Why are my leaves all yellowing towards the top new growth?


Active Member
All 3 gallon pots. 2x2 tent with a spider farmer sf1000 light. Humidity right now is between 40-50. Temperature is between 68-76. The blueberry and night queen autos in the back are on day 68 and the Neville haze is on day 60 in the front. They’ve been showing yellow leaves and rust spots the past few weeks. I’m feeding foxfarm tiger bloom and big bloom at half strength. I started flushing a gallon of 7.0 ph distilled water before I watered with a full gallon of nutes at 7.0 ph as well. I’ve been watering with 7.0 because a few weeks ago when I started seeing deficiencies I noticed my ph run off was much lower than the 6.3-6.5 I was puting in. Like 5.3 runoff reading. I thought the soil was very acidic so that’s why I started doing thee flushes before I feed. The flushed haven’t done much, I Notice my runoff is still lower like 6.0. The night queen is all weird . Very slow growth, minimal trichomes, not fattening up much and white hairs have been puffed up for couple weeks just liek this now. I’ve jsut started noticing some trichomes forming now but it’s way late compared to the blueberry which should be ready for harvest next week.
Please any help tips or advice. Are my plants doomed because of these rapid deficiencies? Leaves are curling up dead into the buds!

