planned to add more shooting powder in the next two weeks what would the down fall be if i just stuck with the plan?
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Well-Known Member
hi i currently have 4 master cush plants that r 6 weeks old. i have them under a 600w MH approximatly 26 in from top of plants. i run this light 24/7 for veg stage. i use distilled water and i change water every 7 days my ph is at 6.3. my room is a steady 80 degrees with 40% humidity. i use general hydroponics floragrow florabloom floramicro nutrients. my plannts have started to show some yellow spots in the middle and edge of my leaves and the new growth is coming out are in distorted shapes. do i need to add any minerals to my distilled water? should i use tap water or maybe some polland spring bottles?
What medium are you using, soil etc....?


Well-Known Member
hi i currently have 4 master cush plants that r 6 weeks old. i have them under a 600w MH approximatly 26 in from top of plants. i run this light 24/7 for veg stage. i use distilled water and i change water every 7 days my ph is at 6.3. my room is a steady 80 degrees with 40% humidity. i use general hydroponics floragrow florabloom floramicro nutrients. my plannts have started to show some yellow spots in the middle and edge of my leaves and the new growth is coming out are in distorted shapes. do i need to add any minerals to my distilled water? should i use tap water or maybe some polland spring bottles?
Usually tap water is good. Let sit for a day first for chlorine to evaporate. Tap water has trace minerals which are good.
If i'm using soil-less mix (pro-mix). should i be using the hydroponic nutrient regiment? As oppose to the soil and coco regiment. ionic has 2 diff regiments one for soil and one for hydro.

Hey guys what do you all know about LED lights? im looking on ebay and there is a 225 LED Quad Band Full Spectrum Hydroponic Grow Light for 25.00 plus 8 for shipping...same guy has 4x4 grow tents that are going for under 100.00 w/free shipping....im gunna get a tent for sure and thinking about that light...what say you all... heres a link to the item on ebay - http://cgi.ebay.com/225-LED-Quad-Band-Full-Spectrum-Hydroponic-Grow-Light-/200577809873?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb35e7dd1&autorefresh=true

:leaf: Combat Veterans For Cannabis :leaf:



Well-Known Member
If i'm using soil-less mix (pro-mix). should i be using the hydroponic nutrient regiment? As oppose to the soil and coco regiment. ionic has 2 diff regiments one for soil and one for hydro.

View attachment 1458588
I use ionic grow as well and I use a soil-less mix too. It recommends a ph 5.8-6.2
I used a ph of 6.5 and it didnt work well. I now use 5.8 ph and it is doing great!!
I think all soil-less mixes like pro-mix and sunshine #4 need a hydro nute and ph.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what do you all know about LED lights? im looking on ebay and there is a 225 LED Quad Band Full Spectrum Hydroponic Grow Light for 25.00 plus 8 for shipping...same guy has 4x4 grow tents that are going for under 100.00 w/free shipping....im gunna get a tent for sure and thinking about that light...what say you all... heres a link to the item on ebay - http://cgi.ebay.com/225-LED-Quad-Band-Full-Spectrum-Hydroponic-Grow-Light-/200577809873?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb35e7dd1&autorefresh=true

:leaf: Combat Veterans For Cannabis :leaf:

That light only pulls 13.8 watts! I have never used led lights, but I still dont think that lil wattage will do anything! Might actually be better off with 40 watt cfl lights at close range. I swear by HID lights, but see many budget grows that use cfl and do well.


Well-Known Member
you get what you pay for.....i wouldn't.....best o luck!

Hey guys what do you all know about LED lights? im looking on ebay and there is a 225 LED Quad Band Full Spectrum Hydroponic Grow Light for 25.00 plus 8 for shipping...same guy has 4x4 grow tents that are going for under 100.00 w/free shipping....im gunna get a tent for sure and thinking about that light...what say you all... heres a link to the item on ebay - http://cgi.ebay.com/225-LED-Quad-Band-Full-Spectrum-Hydroponic-Grow-Light-/200577809873?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb35e7dd1&autorefresh=true

:leaf: Combat Veterans For Cannabis :leaf:
