Whos got problems with Christ?


New Member
I don't attend regularly any more but I was involved in a church like that too. Great people, great friends... non judging.... I loved it. I truly try to live by the golden rule and I do onto others as I would like them to do unto me. I also think that is a great rule of life if you have a strong belief or no belief at all. :hug:
Exactly.......................Hopefully our leaders will find that approach to be quite satisfying, at least it would be a refreshing change. I realize we must remain vigilant, but try dealing with others on an equal basis, JMHO.


Well-Known Member
The fact is it's the Christians who are always using the written text in the Bible, or their interpretation of it, to lash out at everyone else all the time. It is they who are always waging a war against gays. It is they who are always waging a war against people who are pro-abortion. It is they who are always waging a war against what our kids are taught, or aren't taught, in school - evolution, for instance. It is they who are always waging a war against gay marriage. And on and on...

I don't have anything against people worshiping Christianity. If the Christians would just go off amongst themselves and worship amongst themselves and mind their own business there would be no problem. But, unfortunately, that just simply is not the reality

This is from the article. And I agree with part of it. Using the Bible and their interpretations as fuel for their arguments is dumb. Its time the Church turns to science. The folks behind the evolution theory are openly atheist. Are they atheist because they believe in evolution or are they atheists and believe and try to prove evolution solely to take down the church, and are biased in their actions? These are the people doing the research and writing the textbooks. The church should stop bitching about how they are targeted by atheists and fight back. Thats what Jesus would do, because contrary to what you might think, Jesus was not a pussy. This is just one example of the church's incompetence.


Well-Known Member
The fact is it's the Christians who are always using the written text in the Bible, or their interpretation of it, to lash out at everyone else all the time. It is they who are always waging a war against gays. It is they who are always waging a war against people who are pro-abortion. It is they who are always waging a war against what our kids are taught, or aren't taught, in school - evolution, for instance. It is they who are always waging a war against gay marriage. And on and on...

I don't have anything against people worshiping Christianity. If the Christians would just go off amongst themselves and worship amongst themselves and mind their own business there would be no problem. But, unfortunately, that just simply is not the reality

This is from the article. And I agree with part of it. Using the Bible and their interpretations as fuel for their arguments is dumb. Its time the Church turns to science. The folks behind the evolution theory are openly atheist. Are they atheist because they believe in evolution or are they atheists and believe and try to prove evolution solely to take down the church, and are biased in their actions? These are the people doing the research and writing the textbooks. The church should stop bitching about how they are targeted by atheists and fight back. Thats what Jesus would do, because contrary to what you might think, Jesus was not a pussy. This is just one example of the church's incompetence.
What makes me sad is the people who stand in judgment of others because of their belief or position in life. It is not my right or my position to judge anyone.... Just to be the best person I can be.
Yes, you are right... Jesus wasn't afraid to go against the grain to teach a lesson. He accepted people who were not accepted in the community.... the tax collector, the prostitute etc. He didn't care.
I feel people should look in the mirror and be happy with who they are and stop judging everyone else. The people who don't do this... are usually the ones striking out against everyone else. Maybe the mirror is too hard to look into so they try to point out everyone's problem to take attention away from them and their problems.

Sad thing....


Well-Known Member
[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7JHS8adO3hM&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7JHS8adO3hM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


New Member
IM down with JC and the boys...lol...seriously though, I dont go to church because I think its nothing more than a racket...but I do believe in god...just in my own way...:peace:


Well-Known Member
What makes me sad is the people who stand in judgment of others because of their belief or position in life. It is not my right or my position to judge anyone.... Just to be the best person I can be.
Yes, you are right... Jesus wasn't afraid to go against the grain to teach a lesson. He accepted people who were not accepted in the community.... the tax collector, the prostitute etc. He didn't care.
I feel people should look in the mirror and be happy with who they are and stop judging everyone else. The people who don't do this... are usually the ones striking out against everyone else. Maybe the mirror is too hard to look into so they try to point out everyone's problem to take attention away from them and their problems.

