Why do men call their girlfriend or wife 'Old Lady?'

Why do you call the women you LOVE old lady?

  • because it is a term of endearment

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • because everyone else says it and I want to be cool

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • because she loves it really!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • because I don't kow any better

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • because she is A LOT older than me and I want it to be known

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
The main reason is phony macho bullshit because they aren't real people. Men like that are afraid to sound weak by talking like a 100% honest man. How many football players or professional fighters break down in interviews and cry like a baby talking about addiction or abuse they suffered. They expect compassion because they are narcissists.Most of these assholes were bullies and abusers their whole life. So,men that refer to their wife or gf as "old lady" are assholes. There's your answer.
I imagine that to the man whose mind is a hammer, the whole world is a nail. The sheer level of moral vitriol you poured into your very first post establishes that you are immersed in the same petulant narcissism you profess to despise.
imho -
These were (/are) historically terms of endearment. Most meaning 'the other half'.
Or, if you think more deeply, the other part of me (the 'completion' of me).
Usually, they were used by very close couples and hard for others to really understand (often, because there were underlying details only that couple knew).
There are (obviously) both male and female equivalent versions of these names.
However, they fall in and out of favour between generations. Sometimes, resurrected by culture of the time (a line from a song, perhaps).
Some, usurp these names for other reasons (including political and social) for their own agendas.
But, those that used them (within their own lives) mostly did it with only the best intentions. Intentions, generally lost on those looking into the relationship (and that was, somewhat, the point).

I also wouldn’t dare call mrs Leeski that I would get a punch in the throat and she would hide my cal mag ffs
There is a story here. Please tell.
No story that I can think of, I have done a few years in prison. And old lady was a widely used term to describe your wife/gf while in there. It wasn’t anywhere close to the region I grew up in where it was a common expression (Appalachia) which is why I mentioned it, so it’s seems it’s not just regional. I’m not sure where the term comes from but when I say it, it’s with affection, and to me has a deeper meaning than “wife” equivalent to like the term my “ride or die” meaning she is by my side no matter what happens.
The main reason is phony macho bullshit because they aren't real people. Men like that are afraid to sound weak by talking like a 100% honest man. How many football players or professional fighters break down in interviews and cry like a baby talking about addiction or abuse they suffered. They expect compassion because they are narcissists.Most of these assholes were bullies and abusers their whole life. So,men that refer to their wife or gf as "old lady" are assholes. There's your answer.
I might be an asshole but you might be as well probably very opinion based point of view.

My wife has been my Ol’ Lady for over 33 years and if you said otherwise to her it might make her cry , if said otherwise to me I damn sure would ( make you cry ) .

Ohh I have a question for you now..... how many dix can you fit in your mouth ( at one time ) ?
When my wife was alive she was my old lady, she was fine with it as many other real women are. I never said it to slight or cause bad feelings we were together a long time. And lm not one of these no brained jocks imma fucken weed nerd and have been whole life, notta biker notta gangster. I was a landscaper thats true! Miss my old lady very much, would you prefer love of my life to old lady? Thats you! Called her that too! Fight over something worthwhile not slang!
Were I'm from it's a sign of endearment. If you're able to see and visualize yourself to stay together til old age it's a sign of endearment. What else could it be?

Love is all you really need, without branding or entitlement. Cheers!
Were I'm from it's a sign of endearment. If you're able to see and visualize yourself to stay together til old age it's a sign of endearment. What else could it be?

Love is all you really need, without branding or entitlement. Cheers!
Its not like my bitch old lady, thats not endearing. But ole lady is. Guess the phonics of it do mean alot. How its said!