Who of you found your religion from nothing?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i never said intelligent people couldn't think without reason lol. as just, there is such thing as spirituality without religion.

also, if you don't fallow the bible to a T, i consider you part christian... as i accepted that title when i figured out the contradictions the bible said the older and more reasonable i got. true christians like my father are HARDCORE.
...one of those 'real' and not 'part' christians is what I'd consider to be 'part' christian. Wholeness is something that is complete, and sees its own dark side. They can't mute it either, but they can learn to drive it if they're lucky. Anyway, I have a close friend who's dad fits that description you gave, so sorry for the semi-gnashing. It's not easy.

Ever watched How to train your dragon?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
just as my stance of anything metaphysical being a big *I dont know* denounces me as an atheist, i may not like that word, but it is what it is. just as if you do not fallow christianity to a T, you are not a true christian...only part of one. for if you decide that some practices you favor and some you do not, then you only partly believe and fallow in all the teachings of the bible. i wonder if theres a word for "half a christian"

i mean no disrespect

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
just as my stance of anything metaphysical being a big *I dont know* denounces me as an atheist, i may not like that word, but it is what it is. just as if you do not fallow christianity to a T, you are not a true christian...only part of one. for if you decide that some practices you favor and some you do not, then you only partly believe and fallow in all the teachings of the bible. i wonder if theres a word for "half a christian"

i mean no disrespect
...totally cool.

In catholicism, there's a major metaphysical aspect. We're not told to steer away so much from eastern practices. Mostly encouraged, I'd say. Well, that was / is my experience anyway.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Tip Top, I have an experience that might be close to that about which you're asking.
I grew up in an effectively atheist household.
At 18 I had a god-experience. i will not go into detail, but i came out of that thinking "OK there is a God ... now which one is he?"
I studied Buddhism after that and decided noooo ... doesn't really match what I experienced. Cursory glances at Islam and Hinduism also left me thinking uh-uh. So i began reading the New Testament and thought "bingo!"
I hung out with the Christian crowd for a few years after that.

What broke my religious experience was ... no sense of having a "walk with God", no "relationship with a personal savior", no affirmation, denial, anything at all that referred to or built upon that initial brief overpowering experience.
And no sign of anything other than the usual human behavior in any congregation I visited.
Just ... the eternal silence of unending spiritual night. Microwave background.
My faith died of simple decay.

So at this point I am most at peace with thinking of my god-experience as a neurochemical event, all in my head. That, I admit, is just as much a statement of faith as my original "there is a god after all" perception ... but both were tried in the crucible of age and experience, and my benign atheism stayed.

So that is one reason why I identify myself as an unbeliever, but always do my best to treat believers of ALMOST any stripe with decency, sympathy, dignity. cn
may i ask you what your experience was like.. i too had one, im really interested in what yours was like. maybe here wouldnt be the best place, you can message me if you want or just reply on here, up to the OP really i guess.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
in a modern society (idk if USA can be considered modern by means of its knowledge of current events/scientific research) most people dont jump to the conclusion of god's existing without evidence. so the way i feel is that those who believe deeply in some imaginary figure of "higher power" to themselves WITHOUT outside influence are either psychotic or believing in some fantasy to divert from their otherwise decrepitude and depressed life, maybe to either cling on to hope or to confirm their own beliefs without reference to evidence. humans are obsessed with truth, so if someone finds their own method of living daily life, even if it's praying and begging to some imaginary god; that's better than nothing to them. hence the "atheists believe in nothing" argument you hear those pathetic lost ones say.


Active Member
I grew up in a catholic house, I remember being very young perhaps 6 or 7 looking around at the people in the church thinking to myself "Do people really believe this shit!"

They spoke about a feeling that you know God is there and faith and all that bullshit...i didnt buy it and still dont. I see how the world around me works, cause and effect, and for everything else in the world we expect truth or some sort of evidence to support thats how everything else in the world works so why should God be different.
if you ask God he'll show himself to you

I spent years especially my teenage years giving God a chance, I was searching for what those people talked about. I gave religion a real shot I used to beg God to show itself to me...never happened. If you ask a good christian theyd tell you if you asked for a sign God will show himself...bullshit never happened.

