Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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You cant even provide one single bit of evidence that directly proves vaccines are responsible for the decline of any disease.

Since vaccines don't by themselves cure diseases, but only prevent people from getting them, the "direct" evidence you're asking for can't possibly exist.

Put differently, use your imagination and imagine purely for the sake of argument that vaccines actually worked. What sort of "direct" evidence would you EXPECT to see in that circumstance to prove this? What kind of evidence would you be willing to accept as proof? If you can't answer that question, then you're not being intellectually honest about the nature of evidence or proof.

If you like, its perfectly possible to plot incidence of disease and incidence of vaccination over a many decade time course for a variety of viral diseases and show a perfect inverse correlation between the two lines.

Would that be good enough "evidence" for you? Somehow, I think not.

Assuming it isn't, answer me this, how come smallpox was an international scourge for centuries, yet shortly after the widespread introduction of effective vaccination, there hasn't been a reported case of smallpox anywhere on the planet in over 30 years? If vaccination had nothing to do with it, then what happened to smallpox?

How come there hasn't been a reported case of polio in the USA in over 20 years (when outbreaks as recently as the 1950s were commonplace)? Along those lines, why is it that the ONLY places on the planet that still see cases of polio are places where universal vaccination isn't in place? Is that just a coincidence?

Why is it that measles, mumps, and rubella, each viral infections that were almost universal among school-aged American children, now rare to the point where individual cases are reportable incidents, and why is it that greater than 98% of these reportable cases occur in children who have not been properly vaccinated?
Since vaccines don't by themselves cure diseases, but only prevent people from getting them, the "direct" evidence you're asking for can't possibly exist.

Put differently, use your imagination and imagine purely for the sake of argument that vaccines actually worked. What sort of "direct" evidence would you EXPECT to see in that circumstance to prove this? What kind of evidence would you be willing to accept as proof? If you can't answer that question, then you're not being intellectually honest about the nature of evidence or proof.

If you like, its perfectly possible to plot incidence of disease and incidence of vaccination over a many decade time course for a variety of viral diseases and show a perfect inverse correlation between the two lines.

Would that be good enough "evidence" for you? Somehow, I think not.

Assuming it isn't, answer me this, how come smallpox was an international scourge for centuries, yet shortly after the widespread introduction of effective vaccination, there hasn't been a reported case of smallpox anywhere on the planet in over 30 years? If vaccination had nothing to do with it, then what happened to smallpox?

How come there hasn't been a reported case of polio in the USA in over 20 years (when outbreaks as recently as the 1950s were commonplace)? Along those lines, why is it that the ONLY places on the planet that still see cases of polio are places where universal vaccination isn't in place? Is that just a coincidence?

Why is it that measles, mumps, and rubella, each viral infections that were almost universal among school-aged American children, now rare to the point where individual cases are reportable incidents, and why is it that greater than 98% of these reportable cases occur in children who have not been properly vaccinated?

Watch the hamster brain work..

These are this dummies answers to your questions, if you look back around page 60, I went through exactly what you're about to go through for 10 pages..

What kind of evidence would you be willing to accept as proof?

-he'll simply disregard the question and ask, for the 35th consecutive time, "blah blah, can you show anything that directly shows the effectiveness of vaccines", even after you show him dozens and dozens of examples, the centuries of medical research and proven treatments, all the Nobel prizes, all the millions of independent researchers.. His idiotic ass will still side with con men. And to tell you the truth, this dumbass makes me happy con men exist, just to fool and steal from his retarded self righteous ass. He's probably a stupid kid, not any older than 20, but he's so arrogant and moronic I actually take pleasure in knowing this retarded dumbass is going through life thinking he's won something when experience alone confirms he's in for quite the reality check, eventually! It tickles me! Fuck!

Would that be good enough "evidence" for you? Somehow, I think not.

Assuming it isn't, answer me this, how come smallpox was an international scourge for centuries, yet shortly after the widespread introduction of effective vaccination, there hasn't been a reported case of smallpox anywhere on the planet in over 30 years? If vaccination had nothing to do with it, then what happened to smallpox?

