Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Anybody noticing the trend yet...

People who buy into conspiracy theories usually don't understand science very well

I'm noticing the people pro-GMO in this thread are lacking in the ability to read or produce stuff in their favour as its easier to just insult. Which is funny because while you'll both raise the bar on you own standards, your last posts talk about them being completely safe, according to what? A Monsanto study that they made and reviewed themselves? Oh wait the much trusted FDA lmao

FDA shifts on BPA safety

oh look an article showin the FDA backtracking over the endocrine simulating bisphenol A that's found in the water bottles you drink out of. Sorry no that's not conspiracy either just health science that you didn't know.

Oh and saying that they eat their own products isn't really enough for me as ignorance is clearly bliss. Then again I've read Monsanto employees don't even have it in their canteens, wouldn't surprise me with this



Oh and both peer reviewed so looking forward to hearing anything short of "I was wrong"

Remember I'm just looking out for you and guy since you think washing pesticide veg makes it safe. Now I'm gonna have a nice day while you tell pregnant women to drink more (new science coming out on that too bros)
Poison is not all about dosing. Some substances may need a certain amount of it to KILL you but that does not mean it is not toxic even in small doses. Also not what I was talking about anyways. Calcium fluoride naturally occurs, sodium fluoride is an industrial waste product. Are you saying the difference is so insignificant that it doesn't matter which one is added to the water?

I am saying exactly that. Calcium, sodium, ~shrug~. They are spectator ions in the vernacular.
I wonder if conspiracy theorists truly are dumb or it they simply appear that way to ignorant bystanders?
... One last thing to all of you, the number one killer of people on this planet is... OXYGEN! If you don't understand why oxygen kills, then you need to go back and read some elementary school science books!

Will you connect the dots for me on this one? I've read the occasional science text, and this one is not familiar to me.
I'll even take a study that shows it happens in rats. A few qualifications though:

There must be an actual study that is directly linked to. The article he posted doesn't link to, or even state the exact name of the study. Just vague references to a study that was done. For all the bitching and demanding he does that we post direct peer reviewed studies he sure posts a lot of fluff.

The study must be done correctly. No prior bias, no bullshit research without a clear hypothesis, no flawed methodology. No taking 4 rats and calling it a "study". No undirected grab ass with vaguely stated goals and cherry picking of information.

The study must be done by someone reputable, but most importantly it must pass qualified peer review.

Nothing jtprin posts measures up to those standards. Once I start to see some studies that show GMO is bad I will revise my opinion, as I do with everything. I am in it for the truth.

If GMO crops are so amazing, why has almost half the world put a ban on them? Is it because they are super jealous of our GMO's? Why is Monsanto and other GMO giants fighting tooth-and-nail to keep GMO's from labeling? If its so amazing, they would highly promote GMO's just like every other amazing technology out there!

You want proof that GMO's cause cancer? We know commercial herbicides like BT cause cancer, and in "BT Corn" the pesicide is genetically modified into every cell in the plant, so you are guaranteed pesticides in your food. Most GMO crops will not even grow unless you put other herbicides like Round Up on them, so you know it is in the soil and will be absorbed by the crops.

The GMO food aside, the extra amount of chemicals that these crops need are polluting all the water on this earth and a ridiculous rate. Monsanto also sues people for copyright infringement who dont want GMO's, but the pollen has come onto their lawn and infected their crops. How about you GMO lovers watch ONE documentary on GMO's because all I see coming out of your mouth is the stuff that normal people push out their @ss. Watch "The Future of Food" and tell me that GMO's are great. Organic isnt expensive, thats the cost of real food. Are you gunna start telling people "Why would I go buy some food and make a meal when McDonalds makes my food and its cheaper? Its the same thing!" ?

I love how things work out though, because everyone who doesnt look into the dangers of GMO's will be the first Guinea pigs to truly discover what this so called healthy food is doing to them. People will look back at this in history and realize it is one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made in tampering with nature to this extent, if GMO's dont destroy the world before. Between the GMO's "terminator gene" (which makes the plant produce non-viable seeds) and the insecticides in the pollen which are destroying bee polulations, if this is allowed to continue it could destroy plant life on this planet.