Now after that rant heres my part that pertains to the thread. I eventually did feel that feeling...I found spirituallity and at lest peace with our creator or whatever you wana call it. Ya know what I did...I ate a bunch of magic mushrooms! I tripped the fuck out and there it was the feeling i was searching for...a connection to something far greater.

So could a man with no experience hearing of God or religion discover spirituality I say yes. Just eat some mushrooms or smoke some dmt or theyve been brewing ayahuasca in the jungle for 10,000 years. I think a lot of spirituality is based on these psychedelic feelings but over so long thru mans search for power and insatiable thirst for feeding people bullshit theyve warped and twisted this concept into some money making, power driven, control the stupid, and basically fed so much bullshit into the system that people actually believe this crap. They kept the god(or created theyre own) and left the psychedelics out. Same fuckers that make this shit illegal.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I grew up in a catholic house, I remember being very young perhaps 6 or 7 looking around at the people in the church thinking to myself "Do people really believe this shit!"

They spoke about a feeling that you know God is there and faith and all that bullshit...i didnt buy it and still dont. I see how the world around me works, cause and effect, and for everything else in the world we expect truth or some sort of evidence to support thats how everything else in the world works so why should God be different.
if you ask God he'll show himself to you

I spent years especially my teenage years giving God a chance, I was searching for what those people talked about. I gave religion a real shot I used to beg God to show itself to me...never happened. If you ask a good christian theyd tell you if you asked for a sign God will show himself...bullshit never happened.

Now after that rant heres my part that pertains to the thread. I eventually did feel that feeling...I found spirituallity and at lest peace with our creator or whatever you wana call it. Ya know what I did...I ate a bunch of magic mushrooms! I tripped the fuck out and there it was the feeling i was searching for...a connection to something far greater.

So could a man with no experience hearing of God or religion discover spirituality I say yes. Just eat some mushrooms or smoke some dmt or theyve been brewing ayahuasca in the jungle for 10,000 years. I think a lot of spirituality is based on these psychedelic feelings but over so long thru mans search for power and insatiable thirst for feeding people bullshit theyve warped and twisted this concept into some money making, power driven, control the stupid, and basically fed so much bullshit into the system that people actually believe this crap. They kept the god(or created theyre own) and left the psychedelics out. Same fuckers that make this shit illegal.
well thats a bit silly if you ask me , as we know its the mushrooms causing you to halucinate , and we know however real halucinations feel they are not real .
the human mind dosent even need drugs to halucinate .


Well-Known Member
Tip Top, I have an experience that might be close to that about which you're asking.
I grew up in an effectively atheist household.
At 18 I had a god-experience. i will not go into detail, but i came out of that thinking "OK there is a God ... now which one is he?"
I studied Buddhism after that and decided noooo ... doesn't really match what I experienced. Cursory glances at Islam and Hinduism also left me thinking uh-uh. So i began reading the New Testament and thought "bingo!"
I hung out with the Christian crowd for a few years after that.

What broke my religious experience was ... no sense of having a "walk with God", no "relationship with a personal savior", no affirmation, denial, anything at all that referred to or built upon that initial brief overpowering experience.
And no sign of anything other than the usual human behavior in any congregation I visited.
Just ... the eternal silence of unending spiritual night. Microwave background.
My faith died of simple decay.

So at this point I am most at peace with thinking of my god-experience as a neurochemical event, all in my head. That, I admit, is just as much a statement of faith as my original "there is a god after all" perception ... but both were tried in the crucible of age and experience, and my benign atheism stayed.

