Why do Republicans suck?

Straight off the bat, you are a dick face. You want a free check! Of course you do. Because you're lazy, your uneducated and you think you deserve something for absolutely nothing! That is not the way life goes. Get off your f****** ass and go do something. While your at it feed three families on your street twice a week. That's where you idiots fail. You don't do that. That's why Republicans suck. F*** you!

Powerful use of words there. His uneducated what...? Man, it's a real cliffhanger!

One problem with people failing at helping people is that nobody wants to do it. I know for a fact that you're not doing what you're bitching about, because you're an american and americans in particular are a bunch of selfish, narcissistic, tightass @robroy types that are furious that they're being "forced"(taxation/social programs) to help another human being. The thought of helping someone just tortures their insides. I can tell you're one of those types.
OP If you think Republicans are any more corrupt than Democrats you are being led by the nose. They are politicians, they are ALL corrupt. They dont care about you or me or what we believe in only what party we will cast our vote for.

The use of neuroscience is being employed by both parties to neuro-manipulate or more commonly known as brain hacking. Primarily with the use of social media and sounds within to trigger dopamine releases into the brain while viewing their personal propaganda against the other party. They have done closed door laboratory studies with EEGs and functional MRI to discover what stimuli produce desired effects. Sounds, colors all change brain function. The release of dopamine makes you feel good when you are subjected to certain stimuli. This is the new way to manipulate our country and specifically our young people who are easily influenced and addicted to social media platforms into thinking in one certain direction. There is alot at stake to control the White House, Senate and House and dont think for a second our politicians wont hesitate to manipulate our thinking to serve their interests. Worst thing is people dont even know its being used on them every day. Lord knows there are a bunch of body bags in Arkansas that proves they will do worse for less. And you know what Im talking about there.

This is no conspiracy theory, this is a fact. Technology and Science has entered the political fray and being employed by the combatants. And us? Well we are the victims of their nefarious acts. Wise up, grow up, before you start believing that The Republicans are evil and the Democrats are benevolent. Never mind its too late according to your original post you've already been brain hacked.
Powerful use of words there. His uneducated what...? Man, it's a real cliffhanger!

One problem with people failing at helping people is that nobody wants to do it. I know for a fact that you're not doing what you're bitching about, because you're an american and americans in particular are a bunch of selfish, narcissistic, tightass @robroy types that are furious that they're being "forced"(taxation/social programs) to help another human being. The thought of helping someone just tortures their insides. I can tell you're one of those types.
Okay you can. You really can't tell anything about me. That's another one of the Democrat problems. You make stuff up and you lie! You can configure up a false truth. Then you convince other not so bright people that the LIE is the truth. Even if true facts. Like the fire is hot. You will say it's not just to go against the opposition and the pure science and Truth. Just like why are you so scared for anybody to open up and look in the voting machines not even touching them. For like let's say a router? That is cheating. That means you did not win. So you spindle more lies to cover them up, and spread them as truth. We will eventually overcome you freeloaders. You lose horny people a weekend in big cities 2 Democrat on Democrat crime. That's not including the other 40 people that were shot in the same city. Some will never be the same. You want to take guns away. Because you say it will solve crime most of the states that have these high numbers of gun crime. Firearms are illegal. Or you can't buy them without a permit. That goes to show you. Gun crime will not fall if you outlaw guns. What I'm saying is Republicans do not shoot Republicans. So if you want to help help somebody. Go pick up the bodies. Feed those families that need help. Because you are leaving It to us to pay out of our hard-earned check. I don't fucken want any more taken out of my check then already is. To give it to whomever that does not care, think they are deserving of it. Have 6 babies standing in the street crying who's going to feed my babies now after the fifth husband walks or goes to prison yes I am one of those people who wants you to get a job and support yourself. And help out somebody else.
I can tell you're a republican
LOL! Yeah, I sure sound like one. I was brought up Republican. But yes both parties are liars and we could go on and on. Believe me! I will vote for a Democrat if he or she is on the right page. I'm really not a Republican. If the politics follows the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and the Ten Commandments. I will vote that direction.
LOL! Yeah, I sure sound like one. I was brought up Republican. But yes both parties are liars and we could go on and on. Believe me! I will vote for a Democrat if he or she is on the right page. I'm really not a Republican. If the politics follows the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and the Ten Commandments. I will vote that direction.
No on the Commandments. The firstfive are doctrinal, The second five are prescriptive. The first five have no place in a nation that holds church and state separate. (Thus donimionism = sedition.)

