Arizona Cannabis Society (CSA Advocates) does indeed have a pretty bad rap. Not sure why really because I met them before they started and they seemed cool. Apparently they are NOT since this is like the 50th time im hearing bad shit.
I think the people on AZCS are awesome... As far as the way things are ran, I wouldn't complain about because its their "community" and they can run it how they want.
Weather anyone agrees with them or not it's still theirs. I think anyone wanting to use their services (community being one of the services they have) , then you have to play by their rules.
Otherwise start your own.
I think the people on AZCS are awesome... As far as the way things are ran, I wouldn't complain about because its their "community" and they can run it how they want.
Weather anyone agrees with them or not it's still theirs. I think anyone wanting to use their services (community being one of the services they have) , then you have to play by their rules.
Otherwise start your own.
They wouldnt have that "community" if it wasnt for the card holders.
I don't get all the hate. I mean, I do, but only 'cause Philosophist was reamed for being douchy. Attack the guy for being an asshole if ya want, but complaining about the costs just sounds like whining. It's like bitching about a plumber charging you $400 to fix a leaky pipe because some guy on craigslist can do it for $250.
I don't get all the hate. I mean, I do, but only 'cause Philosophist was reamed for being douchy. Attack the guy for being an asshole if ya want, but complaining about the costs just sounds like whining. It's like bitching about a plumber charging you $400 to fix a leaky pipe because some guy on craigslist can do it for $250.
You're right... and they wouldnt sell it for 400 an oz if the "community" wasnt willing to pay it...
Not to mention, I would pay 400 or more for the quality you get from a azcs co-op versus the shit people are selling on forums for 250-300...
most of the crap isnt cured or dried properly.
I know it seems like i am sticking up for azcs but im not, im just sticking up for the concept of what they do. There is alot of people selling for too much, I agree with you on that. But if you get it from a store front... then don't complain about the prices.. they have over head.. drug dealers on a forum have no overhead.
and with good quality and service comes higher prices... I say grow it yourself and dont worry what other people are paying.
That is one of the most short sighted, ignorant statements i have ever ever. And I know idiots from all over the world. Well done.
Complaining about the costs is what will get the costs down for you, you fucking idiot..... If we ALL are ok with over paying, they will ALWAYS over charge. Getting together and agreeing to NOT PAY THAT PRICE is what will force the price down. When the people like LV and AzCS have Lbs of wee they are not selling because they are getting undercut by better competition, it's a good thing for everyone NOT IN BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY SELLING POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God you really take the fucking idiot cake today buddy.
I haven't seen anyone saying WHERE you can get anything for less. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it's the exception more than the norm. 350-400 an oz has been the market price for good indoor bud for a pretty long time. Anyone selling for less is just going to have their buyers adding a tax and passing it to someone else so they can smoke for free.
how about you gets some Rep and a higher post count and see what happens....
If you make friends on this board THE RIGHT WAY, you will never have an issue with over paying again i dare say.......Also just grow your own, its so fucking easy.
And i know people selling 200OZ to im not sure what you ron about with mark up and this and that. YOu have shitty friends, prolly because you have the social skills of a wood slug, but still try to over come that and make better friends.
Jesus christ, you really have issues.
You're too dense to even bother replying to.
lol, you are doing a perfect job of displaying who the moron is, comparing a storefront to your homies.
I don't get money raped. I just don't give a shit about what someone else is charging. I fight it by taking myself out of the market, not ranting like a whiny faggot.
what do you have a special deal with AZCS or do you work for them or something? or are you just an idiot trolling?You're right... and they wouldnt sell it for 400 an oz if the "community" wasnt willing to pay it...
Not to mention, I would pay 400 or more for the quality you get from a azcs co-op versus the shit people are selling on forums for 250-300...
most of the crap isnt cured or dried properly.
I know it seems like i am sticking up for azcs but im not, im just sticking up for the concept of what they do. There is alot of people selling for too much, I agree with you on that. But if you get it from a store front... then don't complain about the prices.. they have over head.. drug dealers on a forum have no overhead.
and with good quality and service comes higher prices... I say grow it yourself and dont worry what other people are paying.
you have really shitty connect if those are the prices you have been paying. we would classify you as an end consumer. and if those are the prices you were paying when it was illegal then now that it is legal it is easier to find and therefore cheaper and better quality. and speaking of quality, i have a patient which has bought from the AZCS many times to check out what they have and see what is going around and to be honest i can get better much fresher weed from other places. all the bud they got was old and crumbly and looked like some outdoor that another person i know has for 2000 an elbow. you know some of that nice norcal outdoor that some people save until dry times like now. and the edibles i have gotten from them were terrible. tried some fudge, rice crispy treats, hard candy and a few other goodies. the high all felt like it was made with schwag and there was bits of plant material in most of them which is disgusting and shows the quality they have to offer. so to be charging 400/ oz when they are getting lbs for 2000 is ridiculous. even street dealers dont try that bullshit. thats more than a 300% markup sorry but if they have that much overhead then their business plan is seriously flawed.I haven't seen anyone saying WHERE you can get anything for less. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it's the exception more than the norm. 350-400 an oz has been the market price for good indoor bud for a pretty long time. Anyone selling for less is just going to have their buyers adding a tax and passing it to someone else so they can smoke for free.