So that is one reason why I identify myself as an unbeliever, but always do my best to treat believers of ALMOST any stripe with decency, sympathy, dignity. cn
i once tried out the kabbalistic method of touching god.

basically meditate on an endless light, invisible yet everywhere.

and this peace descended on me, not a personal anything, just this vast infinity of peace.

also met god ina dream once , he asked me "what is the source of evil?" (in a more like he wanted me to figure out for myself kinda thing..)


i think.. if there is such a thing as a god, he´s (it , she) is more of a "do what you want" kinda god.

as in

"we have eternity to play with, why does it have to be something specific?"

comes to mind as well.

if god is love, well, its very difficult for love to be around most people..

and sometimes ends with the death of love (new testament)

i personally hate god (im not fond of lot of things from the beginning of my existence)

im not pure love, so its perhaps not surprising that god does not visit much lol.

well , its not so much hate as mostly dont care (if its just a person, its just a person and as the god, he can jolly well drop off for a visit if its interested.ive come to find meditation and dreamquests boring)

and also, i think that god might just be the innermost part of us all.

(and the reason for the hate, we suck (in general))

and then one might just focus on enjoying their life and fuck the rest.

if god s really real, he can drop off for a visit and a chat, till then, fuck him and the idea of him :D

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
well thats a bit silly if you ask me , as we know its the mushrooms causing you to halucinate , and we know however real halucinations feel they are not real .
the human mind dosent even need drugs to halucinate .
if you've ever tried real dmt, you might think a little differently lol. im no believer in theology at all, but something weird is going on when your dealing with dmt, something many would like to call "spiritual" or "higher consciousness" its like you know this big secret, like theres this big joke that you finally understand... but as soon as you come out of it you forget.


Well-Known Member
just as my stance of anything metaphysical being a big *I dont know* denounces me as an atheist, i may not like that word, but it is what it is. just as if you do not fallow christianity to a T, you are not a true christian...only part of one. for if you decide that some practices you favor and some you do not, then you only partly believe and fallow in all the teachings of the bible. i wonder if theres a word for "half a christian"

i mean no disrespect

Saying "I don't know" makes you an atheist. Atheist means "not a theist" and by saying "I don't know" you're saying "I don't have a belief in a god or gods". By not saying "I believe god exists" you are not identifying yourself as a theist. Anyone who is not a theist is an atheist, as atheists only means "not a theist".

Being an atheist makes no claim to know whether god exists or not, it only means you're "not a theist", anything from not knowing to a firm denial in god encompasses atheism.


Ursus marijanus
may i ask you what your experience was like.. i too had one, im really interested in what yours was like. maybe here wouldnt be the best place, you can message me if you want or just reply on here, up to the OP really i guess.
Zaehet, I wrote a long long PM ... and your mailbox was full. Oh well. cn


Well-Known Member
if you've ever tried real dmt, you might think a little differently lol. im no believer in theology at all, but something weird is going on when your dealing with dmt, something many would like to call "spiritual" or "higher consciousness" its like you know this big secret, like theres this big joke that you finally understand... but as soon as you come out of it you forget.
well, some mystics say, we are all one, god is everything and we are god.

every time you talk with someone, you are talking with yourself, everytime you are fucking someone, you are fucking yourself, everytime you are good and bad, you are good and bad to yourself.

now that would be the ultimate joke, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
not allowing a gray area only black and white , if thats the case no proof no god ,
thats not how i was raised , so there is no label for me in your way of thinking
When it comes to a statement of knowledge "I don't know" is an acceptable answer. After all, there's lots we don't know, but we do know what we believe.

Think about it like this; if someone asks you what career you want to do for the rest of your life, you may not know for 100% sure what you want to do, but you have an idea of what you might be interested in. You have to, because you are you and you have to know what you are thinking.

If you say "I don't know what I might want to do for a career" it's because you haven't gotten to the bottom of your own thoughts, not because you don't have thoughts to get to. You could go through a list of careers and at least get an idea of what you might want to do. Do you see what I'm saying? You know, one way or another, if you have a belief that god exists, you may have no idea if that belief is true, but the belief must either exist or not exist, there is no in between state of existence.


Well-Known Member
if you have a belief that god exists, you may have no idea if that belief is true, but the belief must either exist or not exist, there is no in between state of existence.
I would say this is technically not true because the dichotomy is between belief or not instead of existence or not. You either have a belief in the existence of a god or your don't. You do not have to believe god does not exist to be an atheist. IOW, the answer to "do you believe?" is either yes or no, where the 'no' answer can range from anything from "I disbelieve" to "I'm not yet convinced."