And to be even more frank, sometimes the breeder just gets screwed over royal, even when the guy screwing him owes him money.
It can be a nut deal, Emery took my Wonderbud to Nimbin. Thought so much of it, he actually had it grown out in Australia, along with a lot of other top strains from his catalog, to compete in the Nimbin cup.
Here's a picture of the results of that endeavour:

The original name for Wonderbud, was Vick's Vapor Rub X Redenbacher 413
You can see my old name I use to use, (tim haight) at Emery's site and Overgrow.
The original name came from my friend Bill Wonder. However he later changed his mind (and called it wonderbud) after I had sent Emery the seed and told Emery it was called Vic's x Redenbacher 413. So that's how it appeared in the magazine. It came in 3rd with special mention for the incredible flavor it has.