who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!


Active Member
Here's a little inspiration for everyone out there :-) IMAG0921.jpg

Also this was taken about three weeks ago, time to get out the ladder!


Well-Known Member
I know you were not directing that post to me but I am not really an advocate of trimming leaves...Fan leaves are there to create energy for your plant to get bigger. Bigger plants means bigger buds in my book, not plants with less leaves. that's just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
If TMB or DJJ post I quit! LOL
No need to worry ABM, I have nothing that big. I'm only running 4 now this year. The ones outside my weed cage were attacked by animals. I tried to kill them bastards, but they even wiped out my entire vegetable garden too, well I have a couple of tomatoes left. The Squirrels and rabbits did most of the damage this year. The deer did their part too, only chasing the deer away. Only the 4 girls in the weed cage are left (and 2 males in 5 gallon buckets that are in the cage).
I was honored to see Hodges beauties in person 2 weeks ago...WOW! I seen another garden that had even BIGGER plants then Hodges if you can believe that! A steroids/plutonium check may be needed out there. Hodge knows his shit, no doubt about that. And he was complaining that he got a late start....LMFAO!
I want to get pictures of mine up, but I don't want to chase ABM away......jk!
Keep up the good work fellas the gardens look great!


Well-Known Member
No need to worry ABM, I have nothing that big. I'm only running 4 now this year. The ones outside my weed cage were attacked by animals. I tried to kill them bastards, but they even wiped out my entire vegetable garden too, well I have a couple of tomatoes left. The Squirrels and rabbits did most of the damage this year. The deer did their part too, only chasing the deer away. Only the 4 girls in the weed cage are left (and 2 males in 5 gallon buckets that are in the cage).
I was honored to see Hodges beauties in person 2 weeks ago...WOW! I seen another garden that had even BIGGER plants then Hodges if you can believe that! A steroids/plutonium check may be needed out there. Hodge knows his shit, no doubt about that. And he was complaining that he got a late start....LMFAO!
I want to get pictures of mine up, but I don't want to chase ABM away......jk!
Keep up the good work fellas the gardens look great!
I bet I can guess who that was with four letters in there name. Keepem green fellas as I always say if I had the land you guys do oh my. For all you who dont know those beds are super huge that Hodge uses. They are probably no till by now. My two back by the fence are over it now had to bend and tie down okay for now. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys but these are my wife's plants, she lets me pick and choose strains and do the germination but once their in the grow beds it's all her doing. You can say she had a good teacher..lol
Pleasure having you stop by Treeman, know the garden your talking about seeing and Nuggs has skills but you should really see my cousins grow sometime (HUGE) is an understatement. Forgot to reference for size but the boxes are 6 foot by 6 foot by 20 inches deep.


Well-Known Member
U the man Hodge! :hump:

That's gonna be a problem for me tho: Not being able to put good support around my girls. Been having some storms recently and been trying to brainstorm an idea for support w/o being obvious from above.?

Been thinking cane poles and string but idk.


Well-Known Member
I knew it you guys are awesome for real. Hodge tell The wife they looking great . Here are some pics of the gurls. The small one is five feet. The one in the bed is mine and Wheezers late entry not sure of her height now. keepem green dirrtyd



Well-Known Member
hodge why is only the tops on that first pic budding
That's the Medijuana, not sure of the genetics but I believe there is an autoflower strain involved? She finishes early Sept but I try to keep her going longer for the extra growth, will start blooming her on the 15th of July.