Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?


Well-Known Member
remember when the world health organisation did that study and found that defensive gun use in the states outnumbered shootings (accidental and on purpose, including the majority which were suicides anyways) between 2 and 10 to 1?

You’re 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a loved one rather than fend off an intruder

That’s a fact


Well-Known Member
I was using your "logic". You claimed I was defending "the right" because of a failed correlation / causation thing, so I did the same thing to you, albeit a little more absurd.

Anyway, liberals love guns, it's how they get their way when they want to take your money and run your life, they use a gun. You know that, right?
Explain how conservatives get their way.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Remember when you said people would be imprisoned or killed for Obamacare?

Still not a single case of that

You’re literally always wrong

If you don't enroll, what will happen ? You'd be fined.

If you politely decline the fine what will happen ? You'd be summoned or otherwise threatened with some kind of legal horse shit reprisal.

If you politely decline the result of the reprisal, what will happen? Men with guns will come to collect you.

If you decline to go with the men with guns what will happen ? They will kill you.

Still winning.


Well-Known Member
Liberals love guns, using them is part of their platform. It's what they use to get the money from unwilling people to fund their ideas. Are you able to rebut that ? No, you are not.
you've caught on to us...DRAT!!!...
we use our ill gotten gains to secretly support our dear friends @ the NRA an wayne lepews extravagant lifestyle...


Well-Known Member
If you don't enroll, what will happen ? You'd be fined.

If you politely decline the fine what will happen ? You'd be summoned or otherwise threatened with some kind of legal horse shit reprisal.

If you politely decline the result of the reprisal, what will happen? Men with guns will come to collect you.

If you decline to go with the men with guns what will happen ? They will kill you.

Still winning.
Cool imaginary persecution loser

Still never happened and never will

You dumbass neo nazi

I just let reality refute you


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%, but don't forget that each race/ethnic group are not equal either. different =/= superior. This is not only supported by science but also a majority of the population. Saying every race is the same and capable of the same things is like saying men and women are the same and capable of the same things, which is obviously false.
Agree there’s plenty of differences but none makes one group “superior” over another. Especially when it comes to individual civil rights and liberties. That’s all I’m saying.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you've caught on to us...DRAT!!!...
we use our ill gotten gains to secretly support our dear friends @ the NRA an wayne lepews extravagant lifestyle...

Liberals use guns to collect money for their ideas if people don't voluntarily comply. Liberals love to use guns and believe gun use is justified if a gang is involved against a lower number of people that liberals want to victimize...using guns.

You can't deny or rebut any of that.

P.S. - I don't give a fuck about the NRA or that Wayne guy head NRA douche.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Agree there’s plenty of differences but none makes one group “superior” over another. Especially when it comes to individual civil rights and liberties. That’s all I’m saying.
All people should have the equal right of self determination.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Your argument is saying that policy is written and enforced by Liberals and conservatives are nothing more than a spectator.


No, my argument is that liberals love guns. I have yet to have anybody rebut that.

My policy is to live and let live, which politician supports that policy?