The prescriptive ones have a very poor record with today's Republicans. (Blatant violation in parentheses.) Don't kill! (police videos) Don't steal (Trump Org from top to bottom) Don't commit adultery! (They wanna hang this on Democrats, but the Gaetzes are just the tip of the GOP sex hypocrisy machine.) Don't covet your neighbor's house etc. (Gerrymandered districts and a tax code designed to fleece the common man so there can be more counry clubs)

So, not just no, but HELL no.
I give my larf to streetcorner bums
You're OK. I just cannot see Mr. GQP at the downtown soup kitchen helping the acutely needy. Instead I see him donating to churches weaponized against sexual and reproductive freedoms. Or the NRA. Who are no longer aboutt gun rights but all about gun sales.
OP If you think Republicans are any more corrupt than Democrats you are being led by the nose. They are politicians, they are ALL corrupt. They dont care about you or me or what we believe in only what party we will cast our vote for.

The use of neuroscience is being employed by both parties to neuro-manipulate or more commonly known as brain hacking. Primarily with the use of social media and sounds within to trigger dopamine releases into the brain while viewing their personal propaganda against the other party. They have done closed door laboratory studies with EEGs and functional MRI to discover what stimuli produce desired effects. Sounds, colors all change brain function. The release of dopamine makes you feel good when you are subjected to certain stimuli. This is the new way to manipulate our country and specifically our young people who are easily influenced and addicted to social media platforms into thinking in one certain direction. There is alot at stake to control the White House, Senate and House and dont think for a second our politicians wont hesitate to manipulate our thinking to serve their interests. Worst thing is people dont even know its being used on them every day. Lord knows there are a bunch of body bags in Arkansas that proves they will do worse for less. And you know what Im talking about there.

This is no conspiracy theory, this is a fact. Technology and Science has entered the political fray and being employed by the combatants. And us? Well we are the victims of their nefarious acts. Wise up, grow up, before you start believing that The Republicans are evil and the Democrats are benevolent. Never mind its too late according to your original post you've already been brain hacked.
So many glittering generalities to conceal your GQP loyalty come Hell or high water.

Partial credit for a well-elaborated "both sides" lie. If you look at the actions of Republican gov't v Democrat gov't in the last 40 years (starting with Teflon Ron giutting the national mental health network) and especially the last 4 years (trillions to Fortune 500 cos and a promise to END Social Security) it is damned clear who are the gardeners and who are the bandits.
Or the NRA. Who are no longer aboutt gun rights but all about gun sales.

I was the president of an NRA affiliated gun club for 3 years until I found another sucker to take the job

In 1975 I went to the local gunshow in Enterprise, Oregon where I saw my first "black rifle" and thought "oh, this isn't gonna be good".
So many glittering generalities to conceal your GQP loyalty come Hell or high water.

Partial credit for a well-elaborated "both sides" lie. If you look at the actions of Republican gov't v Democrat gov't in the last 40 years (starting with Teflon Ron giutting the national mental health network) and especially the last 4 years (trillions to Fortune 500 cos and a promise to END Social Security) it is damned clear who are the gardeners and who are the bandits.
I fully get it! I do what I can when I can. Just like you. I want our children to
So I'm guessing that you're saying that you donate money to St. Jude's childrens hospital and the Shriners?
OP If you think Republicans are any more corrupt than Democrats you are being led by the nose. They are politicians, they are ALL corrupt. They dont care about you or me or what we believe in only what party we will cast our vote for.

