Why do Republicans suck?

This is what they are endorsing now this lady is crazy she shouldn’t be aloud in politics. I’m not so much defending democrats but man if republicans can actually get people to believe this shit and vote for them maybe the world is much worse off than I thought this is a excerpt from a statement Kandiss Taylor made in Georgia. You all should be embarrassed to have that run for office under your party.
"The First Amendment right, which is our right to worship Jesus freely — that's why we have a country. That's why we have Georgia," Taylor said. "That's why we had our founding fathers come over here and destroy American Indians' homes and their land. They took it. Look at what they went through, the Native Americans for sacrifice for us to have the freedom that we have today.
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Republicans make being poor a felony.

Send them to the blue states that have welfare, like the Syrians with Russian help did to Europe with refugees and what Lukashenko tired to do to Poland in Belarus at the beginning of the war. They are at civil war and the strategy has much in common with their fellow fascists In Europe and the middle east.
This is what they are endorsing now this lady is crazy she shouldn’t be aloud in politics. I’m not so much defending democrats but man if republicans can actually get people to believe this shit and vote for them maybe try world is much worse off than I thought this is and excerpt from a statement Kandinsky Taylor made in Georgia. You all should be embarrassed to have that run for office under your party.
"The First Amendment right, which is our right to worship Jesus freely — that's why we have a country. That's why we have Georgia," Taylor said. "That's why we had our founding fathers come over here and destroy American Indians' homes and their land. They took it. Look at what they went through, the Native Americans for sacrifice for us to have the freedom that we have today.
She doesn't need to make sense or tell the truth, just blow the dog whistle loud enough, he knows his neighbors and fellow white republicans in Georgia better than I and knows what will get votes. Not so long ago they were all democrats, but that suddenly changed when it became clear that fascism was their only hope, because liberal democracy trends in only one direction, when it works as it should.
1000 yds.
Slight wind from the left.
Average temp/humidity.
3 clicks left/1 up.
Breath calmy.


That's what needs to be done to kill a rabid fucking dog.
State's rats! Hasn't changed much since the civil war, in fact they still are at civil war, it never really ended for many, they are still traitors like their great, great grand daddy, who fought at the battle of who gives a fuck.
I see they are finally following my advice and I hope they are looking into nukes too, cause ya never know... :o

Congratulations America, Mongolia got ya beat for democracy and everybody on covid. Trump sure lead ya down at light speed, if it wasn't for covid you'd be fucked, but the cold civil war cost a million Americans their lives, worse than the poorest nations with no fucking healthcare at all, MAGA! Imagine if he was running the show when Vlad invaded Ukraine!

"Its democratic institutions have suffered erosion, as reflected in partisan pressure on the electoral process, bias and dysfunction in the criminal justice system, harmful policies on immigration and asylum seekers, and growing disparities in wealth, economic opportunity, and political influence," the site said.

The watchdog group said that the U.S. slipped 11 points in the past ten years. The U.S. is now ranked below Argentina and Mongolia.

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This would be communism! Big guberment telling law abiding Christian folks what to do! Boycott USB C.

No fucking way would the republicans go for this, as long as there's a dime to be made from lobbyists. Besides, it makes sense and would make people happier and they don't want happy people, they want angry aggrieved people.
Vote for a republican, if yer an idiot, cause they is taken over and you are under siege.

Europe Moves To Unify Chargers For Electronic Devices
15,005 views Jun 8, 2022 Ali Velshi reports on a vote by the European Union to require new consumer electronic devices to use a common charger by 2026, eventually saving Europeans money and reducing waste.

Same fucking shit

Started with Nixon

5 Decades of shit that the fucking Republicans created/own.

So, let's keep reelecting them, right?

Motherfuckers, AMERICANS ARE ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!

Dispute it & for all you assholes out there that are thinking/saying,

"Well, move if you don't like it"

FUCK YOU!!!!!!

You fucking move you douchebag & really make America great, because you & your ilk are destroying it
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yeah, antifa and blm disguised themselves with stolen trump magat hats and American Indian head dresses, (anyone else see the irony that one of the most visible figures in the failed coup stole sacred iconography from an indigenous people that had been systematically murdered and marginalized by the society he is a member of?) and stormed the nations capitol, and then, they just disappeared, removing all trace of themselves from all surveillance cameras, and removing themselves from all the cellphone pictures and videos....because, you know, those people have dark powers, they do voodoo, they ain't good christians....
the authorities have identified practically everyone in those videos, and they're all fucking magats...no antifa, no blm, no dark state agents instigating shit...just ignorant, misled, stupid fucks, who followed an ignorant, misleading, stupid fuck
Ya gotta watch those polls, they can give insights, but are sometimes tricky. The real question might be how many registered voters believe the left lead the J6 shit, or did Trump? Ask after the hearings. This shit ain't over, the prosecutions and possible congressional action against GOP congress people are possible. This is gonna go on longer than the election in November, though many involved should be in shit up to their eyeballs by then.

Here is where the Oath keepers and Proud boys will die, until removed in bags. It would also be a good home for Trump and would lower secret service costs a lot, one guy to shove his food tray through the grub hatch in the cell door. Why not? He has a large following of heavily armed domestic terrorists and is a traitor who is a real and present danger. Build an American Spandau for him and his cronies if ya got too and keep them there till they croak




did they actually ask all republicans? how many did they ask? where were they from? do they speak for all republican?....polls aren't that accurate, haven't been for over 20 years, technology and societal changes make them less and less accurate every year. if you want the opinions of older white people, that is who usually spends the time to answer polls, younger people, single parents, and minorities all seem to avoid answering them.

A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
try again troll, not even going to bother to refute your horseshit, it's all been proven wrong multiple times already...if you're a troll, you're a bad one, if you're not a troll, you're too stupid to waste any more time on