It's the essential oils in cannabis that r responsible for the smells, which attract predators in the wild, to keep grazing animals and other pests away... And, it is in these essential oils, otherwise known as terpines, that many of the different renowned effects lie... NO smell comes from the resin glands, or trichomes, it is in the oils... Therefore, if a plant has no smell, it CAN still be an awesome high, because of the THC in the trich's and stigma's, but if it doesn't have any essential oils, then it won't smell much, if any. Ed Rosenthal talks all about it in his 25th Ed. Marijuana Grower's Handbook... Simple... But, since I use it for medical reasons mainly, I would rather it have all these different and awesome smelling terpines line pinene, and limonene, to name a few... If smell is an issue, then just use a carbon filter, or seal that shit up better, but don't breed out the oils that make this such an amazing and one-of-a-KIND, horticultural gem... Those "tastes" people often scoff at as unimportant, r often alot of the reason the medicine affects them in the wonderful ways it can, to relieve pain, stress, high blood pressure, etc, etc... So, don't be too quick to disregard smells as having nothing to do with the medicinal values of cannabis... Because it has everything to do with it...