why are some pets just dumb


Well-Known Member
I don't have a dog, I have a rat and she's too smart for her own good. When she comes out to play she'll climb the highest thing she can, get the lay of the room, and then set about foraging.


Well-Known Member
They're dumb because we love them and allow it. We are the enablers of the idiot pet population. Sigh......


Well-Known Member
I didn't want a dumb cat that would get himself lost of injured. He's a good boy and acts like a doggy so I have some company. I miss him..


bud bootlegger
omg, we have a new'ish puppy.. she's about 9 months old now, a lab... i won't say she's dumb, just a big fucking baby.. she won't walk up the stairs at night to go to bed as she sleeps in my roomy's bed... my roomy has to guide her up the steps by pushing her on her ass lightly.. then she will walk up maybe on step and stop till my roomy guides her up some more.. usually when she gets about half way up,she will go up the rest of the way on her own..
she also will not walk down the stairs on her own.. i have to,, pick her up and carry her down every morning.. mind you, she's a good 60 pounds or so now too..
just this week she has started not wanting to get off of the bed in the morning by herself either.. so now i have to get her off of the bed and down the stairs in the morning..
she will also take her food for a walk before eating it.. it's quite funny to watch really.. she will take her dog bowl and push it all across the floor with her nose.. she will push it either under the couch, or under something so she can't reach it..
or another thing she will do is take her one toy and cover her food up with it.. it's like a dead fuzzy squirel toy and she will push it over to her dog bowl and put it on top of her food so she can't see it anymore..
sometimes she will take a piece of wet food out of the bowl and cover it with her lil blanket thingy as well.

as i'm typing this, she is trying to cover her dog bone over with my blanket that's on the couch, lmao.. she's fucking strange, but oh so cute and we couldn't ask for a more loving dog...


Well-Known Member
My cats are almost all family, some of them are just dumb as fuck, just like some humans.

One has fallen into the pool three times, two of which in a period of a month.


Active Member
I'm sorry but you don't know a single thing about pitbulls. This going out on a limb, but you see like quite the redneck. I would trust my pitbull around my kids before any person. My dog is the sweetest thing in the world, most dogs are "inbred" like you said somewhere back in their pedigree.


Well-Known Member
pitbulls are one of the most inbred dogs you can bye and thus makes them unstable as a bread good working dogs but not pets as they are bread for aggresion as the name pit bull they are for keeping bulls in line if you have to keep a 2ton animal in check and you are that small you got have a screw loos somware not dising you having one but thats what the bread is for

by inbred i mean every bread can be traced back to one breeding pair
LOL! Get a pitbull from the right breeder and then say that you dumbass. I have 2 friends that have pitbulls, one has 2 and the other has 1. But all 3 pitbulls are some of the nicest dogs i've seen! And they also listened to commands really good! AND so easy to handle! All 3 were nice to my sisters little 2 pound chihuahua that I was baby sitting. Your just a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Be specific. Pit bull type vs American Pit Bull Terrier the breed.

Josh is right, many dogs in that group make great family pets. I've posted enough links and photos in the dozen or so Pitbull-related threads. Misconceptions abound, though backyard breeding is a problem for all sorts of dogs. You do end up with pets that have mental and physical issues..

Yes they attack people sometimes... So do labradors. There is far too much media attention on this type and oddly not much on others of the molosser group.


Well-Known Member
If that's true ... wonder why they were banned in Ontario? .... could it be because of all the attacks? ... and now some are trying to get them unbanned ... good luck


Well-Known Member
Listen, try handling a pack of 12 pit-type mastiff crosses and GSDs versus a badly trained labrador or terrier. Our cute fluffy toy breeds and the herding types we trust so much can be just as dangerous. I did not say they do not attack people ever, but people see 'pitbull' as a buzzword and make assumptions. What about the primitive spitz types? They are often bigger and more dangerous/unpredictable, you just don't hear about it in the news. I nearly had my face ripped off by a fucking labrador.

I'm not going to get into an argument about this here but run a search and the statistics and testimonies are in the aforementioned threads. Once again I AM NOT SAYING THEY DO NOT ATTACK PEOPLE EVER but so do plenty other breeds/types and you are far more at risk from your fellow man.


Well-Known Member
If that's true ... wonder why they were banned in Ontario? .... could it be because of all the attacks? ... and now some are trying to get them unbanned ... good luck
It comes down to 2 things, knowing how to raise a dog that wants to be dominant and getting it from the right breeder, so that means YOU can't be a pussy, or that dog will own you, and most people these days don't have much confidence in themselves, so the dog ends up doing what the dog wants. It doesn't know right or wrong because the person doesn't want to teach it because they can't because they refuse to assert themselves as the dominant one of the household. Then you train the dog from there. I think it's the owners these days that make bad dogs.


Well-Known Member
Also remember that they are dogs. If you want to get the message through, speak their language. They don't give a fuck about the nuances of human social interaction or how you think you told your dog to do x

Too many dogs are taken from their litters too early. That is where they learn their 'manners'. So many dogs don't even know how to be dogs anymore and would find themselves out as a liability within pack structure because of how people have bred and raised them.


Well-Known Member
I'm not fond of large terriers/dogs in general but if there is one dog I stay away from it is a spaniel. Lost count how many spaniels I've been bitten by on the shins as a child.


Well-Known Member
i got a pitbull he is smart as shit but its all about training i been around pits my whole life and i got to say they get a bad rep i trained my nephews pit he got turned 1 on his birthday that dog didnt leave that kids side till the day he died i got a lab to she listens and all but that dog is stupid lol


Well-Known Member
OP, there is no such thing as a golden lab. There are 3 colors, period end of story.....yellow, chocolate, and black. The AKC doesn't recognize any other color, or mixed breeds. Yours is a yellow, and a nice looking one at that.

For Lab fans, it's like nails on a chalkboard to hear the wrong names used......


Ursus marijanus
OP, there is no such thing as a golden lab. There are 3 colors, period end of story.....yellow, chocolate, and black. The AKC doesn't recognize any other color, or mixed breeds. Yours is a yellow, and a nice looking one at that.

For Lab fans, it's like nails on a chalkboard to hear the wrong names used......
Absolutely. I hate it when the nests of BHOtards and tweakers get called labs. cn