Why do Republicans suck?

Heres that great Repubican Governor DeSantis, who is representing that Breeding ground for Death named Florida.
This is what the future nomination (after Trump) of the GOP for POTUS said about those dimwits in his fucked up state that are jeopardizing the entire fucking country by not getting a vaccination

"When somebody contracts a highly transmissible airborne virus, they're viewed as having done something wrong," he said. "And that's just not the way you do it when people come in, you treat them. Are you going to sit there and criticize, or are we going to try to treat, and try to help the folks? Nobody's trying to get ill here."

What a dumb fucking thing to say.

"It's not they're fault"?

Whose fault is it then? (Yours?)

Those idiots (DeSantis included) are putting OTHER LIVES IN DANGER!!!!!!

What the fuck is so hard to understand?

If I was a nurse & I knew that this waste of air in front of me was an anti-vaccer, I'd pull the plug/inject air into his IV (something like that)
and make room for someone that's not an idiot.
If only he had words, the best words. "Are you gunna sit there, are you gunna sit there, an, are you gunna sit there..." "I'm just sick of this judge, I'm sick of the judgemen, du, du, du the judgmental stuff, uh on some of this stuff." "Nobody's trying, uh, to, to, to, to, to get ill here, okay?"

So eloquent.
So what you are saying is that if some party likes to kill babies.? And you like them because they are going to make it green everywhere. Then it's okay to vote for them.
Nobody 'likes' abortions, that is just a stupid as shit right wing troll that people fall for.

It is a lie.

Just like nobody is pro-knee surgery. There is no punch card giving free abortions after you fill your punch card. Women are not going out begging for it so that they can get knocked up so they can get one.

You guys really need to take a step back and understand you have been slammed with the very worst propaganda designed to get you to think shit that is not true.
You are a perfect example of why abortion is necessary.
Even the Islamic religious loonies allow abortion right up to the third trimester, these clowns are even more fanatical and radical than the Muslims they despise. Like the Taliban, these idiots aren't really religious at all, it is not faith which motivates them, hate and fear does. This one is going along for the ride on the flaming dumpster and hanging onto the only pseudo moral thing they can grasp at. This anti abortion bullshit is no different from the fact that any lie will do for these people, no matter how transparently stupid and false. They focus on the "unborn" (no different than the zombies as in the undead) and ignore infants ripped from their mothers and toddlers in cages, while tolerating corruption, constant lies, open treason, insurrection and Christ knows what else. Yep their one big obsession Trumps everything else, Christian values and common sense, they worship Cheeto Jesus and his Gospel of hate and fear.
So what you are saying is that if some party likes to kill babies.? And you like them because they are going to make it green everywhere. Then it's okay to vote for them.

Am I saying that? It depends on how well you can read/comprehend. If poorly, then I guess...sure, that's exactly what I said, word for word. If decently, well then I guess it's a bit of a catch 22, because you wouldn't have asked the question in the first place.

But, just for fun, I'll continue to reply as though you're coherent. In which case, nobody "likes" to kill babies, save for the oddball Ted Bundy types out there. I'd still like you to acknowledge that your "late-term" comment was wrong before we move the goalpost though, assuming this isn't another bs conversation where you just want to use random posts as an excuse to pound on a keyboard like a gorilla...
Even the Islamic religious loonies allow abortion right up to the third trimester, these clowns are even more fanatical and radical than the Muslims they despise. Like the Taliban, these idiots aren't really religious at all, it is not faith which motivates them, hate and fear does. This one is going along for the ride on the flaming dumpster and hanging onto the only pseudo moral thing they can grasp at. This anti abortion bullshit is no different from the fact that any lie will do for these people, no matter how transparently stupid and false. They focus on the "unborn" (no different than the zombies as in the undead) and ignore infants ripped from their mothers and toddlers in cages, while tolerating corruption, constant lies, open treason, insurrection and Christ knows what else. Yep their one big obsession Trumps everything else, Christian values and common sense, they worship Cheeto Jesus and his Gospel of hate and fear.

from last year but hey..keeping a kid locked in a cage is just that.


nice crib..tbh i think the cage is cleaner.

Am I saying that? It depends on how well you can read/comprehend. If poorly, then I guess...sure, that's exactly what I said, word for word. If decently, well then I guess it's a bit of a catch 22, because you wouldn't have asked the question in the first place.

But, just for fun, I'll continue to reply as though you're coherent. In which case, nobody "likes" to kill babies, save for the oddball Ted Bundy types out there. I'd still like you to acknowledge that your "late-term" comment was wrong before we move the goalpost though, assuming this isn't another bs conversation where you just want to use random posts as an excuse to pound on a keyboard like a gorilla...

Ted never kid little kids. it's kind of weird but many of the worst serial killers had a wife and kids.

now Tim McVey was a child killer.
Just using him as a reference for a psychopath, the one-in-a-million type of person. The vast majority take no pleasure when having an abortion, quite the opposite, but for whatever reason it sure is perceived that way.
Yep, that Trump feller sure worked out good for the republicans, he'll leave them fucked, infected, unvaxxed, broke, shrunk and dead. He's a real poison pill alright, swallow at your own risk, guaranteed to fuck up yer brain and probably kill ya.

and the funny thing? he's not done yet..they just keep letting him set up Donation buttons.
Just using him as a reference for a psychopath, the one-in-a-million type of person. The vast majority take no pleasure when having an abortion, quite the opposite, but for whatever reason it sure is perceived that way.
partly; it's because you got out of your sin and they have 10 kids with a double-wide.
and the funny thing? he's not done yet..they just keep letting him set up Donation buttons.
Not a dime of it will be spent on the 2022 election, the only time he will use the money is to primary opponents to maintain his stranglehold on the party. He's going to court soon and figures this kind of political power will help to get him out of his jamb, NOT gonna happen. If he was doing federal time, he could endorse the GOP potential winner in exchange for a pardon, but that won't help in NY state.