Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter if it's organic derrived or synthetic. the problem is the bottled preservatives & hormone inhibitors.
You are totally right Richard. The hazard warnings give it away. I agree with you, 100 percent organic is the best way possible. To think somebody that might be severely ill and smoking chemicals to cure themselves is totally ridiculous. It actually makes me really angry. They wouldn't think for a second there weed might cause them damage. At the end of the day the patients just see it as a natural herb, plant. I've seen people qualified as high as having a PhD in medicine chemistry not questioning what's in there cannabis.
The industry has manipulated most of us, or even all to believe we need numerous bottles to grow the top shelf weed. They even stuffed the bottles with god knows how many chemicals and they given you warnings on the bottles ! And guess what they get away with it. As it wasn't meant to be used to grow cannabis with it.
Richard what you reckon, I know there will be more creepy crawlys, but I want to use soil from my back yard. I already have all sorts pests troubling me like gnat and spider mites, my lady bugs are munching them all away lol.
I have actually used from my back yard once, small pots for seedlings and had no problems with pests.
My soil has been around 4.543 billion years and packs a proper punch. It has all the nutrients it needs lol. Probably even a dinosaur or alien in it lol. Money can't buy everything.![]()
So why is organic any better than synthetic? Synthetic is purer and has fewer contaminants? I trust something that came out of a factory, with quality controls in place, way more than something that came out of an animal's ass.
No, you have a misconception and are wording this wrong.except that you do see specific ferts for different plants, feed your roses a tomato mix, see how well they thrive.
roses require different things, a different ph, etc. than a tomato plant does. People also buy "nutes" for vegetables every day, see the gardening section in any department store. further, no one is forced to buy anything, though these arguments always end in "don't buy that garbage product, buy the product i like". to a finer point, anyone who isn't mining their own minerals and collecting their own flyash isn't truly organic in my book.
to the op: Why not drop some cash and get a study going? Collect samples, have lab testing done, instead of thc levels test for things from the nutrients in the flowers and see how they measure up, organic vs conventional, test for the metals and all that. Then share the results and methods so your tests can be replicated and reviewed, and real actual information gained, instead of the usual paranoid circle jerk this discussion devolves into
Anyone can "say" that a product is "safe". Even after testing and finding it that way. What if later on, something else is found to be not so good for you? It's a thing from the legal department to "not' do that! Don't leave any door open to catch a lawsuit.Buy what ever you fancy mate. Coming to your question, yes most plants will need a different pk ratios, even different cannabis strains demand different things when grown synthetically.
This discussion is to raise awareness, the company's that people have spent millions with Couldn't offer you reliable testing and give you that assurance that's there products are safe. You are clinging onto marketing campaigns who take advantage.
If a man accepts everything is correct, he will end up with a Cock In his ass. I rather ask questions in a rational way to get as much understanding. Not for myself but for everyone.
Most consumption farmed chickens are raised in conditions you would find as rather bad. They are feed things you don't like and contain more of what your railing against then you think!Where do chickens come from.
But what company? List them or your doing no more then blowing hot air......this whole idea that synthetic is bad, is stupid!Buy what ever you fancy mate. Coming to your question, yes most plants will need a different pk ratios, even different cannabis strains demand different things when grown synthetically.
This discussion is to raise awareness, the company's that people have spent millions with Couldn't offer you reliable testing and give you that assurance that's there products are safe. You are clinging onto marketing campaigns who take advantage.
If a man accepts everything is correct, he will end up with a Cock In his ass. I rather ask questions in a rational way to get as much understanding. Not for myself but for everyone.
Here you need smarts too.Ok, Mate I agree with testing the end product. For pesticides and
If for example a caregiver knew the hazards and unknown risks and they knew it wasn't made for cannabis ? Why the fuck would you use it on cannabis. And then get it tested. It's like knocking somebody out and taking them to the hospital after.
It might come out to be safe, but let me stop you, And has anybody really done testing on combustion of the actual material when it's heated up. The chemical makeup will all change. That even goes for organic. For all we know, organic might be worser than chemical. But it all comes down too we need legislation in place. I can only recommend we use maybe strawberry based chemical fertilisers let's say. Atleast it's for food lol. But did you hear recently there was a big shock to the industry when they found out pesticides reamins in your cannabis for longer. Something like 80 percent samples were fucked.
You say most seasoned growers are aware of pgrs, so people are still being idiots and taking risks on human health.
You finally you do agree on the dangers it withholds. Thanks bro seems like we're on the same level here. (Respect)
Yes I do think its up to the patient to really do most of there homework, but why should they really. Thease companies have a way around all the legislations and know all the loopholes in the book. and people want to make money in hydro stores. So it's a never ending vicious cycle.
As I said before, there's hardly been any testing done cannabis itself, it's gonna be a long shot till some company actually makes specific nutrients for cannabis. Weather it organic or chemical.
If we still grew, like the old days, and people were less greedy we would still have our old traditions in place, knower days it's all about the fast life, fast food, fast cars, fast love, fast everything, even fast sex lol. People are taking adavantage, you want to make money, base everything on fast and you will be a multi millionaire.
All I can say, find the most safest ways of growing, and don't believe anybody, not even me. Do your research and choose your own paths. We're all human and I ain't perfect either. Don't follow me.
what ever shit sold in hydro shops is another way of robbing you. Try buying proper organic shit for food. Probably single amendments and blending it your self atleast you know exactly what's in it.