Of course not! "Duuuuurrrr, becuz of da better water and better foodz, better medisins. More toilets to go to da bafroom in. Sanitashuns, you know.. Cleen stuff, they not have cleen stuffs back den, but den, they improvz all da cleen stuff, they was better able to live, it simple, geez!"

That is what you will get.

How come there hasn't been a reported case of polio in the USA in over 20 years (when outbreaks as recently as the 1950s were commonplace)?

"Becus of the better condishuns, Gawd! Duh!"
I was just wondering why are you people so dumb or ignorant? If you think GMO's are bad, then you have no understanding of basic science or how most crops came to be where they are now. As far as heirloom seeds go, that is just a way of getting you to pay more for seeds that are no better. People saying there are more cases of cancer now than there used to be is due to the fact that there are more people, better diagnosis equipment, also over or incorrect diagnosing. I bet you guys were all over the "vaccinations cause autism" paranoia. Even though it was all due to bad science. The simple fact of the matter is, we are living longer, healthier lives than ever before in the history of man! One last thing to all of you, the number one killer of people on this planet is... OXYGEN! If you don't understand why oxygen kills, then you need to go back and read some elementary school science books!
The number one killer is heart failure. Not oxygen. Mr... Conspiracy.. And also in 09 the life expectancy was less than that of our children. Why do you think the government would tell you were fucked? Cuz you guys are pals haha
Your thread title started so well, then you started talking on GMO as if the science isnt there... Next you'll be calling evolution a conspiracy....

Saying that, I know this one guy whos a good friend of mine but he is dumb as a box of rocks. We're both potheads but man.. He came out with this shit about "chemtrails"... He's like... "You know planes have those trails behind them, well they're called contrails, chemtrails are different because they dont go away for ages". He said they're spraying us all with poisons or whatever as part of brainwashing lmfao. It was so dumb I actually struggled to argue with it because where do you start. I said you don't need to be an aviation expert to have seen that the plane trails usually stay there. To him that just means the chemical spreading is widespread. Then I decided to just google chemtrails and straight away you get a wikipedia with a scientist saying the obvious thing, that theres no proof of them being anything other than contrails. When I told my friend this he said after a short pause "yeah but who does the scientist work for?"........... nearly facepalmed my skull off
The number one killer is heart failure. Not oxygen. Mr... Conspiracy.. And also in 09 the life expectancy was less than that of our children. Why do you think the government would tell you were fucked? Cuz you guys are pals haha

How fucking dumb are you?
Your thread title started so well, then you started talking on GMO as if the science isnt there... Next you'll be calling evolution a conspiracy....

Saying that, I know this one guy whos a good friend of mine but he is dumb as a box of rocks. We're both potheads but man.. He came out with this shit about "chemtrails"... He's like... "You know planes have those trails behind them, well they're called contrails, chemtrails are different because they dont go away for ages". He said they're spraying us all with poisons or whatever as part of brainwashing lmfao. It was so dumb I actually struggled to argue with it because where do you start. I said you don't need to be an aviation expert to have seen that the plane trails usually stay there. To him that just means the chemical spreading is widespread. Then I decided to just google chemtrails and straight away you get a wikipedia with a scientist saying the obvious thing, that theres no proof of them being anything other than contrails. When I told my friend this he said after a short pause "yeah but who does the scientist work for?"........... nearly facepalmed my skull off

There is not a (not one) single paper that has been peer reviewed on GMO's that proves anything negative.
There is not a (not one) single paper that has been peer reviewed on GMO's that proves anything negative.

There also isn't a shred of evidence that there isnt a god and probably never will be, but that doesn't mean much. All I need to do is look at all the countries that have banned them, the EU's stance on them, oh and also the companies that push them ie Monsanto. Roundup ready crops so we can soak soils indiscriminately with pesticides and you eat what survives? Mmm yummy.
There also isn't a shred of evidence that there isnt a god and probably never will be, but that doesn't mean much. All I need to do is look at all the countries that have banned them, the EU's stance on them, oh and also the companies that push them ie Monsanto. Roundup ready crops so we can soak soils indiscriminately with pesticides and you eat what survives? Mmm yummy.