Links relating to Glycophosphates (Round Up) and Cancer:

And dont not look at these links and say "Ive never seen any proof" like I know a lot of people say who cannot accept reality and pass it off as "conspiracy". The only conspiracy is how so many people still believe the pathological narcissistic sociopaths who run our government and corporations. WAKE UP, THEY HAVE TRILLION REASONS EVERY YEAR TO LIE TO YOU, AND THOSE REASONS HAVE A $ SIGN ON THEM.
If GMO crops are so amazing, why has almost half the world put a ban on them? Is it because they are super jealous of our GMO's? Why is Monsanto and other GMO giants fighting tooth-and-nail to keep GMO's from labeling? If its so amazing, they would highly promote GMO's just like every other amazing technology out there!

You want proof that GMO's cause cancer? We know commercial herbicides like BT cause cancer, and in "BT Corn" the pesicide is genetically modified into every cell in the plant, so you are guaranteed pesticides in your food. Most GMO crops will not even grow unless you put other herbicides like Round Up on them, so you know it is in the soil and will be absorbed by the crops.

The GMO food aside, the extra amount of chemicals that these crops need are polluting all the water on this earth and a ridiculous rate. Monsanto also sues people for copyright infringement who dont want GMO's, but the pollen has come onto their lawn and infected their crops. How about you GMO lovers watch ONE documentary on GMO's because all I see coming out of your mouth is the stuff that normal people push out their @ss. Watch "The Future of Food" and tell me that GMO's are great. Organic isnt expensive, thats the cost of real food. Are you gunna start telling people "Why would I go buy some food and make a meal when McDonalds makes my food and its cheaper? Its the same thing!" ?

I love how things work out though, because everyone who doesnt look into the dangers of GMO's will be the first Guinea pigs to truly discover what this so called healthy food is doing to them. People will look back at this in history and realize it is one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made in tampering with nature to this extent, if GMO's dont destroy the world before. Between the GMO's "terminator gene" (which makes the plant produce non-viable seeds) and the insecticides in the pollen which are destroying bee polulations, if this is allowed to continue it could destroy plant life on this planet.

"A 2011 study detected glyphosate in 60-100 percent of all US air and rain samples, and last year another study revealed widespread glyphosate contamination in groundwater. When groundwater is used as a drinking water source, this contamination poses a risk to animals, plants and humans alike."

"Macedonia and Bulgaria had the least number of positive tests (10 percent), while 90 percent of samples in Malta tested positive. Seventy percent of volunteers in Germany, UK and Poland had the weed killer in their bodies."
"This is your government speaking. We have decided that the sky is now red. DO NOT look up to see for yourself, you are dumb, and we know better. If you think the sky is blue you are a conspiracy theorist. Go back to your lives of ever increasing debt, and remember, the sky is red!"
If GMO crops are so amazing, why has almost half the world put a ban on them?

I don't know. I let the science guide me, not popular opinion.

Is it because they are super jealous of our GMO's?

Maybe, or maybe they are just ignorant alarmist.

Why is Monsanto and other GMO giants fighting tooth-and-nail to keep GMO's from labeling?

Because if there is nothing wrong with them then labeling them will unfairly hurt their business. It would be like me saying that using cow manure on your crops makes them unsafe and we need to label food so people know if it was fertilized with cow manure or not. Nevermind the fact that I have absolutely no evidence to support my claim, I still want to continue fear mongering.

If its so amazing, they would highly promote GMO's just like every other amazing technology out there!

They are. Why do you think there is so much controversy? People are out there promoting them. Ever heard of golden rice?

You want proof that GMO's cause cancer?


We know commercial herbicides like BT cause cancer, and in "BT Corn" the pesicide is genetically modified into every cell in the plant, so you are guaranteed pesticides in your food. Most GMO crops will not even grow unless you put other herbicides like Round Up on them, so you know it is in the soil and will be absorbed by the crops.

Do you have sources for any of this? As far as I know the herbicide bt is safe for human consumption and most other animals (including most insects) too. It is pretty selective in what it kills. It's almost like there was a lot of thought and consideration put into engineering the exact qualities we want the plant to possess, and adding just that to the genome. It's almost like we planned it that way.