The use of neuroscience is being employed by both parties to neuro-manipulate or more commonly known as brain hacking. Primarily with the use of social media and sounds within to trigger dopamine releases into the brain while viewing their personal propaganda against the other party. They have done closed door laboratory studies with EEGs and functional MRI to discover what stimuli produce desired effects. Sounds, colors all change brain function. The release of dopamine makes you feel good when you are subjected to certain stimuli. This is the new way to manipulate our country and specifically our young people who are easily influenced and addicted to social media platforms into thinking in one certain direction. There is alot at stake to control the White House, Senate and House and dont think for a second our politicians wont hesitate to manipulate our thinking to serve their interests. Worst thing is people dont even know its being used on them every day. Lord knows there are a bunch of body bags in Arkansas that proves they will do worse for less. And you know what Im talking about there.

This is no conspiracy theory, this is a fact. Technology and Science has entered the political fray and being employed by the combatants. And us? Well we are the victims of their nefarious acts. Wise up, grow up, before you start believing that The Republicans are evil and the Democrats are benevolent. Never mind its too late according to your original post you've already been brain hacked.
I am willing to see this mountain of evidence (like there is on the Republicans) of the Democrats doing this and working with foreign nations to attack our citizens.

Because as of now, I call bullshit on the 'both sides' troll. Fox/Hate Radio/all the propaganda channels popping up, online spam campaigns, Bannan and Cambridge Analytica, on and on.

Edit: Unless you count right wing propagandists using their platforms to spread 'left troll' nonsense.
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Okay you can. You really can't tell anything about me. That's another one of the Democrat problems. You make stuff up and you lie! You can configure up a false truth. Then you convince other not so bright people that the LIE is the truth. Even if true facts. Like the fire is hot. You will say it's not just to go against the opposition and the pure science and Truth. Just like why are you so scared for anybody to open up and look in the voting machines not even touching them. For like let's say a router? That is cheating. That means you did not win. So you spindle more lies to cover them up, and spread them as truth. We will eventually overcome you freeloaders. You lose horny people a weekend in big cities 2 Democrat on Democrat crime. That's not including the other 40 people that were shot in the same city. Some will never be the same. You want to take guns away. Because you say it will solve crime most of the states that have these high numbers of gun crime. Firearms are illegal. Or you can't buy them without a permit. That goes to show you. Gun crime will not fall if you outlaw guns. What I'm saying is Republicans do not shoot Republicans. So if you want to help help somebody. Go pick up the bodies. Feed those families that need help. Because you are leaving It to us to pay out of our hard-earned check. I don't fucken want any more taken out of my check then already is. To give it to whomever that does not care, think they are deserving of it. Have 6 babies standing in the street crying who's going to feed my babies now after the fifth husband walks or goes to prison yes I am one of those people who wants you to get a job and support yourself. And help out somebody else.

I doubt you've noticed, because you're balls deep in it, but god damn do you guys sound like meth users. Everyone's lying, everyone's out to get my guns, everyone's cheating, everyone's out to steal from me, and what's funny is that in the end, you guys seem to be projecting more than anything.
LOL! Yeah, I sure sound like one. I was brought up Republican. But yes both parties are liars and we could go on and on. Believe me! I will vote for a Democrat if he or she is on the right page. I'm really not a Republican. If the politics follows the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and the Ten Commandments. I will vote that direction.
I dont vote for the man or woman. I vote with the person with the platform and core values that I agree with or that they have exhibited over their political career. But in truth its like buying a used car. They read your reactions and tell you what you want to hear.
I am willing to see this mountain of evidence (like there is on the Republicans) of the Democrats doing this and working with foreign nations to attack our citizens.

Because as of now, I call bullshit on the 'both sides' troll. Fox/Hate Radio/all the propaganda channels popping up, online spam campaigns, Bannan and Cambridge Analytica, on and on.

Edit: Unless you count right wing propagandists using their platforms to spread 'left troll' nonsense.

But CNN!