Why do people grow their plants so small?

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Well-Known Member
I didn't have them under the right lights or anything (didn't have a clue) thats why the 1st pic looks like shit. But yes I used the tiedown method, they are only about 1-2 feet and in around the 44th day of flower. The pics are a little old I will update today when the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a link or something to prove this? I'm not saying your wrong, I just have never heard this and it goes against what I was taught. You may be right tho, I would like to read up on it. The vast majority of indoor growers do not veg for 8 wks...I don't think I could my plants would be 2-3 ft. tall.
Bump...I ain't buying it. You hear me closetcult...I want proof lol. But no seriously how could the amount of veg time affect the thc content? thc is produced in the flowering stage.


New Member
I don't know the answer to this either but it certainly is an interesting subject. I think I am gonna do a bit of research also 'cause I was also under the impression that the plants have to reach a certain maturity before they flower to their FULL maximum potential.
Bump...I ain't buying it. You hear me closetcult...I want proof lol. But no seriously how could the amount of veg time affect the thc content? thc is produced in the flowering stage.


Too many brownies
I don't know the answer to this either but it certainly is an interesting subject. I think I am gonna do a bit of research also 'cause I was also under the impression that the plants have to reach a certain maturity before they flower to their FULL maximum potential.
I have noticed this. It seems like you can tell when a plant has reached full maturity. It will start to show its sex in the veg stage and the nodes may start to alternate. When you put that thing into 12/12 it will start to flower almost immediately.

On the other hand when you put a younger plant with an undetermined sex (lets say it was vegged for 2-3 weeks) into 12/12 it will not begin to flower or even show its sex for a week or most likely two. I have also noticed that it will grow much slower in that first week of 12/12 as opposed to the more mature plants. I believe this is because the plants are not yet mature enough to flower but they do so only when THEY are ready.

oh and goooood morning Lacy, ive got myself a nice warm cup of tea and im sitting by my fireplace, its real nice and cozy. Its actually so cozy I may go back to bed since I dotn have work today :sleep:


New Member
That interesting! I haven't had the opportunity to witness this but it makes sense to me.
I just have always grown my plants to maturity so I don't know any other way. Even my indoor ones I grew for months before i flowered them. They were just VERY, COMPACT bushy plants.

When I posted this thread I was talking more about what you just described. I saw a lot of people flowering little tiny plants that couldn't barely support themselves, needless to say, the buds.
Maybe this is due to lack of light, I don't know.
Thats why I was curious.

I don't know what morning you were tlaking about but good morning to you too.:mrgreen:

Insomnia!:? I'm usually up in the middle of the night. :-|

I have noticed this. It seems like you can tell when a plant has reached full maturity. It will start to show its sex in the veg stage and the nodes may start to alternate. When you put that thing into 12/12 it will start to flower almost immediately.

On the other hand when you put a younger plant with an undetermined sex (lets say it was vegged for 2-3 weeks) into 12/12 it will not begin to flower or even show its sex for a week or most likely two. I have also noticed that it will grow much slower in that first week of 12/12 as opposed to the more mature plants. I believe this is because the plants are not yet mature enough to flower but they do so only when THEY are ready.

oh and goooood morning Lacy, ive got myself a nice warm cup of tea and im sitting by my fireplace, its real nice and cozy. Its actually so cozy I may go back to bed since I dotn have work today :sleep:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I only veg 10-12 days growing aero so my plants stay under 4 feet tall as.I grow 24-32 in a setups which fills a complete 8x8x10 area.4 footers in doors is about high enough with that many going.Now if I was just gonna grow like 1-4 Id go bigger but I like to veg 2 weeks flower 5 and then put new vegged plants in so a 5 week harvest is always going.Thats just why i dont go biger then 4 foot finishers.


New Member
No kidding??? :shock::o thats incredible. i would never have thought this about your growing because I have seen your grow and it looks amazing.
I am so stoked about this new info because I have always grown the same way and never known any better.
Not that I haven't been successful at my grows but I had no idea there were so MANY ways to grow.

This site is awesome.
Thanks Fletch. I really respect and appreciate your opinion. :mrgreen:
You grow hydro! but this doesn't make any difference according to what you are saying.
Or does it???:confused:

I only veg 10-12 days growing aero so my plants stay under 4 feet tall as.I grow 24-32 in a setups which fills a complete 8x8x10 area.4 footers in doors is about high enough with that many going.Now if I was just gonna grow like 1-4 Id go bigger but I like to veg 2 weeks flower 5 and then put new vegged plants in so a 5 week harvest is always going.Thats just why i dont go biger then 4 foot finishers.


New Member
I love bending and manipulating the plants. i always find it amazing to what extend they can be handled with they are fit and healthy.
Plus i've had some really cool and unusual shapes from doing this. You should see some of my skeleton stalks after my harvest. Crazy stuff.
I didn't have them under the right lights or anything (didn't have a clue) thats why the 1st pic looks like shit. But yes I used the tiedown method, they are only about 1-2 feet and in around the 44th day of flower. The pics are a little old I will update today when the lights come on.


shawarma king
but you are growing clones right Filthy? and that would mean the plants are actually as old as the mother.

i'm just curious


Well-Known Member
Why doesn't someone do an experiment..take 6 plants leave 3 in veg for 8 weeks, or until they show sex. and 3 force flower at like 3 weeks. everything controlled, all the same. flowering time same. and test the THC content.


New Member
thats a good idea. a controlled study to determine if this is fact or fiction.
I don't wanna flower after only 3 weeks but maybe someone else might but how do ya test for thc content?

Just keep test trying???:joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen:
Why doesn't someone do an experiment..take 6 plants leave 3 in veg for 8 weeks, or until they show sex. and 3 force flower at like 3 weeks. everything controlled, all the same. flowering time same. and test the THC content.


New Member
No kidding! This is what I wanted to know.
You sure?
Thats good to know. :blsmoke: Interesting that there are so many ideas about this.
Flowering early makes no difference to quality or amounts of thc,just to the size of the plant:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No kidding! This is what I wanted to know.
You sure?
Thats good to know. :blsmoke: Interesting that there are so many ideas about this.
My plants have a lot of potency and crystals and they had no proper veg cycle of light at all from seed.
If you have a look at my bud pics thread,in my sig,those only had 4 weeks of veg,and further back in that thread you can see a pppxblueberry that had no veg cycle at all,they are all still the same strength,this is something i already had wondered myself but i cant notice any difference in strength,but having said that if a chemical test was done it is quite possible that there would be slight variations in levels of plants that were forced early vs plants that were flowered when they were mature:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy,
Here are those pics I wanted to show you.
I took them today- And yes these are clones from clones-


New Member
Gosh! Nice buds Logan. I understand the clone from clone thing but I just doubt that I would do it. I think what i would probably do is keep the best mother plants and take some clones form those to flower outside in the spring, otherwise I'm just gonna have too many plants everywhere.

One thing that i do like to keep in mind is the what if. What if I DO get busted. If I have fewer big plants rather than lots of smaller ones, then I'm not in as much trouble with the law.

This is a serious consideration for me.

Thanks logan.:mrgreen: cool pics. It looks like you used photoshop or some other kind of software to eliminate the background.
Hey Lacy,
Here are those pics I wanted to show you.
I took them today- And yes these are clones from clones-
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