Anybody noticing the trend yet...

People who buy into conspiracy theories usually don't understand science very well
what happens to the residual pesticides in the ground? and what do we do with the soil afterwards? what effects do they have?

this is an honest non biased question.
what happens to the residual pesticides in the ground? and what do we do with the soil afterwards? what effects do they have?

this is an honest non biased question.

Probably depends on each farm, but what they introduce into the system to protect the plants from pests is not dangerous to humans, if it was, it wouldn't be used. That's exactly the point of the FDA and regulations in place. Also, the plants do not soak up these pesticides, that's not how it works, plants are not sponges, the pesticides are sprayed on the plants killing the invasive insects, then thoroughly cleaned and tested before they are shipped to consumers. CT's will tell you they're not, and that's all bullshit, even though these FDA officials themselves consume the exact same products, essentially poisoning themselves..

Watch how jtprin rationalizes it though, he'll find non existing connections, attempt to justify irrational arguments, and dismiss all the legitimate evidence against him that clearly disproves his bullshit, this is the mind of a conspiracy theorist, it's why these people are simply morons who will never be taken seriously, and it's why you should go to school and learn about something before you think you're qualified to speak about it..
The OP is the one who should do some research. GMO's are bad because they genetically modify pesticides into every cell in the plant, which we eat and bees eat. You cant just modify a cell by asking it to, you have to use bacteria to invade the cell. Talk about ignorance, You probably believe that the world trade centers could fall into themselves at freefall speed after getting hit only on the side of the building, and then those 2 planes and the 2 others that crashed were the only ones in aviation history where black boxes could not be retrieved.

All I can say is, Im glad you trust the government, and I hope you are the first on the train to be "saved" when it all comes down.
The OP is the one who should do some research. GMO's are bad because they genetically modify pesticides into every cell in the plant, which we eat and bees eat. You cant just modify a cell by asking it to, you have to use bacteria to invade the cell. Talk about ignorance, You probably believe that the world trade centers could fall into themselves at freefall speed after getting hit only on the side of the building, and then those 2 planes and the 2 others that crashed were the only ones in aviation history where black boxes could not be retrieved.

All I can say is, Im glad you trust the government, and I hope you are the first on the train to be "saved" when it all comes down.


Well, you certainly belong here..
Not sure if beef is a poe or not...

Anyway, to add to the pile of horseshit jtprin is going to continue plopping on us, he is going to claim that cases of polio and smallpox actually are still around under different names. He has already claimed it multiple times in this thread, so brace yourself. He thinks smallpox = monkeypox, and that polio = chronic fatigue syndrome and a plethora of other unrelated illnesses. They are "clinically indistinguishable" from polio he will claim. What he means is that the symptoms all seem to be the same, but he ignores the fact that it is actually distinguishable and we know it's not fucking polio causing them.

He doesn't care unless it helps him sell vitamin c pills. He must own some stock in natural news. The real conspiracy is starting to unfold...
In human beings.

I'll even take a study that shows it happens in rats. A few qualifications though:

There must be an actual study that is directly linked to. The article he posted doesn't link to, or even state the exact name of the study. Just vague references to a study that was done. For all the bitching and demanding he does that we post direct peer reviewed studies he sure posts a lot of fluff.

The study must be done correctly. No prior bias, no bullshit research without a clear hypothesis, no flawed methodology. No taking 4 rats and calling it a "study". No undirected grab ass with vaguely stated goals and cherry picking of information.

The study must be done by someone reputable, but most importantly it must pass qualified peer review.

Nothing jtprin posts measures up to those standards. Once I start to see some studies that show GMO is bad I will revise my opinion, as I do with everything. I am in it for the truth.
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