Sad thing....
Yes, I agree, but I also beleive there is a difference between judging someone and establishing just laws. Murder is illegal in the United States, but that victimizes those who are born with a tendency to kill right? Arent we denying their pursuit of happyness by not allowing them to do what they love? Thats not fair right? What I mean is, If "Abortion stops a beating heart" as they say, or in other words, it is murder (according to pro-life activists), then we should put a stop to it. But first one would have to prove that it is murder (if it even is). So what I am saying is that the church should quit bitching and prove that abortion is murder, and if they can't, they should shut the fuck up. But if they could prove that it is murder, than one can't say that they are judging others, because they are simply stating a scientific fact, so putting it into line with the existing laws (murder is illegal) is fair game. They could go about proving it is murder, believe it or not. I know it sounds more like an opinion than a fact, but if you look at the science, it is not, surprisingly. That doesnt mean that it has been proven one way or another, I am just saying that it most likely could be. The people who oppose the church's views are researching and writing textbooks, that is why they are ahead, and the church just bitches about it. What Im saying is; that they should do the same thing conversely, research and write textbooks. This goes for all issues, not just abortion.


Well-Known Member
First off Ron Paul is frikin' Awesome don't be hatin'. And also JC owned and he didn't hate either. Religion is like people telling me what to fuckin' do I hate that shit. Especially when they make it a fuckin' law. Fuck that. I am drunk!! and Ron Paul is the Bomb. Oh yeah and he is no relation to Rue Paul or whatever. Medicine man If your wife can find a good church its all good bro. cause those can be some kick ass people. Ron paul haters need to suck it!!!

Totalitarianism be it Commy or nazi is bad, nuff said.


New Member
I don't attend church regularily, but my wife has taken up with this Christian church. It is like a modern version of christianity, come dressed as you please and the pastor tries to relate God and Jesus to everyday life. I just can't get behind a church, although the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to be around are that churches attendees. I say, if it makes one feel better about life and themselves, then it is a positive thing. It has raised my wifes morale quite a bit. I personally believe in Jesus. I'll just leave it at that.
Better watch out, Med. The next thing you know, they'll be coming over for tea.

Just kidding, Med ... that was an awesome post. :)


We Love 1

New Member
Satan, in the old testament, was placed by god to test man.Only in the new testament did they become enemies.
Let Me tell You a story about how My brother slept with My X fiance whos initials were going to be GMO too if We got married. My brother was the snake, and I pray they he gets better.

I'm single now and I'm looking to have some kids with some nice girls!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7-E1qTVJgE (wait until the girls see My beautiful face!)

I'm going to be Your leader on Earth and other planets! Jesus is the King still!


I'm taking over the World! Everyone wil love Me!

Who doesn't like Jesus?






We will be building these in My name, George Manuel Oliveira, Your new God!


We can teach eachother things :D

We Love 1

New Member
Who said Jesus played football?
I can play some ball! I'm game!
I'm just gonna kill his sorry ass for trying to blackmail everyone into being good.
HAHA :lol:

Its been scary! I had four choppers fly over My house right behind the other about on 50 feet in the air. Maybe "they" were trying to intinidate Me?

We are all going to get along because We will just try and learn from eachother and not be mean! I'm so sick of mean people. Whats wrong with the World? Maybe its just My world, but I'm so ready for a quick change in pace!

I think the Devil/gov't has been runing Us ragged for to long!

We Love peace! I'm the One True media! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToWu-SeM5ek

We can grow much more food! We can turn deserts into lush green farms!

You can praise God for the Revelations!

We Love 1

New Member


Well-Known Member
Why do you literally interpret the Bible? Do you simply misunderstand what you have read? The power those words carry goes WAY beyond literal interpretations. It is a myth, a story, work of fiction based loosely on facts. NOT a historical document by any means. Please re-read and contemplate rather than spread this around, it breeds ignorance and promotes violence.



Well-Known Member
HAHA That was funny!

But on a more serious note, don't You see? Don't You see that I've come to take over the planet and be Your humble servant King George! You can call Me whatever You want! Jesus!

I'm going to win the world over with My love!
I see that you sound like a raving lunatic . . . do you talk this way in public? Come on man relax, smoke a J with me:joint:
We will just let God work itself out in people and everything will be all right. Cool?

We Love 1

New Member
I see that you sound like a raving lunatic . . . do you talk this way in public? Come on man relax, smoke a J with me:joint:
We will just let God work itself out in people and everything will be all right. Cool?
Everyones going to know!



I know exactly what I'm doing!



I'm back!


Well-Known Member
Ok we are glad you claim to be another coming of Christ and all but honestly we just not that excited. Technological and scientific revolution has kinda dulled your dog an pony show.
The offer still stands though you can just relax like the rest of us, smoke a J and as Bob Marley said "see that heaven is on Earth"
Thanks for the sermons bro but please stop. :wink: