Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Obama wants to give welfare recipients cell phones

I didn't say he did. as of right now it is funded through the tele-communication companies , but they only do this for tax cuts. Even if the gov didn't sign the bill they might as well have. Its cheaper to give out a few phones then pay the taxes. thus it is government funds. The government loses money by doing this.

Its a really socialistic idea . once again rewarding laziness
You are just making shit up. Back up what you're saying with facts or STFU.

Also - I'm reasonably sure at this point that you don't know what socialism means.


New Member
Because socialism takes from those who have earned something and awards it to those that did not earn it. It is outright theft, and is thus immoral. Capitalism (laissez faire - there is no other type of capitalism) does not do this, and allows each individual to be free to pursue his/her own interests - and allow them to reap the rewards as well as bear the consequences of their own actions. The only government intervention that exists in a fully capitalistic society is when the rights of an individual are violated.
This is a statement of the American Pshyce.

So.. in your worldview, a man who CAN'T work (for reasons out of his control) is supposed to be... what, killed?
(better than THEFT right? or taxes as we call it over here).

A woman who cannot work because she is alone with a baby, is she STEALING from you?

There are countless valid reasons for why people CAN NOT work, I wonder what you think should happen to these people.

Wow... just wow.

I'll not comment on politics from now on, I came here for discussing growing anyway. Have a nice discussion.

Edit: An american poll once showed most people believe the poor is stupid, and the rich is smart. Scary.


Well-Known Member
You are just making shit up. Back up what you're saying with facts or STFU.

Also - I'm reasonably sure at this point that you don't know what socialism means.
I would considers cellphones bought by the government to be equally owned by every one . Do you know what socialism is.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

kiss-assmabey you should have read the thread above yours

FactCheck.org is dangerously biased
So factcheck.org and snopes are both lying and you are correct but refusing to show evidence that what you're saying is true?

Yeah, I knew this thread was going to be retarded.....


Well-Known Member
Arguing with Ryan is like Running in the Special Olympics.. .Even if you win your still a Retard.. <3 Trolling Prevails.


Well-Known Member
actually, it's a program designed to give people without any access to phones a way to call 9-1-1 in case of emergency.

the program has existed for over a decade. but yep, it's obama... lol

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
actually, it's a program designed to give people without any access to phones a way to call 9-1-1 in case of emergency.

the program has existed for over a decade. but yep, it's obama... lol
Obama caused the Cuban missile crisis and world war 1.


Well-Known Member
Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
This is a statement of the American Pshyce.
Absolutely. The U.S. was founded on individual rights, not collective right (WE WE WE).

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
So.. in your worldview, a man who CAN'T work (for reasons out of his control) is supposed to be... what, killed?
Since when did anyone here advocate the murder of anyone else based on their productive capacity? And since when does one's inability become my responsibility?

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
(better than THEFT right? or taxes as we call it over here)
Theft is theft, whether the theif is a thug on a street corner or a politician in a suit, they still engage in the use of force if you do not comply with their demands.

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
A woman who cannot work because she is alone with a baby, is she STEALING from you?
She herself is not stealing, but having the politician do it for her. I tend to call those people moochers. Individualism carries a certain level of self-responsibility. Why should I be on the hook because she either did not care to use birth control or not financially plan for her future.

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
There are countless valid reasons for why people CAN NOT work, I wonder what you think should happen to these people.
Yes there are, but once again... someone's bad fortune does not grant them a claim on any part of my life.

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
Wow... just wow.

I'll not comment on politics from now on, I came here for discussing growing anyway. Have a nice discussion.
You better be on top of your game in this part of the forum, nobody intends on pulling any punches in here - as it should be. The debate is usually lively at worst, and downright brutal at best - either way we all all passionate about our ideas, but that is the way people tend to advocate their ideas. Stick around, you might change your mind on a few things. You stand a chance to change other people's minds as well. Some of the posters here turn to personal attacks at times, but you shouldn't let that run you off. They usually throw those out to get someone to shut up.... don't let them win this way.

In other words, please stick around; I might believe you're wrong with your political/economic philosophy, but I still don't mind hearing it and I enjoy debating it.

Mr.Grønn;6128567 said:
Edit: An american poll once showed most people believe the poor is stupid, and the rich is smart. Scary.
Close, but not entirely accurate. Poverty is usually a condition brought on by poor decision making. Wealth is usually a product of good decision making. Intelligence plays a major role in this, but still comes in second to discipline.