"The GOP
View attachment 5127181 is demanding absolute loyalty to Donald Trump"
That's funny
Demand it?
Shit, their falling over their feet to be 1st in line to gladly give it & show their fidelity to the Great One, one of the most Dynamic Entities that has ever fucking walked the Earth (Think how fucking sad that is/This guy? / Who can never go home to his birthplace because New Yorker's FUCKING HATE HIM/HE WOULD DIE IF HE SHOWED UP IN QUEENS, NY.
But in areas of the country where they feel forgotten & don't understand/know Donald is playing them like a fucking fiddle, it's usually/always RED states that gladly elect Republicans (How's that working out?/not too good according to Census data, you (FACTS!!!) are the poorest/least educated & there's a good chance (actually definitely) of not living as long as someone in a Blue State (YES!!!/YES!!!/YES!!!/ (Don't change, please

He has pulled every fucking mentally deficient person to his light (and as you can see, there's a shitload of them), and they, like bugs, would/will/have give their miserable fucking lives for him.
And their winning
Ha fucking Ha!!!
Oh, I don't know if anyone read my earlier post about moving the fuck out of this place that drains one's soul & it sure as shit does/look around you.
These are the top 3 countries that I would move to
#1 - Ireland (Really not because I'm Irish/read the data)
#2- Australia (Because it was built on the backs of Irishmen/have good beer)
#3- Portugal (They speak English/best food in the World/fuck the French. And guess what? Their fucking Celtic, the last in Europe.)
Those are my top 3 that as Americans you would fit in nicely, but you MUST HAVE A SKILL!!!!!,beforehand, as most need that for permanent entry.
Hint, become a carpenter/plumber/IT tech,/student (apply to any fucking school at all, (cooking for instance) just get your foot in the door
Don't go places.......
Germany (they really don't like Americans, almost as much as an Arab/Frenchman)
Italy (Full of thieves, like really/you know those wallets with a chain that bikers use, buy one/
My ex got hit 30 min after she landed)
England/GB or whatever those arsehole's call themselves = no work/food sucks/shit beer & a shortage of whores.
Nice countryside though, I must admit.
Ah well, it's almost time to snore so I'll be leaving ye with my favorite instrument, a violin/fiddle (flute a close second)
This tune was the 1st music I ever heard, as my father loved it and would play it on this shit record player, time over time, again.
Only tune I ever heard him listen to
It's a sad Irish tune about love lost (surprise!)(fucking Irish write the same shit endlessly)
This a magnificent rendition by two virtuosos.
The next two, turn it the fuck up/grab a Guinness in one hand & your mate in the other & fucking DANCE!!!!
See ya
Feck it/two more

(I actually got blasted there at that same pub in Co, Clare, not fucking Limerick, on Guinness in 1972 sitting in a corner booth there with my Da surrounded by musicians, fiddle to my left. flute to my right & a few Guinness's in front (too keep me warm

Stay safe/Peace