I also don't know of any gmo crops that require herbicides to grow, they are used for the same reason they are used on non gmo crops. Except the gmo is designed to withstand it.

The GMO food aside, the extra amount of chemicals that these crops need are polluting all the water on this earth and a ridiculous rate.

I feel like you don't understand the purpose of GMO. It's not that they need extra chemicals because they are GMO. Extra chemicals are needed, so we designed plants that will allow us to safely use the chemicals to kill pests and increase yield.

Monsanto also sues people for copyright infringement who dont want GMO's, but the pollen has come onto their lawn and infected their crops. How about you GMO lovers watch ONE documentary on GMO's because all I see coming out of your mouth is the stuff that normal people push out their @ss. Watch "The Future of Food" and tell me that GMO's are great. Organic isnt expensive, thats the cost of real food. Are you gunna start telling people "Why would I go buy some food and make a meal when McDonalds makes my food and its cheaper? Its the same thing!" ?

So you hate the monsanto corporation. I don't disagree the company can be less than ethical, but that is not evidence of GMO being bad in and of itself.

I love how things work out though, because everyone who doesnt look into the dangers of GMO's will be the first Guinea pigs to truly discover what this so called healthy food is doing to them. People will look back at this in history and realize it is one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made in tampering with nature to this extent, if GMO's dont destroy the world before. Between the GMO's "terminator gene" (which makes the plant produce non-viable seeds) and the insecticides in the pollen which are destroying bee polulations, if this is allowed to continue it could destroy plant life on this planet.

Or maybe people look back on it and marvel how human ingenuity was able to help feed so many people that would otherwise have starved.

"Recently 25-50,000 bees in Oregon dropped dead with strong evidence pointing to a toxic spray used in trees. The UK just witnessed their biggest bee loss yet, and it's been suggested that the U.S. lost 50% of its bee population in the last year - affecting both crops and prices."

Ya lost crops because of poison pollen, that really increases the food supply. Its very, very obvious you dont want to look into this, and calling someone ignorant without doing ANY research is the most ignorant thing you can do. Do you really think countries are banning GMO based on public opinion? Why dont you show me some stats proving that GMO's create better food and more of it. Thats what Monsanto's CLAIMS but is completely false. So do some research, unless you think you're head will explode by putting SOME information in it.


Pesticides proven to lead to cancer, again:

I ask for specific sources to back up your claims and this is your response?

Please, the adults are talking.

I gave you sources, and you obviously didnt look at them like I knew you wouldnt. You would hate to prove yourself wrong after all. I want sources from YOU proving that GMO's are better than organic agriculture and I want you to PROVE that genetically modifying herbicides, pesticides and fungicides INTO EVERY CELL OF OF THE PLANT THAT YOU EAT is healthier and safer than plants that dont have them in it.

If you cant do this, then please dont act like you know your @ss from a hole in the ground.
I don't trust the government or the FDA to tell me what is or is not safe for my consumption. does that make me a conspiracy theorist?

I also believe in aliens and the Illuminati. I'm no conspiracy nut though. I just don't believe everything I read or see on TV.
I gave you sources, and you obviously didnt look at them like I knew you wouldnt. You would hate to prove yourself wrong after all. I want sources from YOU proving that GMO's are better than organic agriculture and I want you to PROVE that genetically modifying herbicides, pesticides and fungicides INTO EVERY CELL OF OF THE PLANT THAT YOU EAT is healthier and safer than plants that dont have them in it.

If you cant do this, then please dont act like you know your @ss from a hole in the ground.

You liar, quite being disingenuous. I quoted and responded to your post and it had no sources. You added those 7 minutes after the fact, when my reply was already being drafted. Don't go sneaking links back in during an edit then come claim that I didn't look at them.
I don't trust the government or the FDA to tell me what is or is not safe for my consumption. does that make me a conspiracy theorist?

I also believe in aliens and the Illuminati. I'm no conspiracy nut though. I just don't believe everything I read or see on TV.

Let's see if my magic 8 ball is still working. You do not make your living as a scientist... ROFLMAO!!
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