Why are they not growing?


I started an outdoor grow may 8th with 9 plants from seeds and it is now july10th and 3 of my plants are probably 7 inches high and the rest are even smaller. they dont look healthy either. they are in 5 gallon buckets with miracle grow soil. any comments? will they end up with any bud? please help:cry:


Active Member
Have any pics? Do you feed them? I would start them in a much smaller container then eventually transplant to 5 gallon.


Well-Known Member
That big of diff is going to slow them down til they quit focusing on root growth. Sounds like maybe they should have been transplanted sooner if they're only 7in.. May have been root bound for a while.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you may be better off getting some clones going... in something other than MG soil - but yeah pics tell a better story


Well-Known Member
I will bet you $5 your problem is packed soil. MG soil will pack tight choking your roots. This making your plants very slow growth.

Without seeing a pic this is what I would do. If you got funds go buy some good soil geared for pot plants. If not buy some black gold soil. Normal kind with no ferts added. You do not want the time release crap. Also buy a big bag of perlite. Get some 10g or bigger pots. Mix about 25% perlite into your soil. Transplant them.

I always use perlite to make my soil loamy. Perlite lets oxygen get your roots. Without it potting soil will pack. when your soil packs no oxygen is getting to your roots.

I seen threads like this with your problem a million times. It's most always packed soil with no perlite.

If you cannot post pic do a test for me. Take a gallon of water and water your plant. Let that gallon soak in. Come back in 5min with another gallon of water. Dump that gallon into your pot as fast as you can. then count how long it takes for the water to go under the soil line? With good draining soil it should soak right thru. If it takes a minute of so do disappear your soil has bad draining and soil is probably packed. Also MG soil is not the best choice. More so with new growers.


Well-Known Member
That big of diff is going to slow them down til they quit focusing on root growth. Sounds like maybe they should have been transplanted sooner if they're only 7in.. May have been root bound for a while.
How can they be root bound at 7" tall in 5g bucket?


I've had a couple plants that were in a funk this year until I gave them some Super Thrive. They have not stopped growing since. Itt might be worth a try. :)