I'm still buying the organic over priced bottles but I haven't got a farm, but cow shit is the one!
What ever you buy, buy it from a reputable company and it's dedicated for food crops!!!!!!!! Ok you won't find a exact nutrient for cannabis lol. And who ever grows commercially will buy products for that fruit or veg. I would go for a strawberry chemical nutrient as it has similar feedings, from what I've been told. Also make sure it's suitable for all your systems and media. And your ready to be a scientist. Maybe after a couple lazy organic grows you test on 2 plants too see if your favour it over your oraganics.
I wouldn't advise buying food crop pesticides, as food you can wash, buy cannabis no no,
Sorry to come on strong bro ,![]()
Every product you listed has either had the PGR removed and been reformulated or withdrawn from the market.You say most seasoned growers are aware of pgrs, so people are still being idiots and taking risks on human health.
LMFAO!If you are going organic look for the stamp on the bottle says ORMI. It has been tested and regulated. Anything else you are leaving it up to the FDA or less to do your research.
From their page: OMRI supports organic integrity by developing clear information and guidance about materials, so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products, such as fertilizers, pest controls, livestock health care products, and numerous other inputs that are intended for use in certified organic production and processing.
OMRI is listing agency and nothing more.If you are going organic look for the stamp on the bottle says ORMI. It has been tested and regulated. Anything else you are leaving it up to the FDA or less to do your research.
From their page: OMRI supports organic integrity by developing clear information and guidance about materials, so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products, such as fertilizers, pest controls, livestock health care products, and numerous other inputs that are intended for use in certified organic production and processing.
Did we all forget that the ions are the SAME being taken up by the plant in synthetic as in the organic? One is broken down to be plant "ready" and the other is broken down by the fungus and bacteria living in the soil. So those "organic" ions can be used by the plant.
The question is more about how much heavy metals are in any one given nutrient product.
Do you ever see any listing on any bag of soil to cover that heavy metal content? How about the components of what we use to build that soil? Any?
Bat poo
Bird Poo
Cow, steer, rabbit. Any Poo will contain differing amounts of heavy metals, hormones, antibiotics and can even contain medically based drug compounds.....
How about that some don't use Bone meals, Blood meals or even the high mercury fish meals and of course that goes for any broken down or watered liquid products of the same sources.......For the things they contain.
Natural Estrogens are in several plant based products. Human effecting hormones. Are those ok?
What about the ever popular Soft Rock Phosphate as a mineral source?
Even Build a soil, says to use it with caution. Start with it - don't use it for other sources of nutrient. More then that small amount for the minerals, is building up a not so good heavy metal content.
Anybody actually test their soils? YOU know what your dealing with, because you have a complete list of just whats in the soil.
As a farmer, an organic farmer.....I do 2 test's a year on my fields. Before planting and after harvest. After harvest gives me a plan on what to do to amend my fields for their needs as to next year...The spring test gives me a closer to planting date to be sure I have what I need in the soil in the those fields, to match the crop being run there.
As for synthetic nutrients and their sourced products used for the chelation of the actual nutrient. They are only as good as their source material.
A brief word on growth regulators: The bad compounds found to be the cancer causing ones have been found and removed from those that contained them.
If you don't trust the makers of those that did that at one time - Don't use their products! It's that simple....
If you want the actual lists of metal content in any synthetic product? Simply contact the company and they will be provided - free.
For those that want to know just what they put in their soils and would like the soil content of the metals in their soil - Send it to the proper lab and a $100 will get you that..
Soil and synthetic nutrients are like a computer. Garbage in, garbage out!
Lastly, Any gains in flavors/tastes from organic soil/nutrients. Comes from the whole spectrum of what makes up that soil and the working bio's in it.... "The total package" vs. Optimal feeding of "What the plant needs to grow"....
I prefer my organic.
I'm not seeing a whole big difference between the synthetic nutes I've been testing and the soils I make, as far as taste after a proper dry and cure.
I do some supplementing for increased taste profiles with the synthetic......Many who have tried this feel it works well for them too.
Bottom line: Using good solid nutrients, give no more risk of health concerns then a carefully, properly built, organic soil!
There are, of course, insecticides and mold control products that I would never use on a plant that is to be consumed - period.
I hope this opened up some eye's! May the truth set you free.
Autism is not on the list. Why use a nutrient with a color anyway? So don't! The VAST majority of quality synthetics' use NO DYE'S - period!
: The problem here is if it's mixed with citric or ascorbic acid!Sodium benzoate
: BHA is the real bad one - you missed that.
Neither are Organic - Other then source materials used..... None of the packaged Poo's, meals or compost's, or anything used to build soils are "regulated" either.... So any point your trying to make by using the word "regulated" is moot!cannabis nutrients are not regulated. Sorry chemical bottles which people CHOOSE to grow there plants with are not regulated. So I don't know why people are trying to make them out to be safe.
MANY of the top nutrient lines were intended for food production - In fact designed for it! Everything from herbs, tomato's and even vine crops!Why don't we contact any random nutrient company, preferably the popular ones. and see if they admit if there products are for consumable fruits and veg. And also ask them can we grow plants like Tobacco. And ask them who regulates them, And also do there nutrients contain any harmful ingredients which could harm or cause damage.