Why do men call their girlfriend or wife 'Old Lady?'

Why do you call the women you LOVE old lady?

  • because it is a term of endearment

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • because everyone else says it and I want to be cool

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • because she loves it really!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • because I don't kow any better

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • because she is A LOT older than me and I want it to be known

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
so in other words...you or not really sure but just go along wif it because it is the cool thing to do. :-?
well im from tennessee and growin up anywhere you're bound to inherent the dialect.. yeah i say ol' lady.. its just a pet name. thats all. theres no real rhyme or reason i don't believe.

perhaps the government is putting something in the water.
Eh, mine is three years younger than me but he has been told the term "old lady" will get him hurt so he wisely avoids it, im known as the Queen of Sheba around the house and out in public im beautiful that "old lady" stuff just does not and will never fly.:mrgreen:
LMAO!!! I love it . Love it, Yes indeed. I feel the same way.
That'll NEVER fly wif this gurl :)
Eh, mine is three years younger than me but he has been told the term "old lady" will get him hurt so he wisely avoids it, im known as the Queen of Sheba around the house and out in public im beautiful that "old lady" stuff just does not and will never fly.:mrgreen:
so far the majority of people say they do it just because everyone else does and to be cool :|

ok then :confused:
Yes Dave. I think you two make a delightful couple. Much honour and respect there but you also allow each other freedom and breathing space for each other to be their true selves.

I know this is just me looking in from a distance but it is nice to observe all the same.

I have much respect for your wife also. I admire her intergrity and communication skills. She writes and expresses herself well and thats something I really admire in either sex.

Good man Dave :mrgreen::peace:
Thank you Lacy. :)
so far the majority of people say they do it just because everyone else does and to be cool :|

ok then :confused:

being from/in the deep south, i hear it all the time, all my life. i think it is stupid as hell, yet kinda funny at the same time; try not to, but i catch myself sayin it from time to time. its really cute if you happen to be bullshittin with like, say a 15yr old and he says something like "me and my ol' lady....." i cant help but think, "well, how old is she?".
its just a pet name.......I think your looking to deep............If i call my girl pumpkin.............................I'm not calling her fat and orange lol.
exactly ..funny as hell that is :)
being from/in the deep south, i hear it all the time, all my life. i think it is stupid as hell, yet kinda funny at the same time; try not to, but i catch myself sayin it from time to time. its really cute if you happen to be bullshittin with like, say a 15yr old and he says something like "me and my ol' lady....." i cant help but think, "well, how old is she?".

its just a pet name.......I think your looking to deep............If i call my girl pumpkin.............................I'm not calling her fat and orange lol.
hey dude. I'm not flippin about it or anything.Its the toke and talk section ain't it? :confused::roll:

Pumpkin is a cute term...a bit different than Old lady...come now....keep it real !:peace:
Aw.. You're gonna get me all verklempt, Lacy. I do love him dearly. Although, last night I was playing some of fdd's links in Sexyfattops's rock thread, and there was a vid of GBH from '85 or '86, which is a show I would have gone to back then. Not Dave! :lol:
Timing is everything.
its a term of endearment if your man is calling you his ole' lady he is really down to ride for you even if you dont like the term my fiance calls me honey bunny and i hate it but shes down to ride for me so i deal with it