Why Do You Grow Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
I grow my own because the quality of weed around here is really bad.
Sometimes I can get something decent, but even then I have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
I am tired of paying some ghetto idiot money for weed. I want high quality cannabis!!!!!


Active Member
I would recommend smoking quail over hickory. Just not in a pipe. Its delicious:hump:
I grow my own because the quality of weed around here is really bad.
Sometimes I can get something decent, but even then I have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
I am tired of paying some ghetto idiot money for weed. I want high quality cannabis!!!!!
Fuck yeah man...Grow that chronic:joint:
I dont think theres ever been a shortage of good bud up here...but it sux payin an arm and a leg for it. My boy knows some grower from NY that always has a crazy variety but he charges out the ass...sometimes 500 an Oz...FUCK THAT!


Well-Known Member
got colon cancer so I use it for the nausea and vomiting. I know I will not be able to smoke all that I grow so I mite spread some around to my friends that helped me get free cords of wood over the winter and boarding my horse. Pay it forward baby.


Active Member
got colon cancer so I use it for the nausea and vomiting. I know I will not be able to smoke all that I grow so I mite spread some around to my friends that helped me get free cords of wood over the winter and boarding my horse. Pay it forward baby.
Wow man I'm sorry to hear that. Nothing wrong with sharing the wealth...I hope all goes well with you. Keep me updated on your grows!


Active Member
My reasons are pretty simple
1 - the shady types and the late night parking lot meetings... never again, I had started doing without actually.
2 - I found out a small grow could be managed with cfl's taking a big chunk of the cost out of the picture
3 - It's been kind of rewarding watching the plant go from a tiny seedling to a beautiful example of mj
4 - its honestly not my primary reason for smoking (i just like to get high now and then) but it does help with bouts of insomnia I suffer from
5 - I grow small and for personal use only, no one that knows me knows I'm growing, I figure there's a lot less risk involved than waiting around in those parking lots.

That about sums it up, if it was legal I would just buy it from a store and happily pay for it. but since I live in the world I live I basically see this as the only reasonable option.


Well-Known Member
First I would like to say is this is an awesome thread. Next I want to say I love weed, I love the smell, I love the taste, I love holding the smoke in my lungs long enough and blowing a cloud of smoke in my friends faces.

1.I grow cause in the suburbs people are shady as hell, theyll be like yeah I'll call you if I get anything and you wont hear from them for weeks.
2.when you do get a deal and you look at the weed you can tell its gonna be like grass but you buy it cause you have no options really/
3.I love taking care of pets but I hate cleaning up feces/urine but plants are like pets and I dont have to clean any fecal matter up so it makes me happy.
4. and last but not least? I fucking love weed.


Active Member
My reasons are pretty simple
1 - the shady types and the late night parking lot meetings... never again, I had started doing without actually.
2 - I found out a small grow could be managed with cfl's taking a big chunk of the cost out of the picture
3 - It's been kind of rewarding watching the plant go from a tiny seedling to a beautiful example of mj
4 - its honestly not my primary reason for smoking (i just like to get high now and then) but it does help with bouts of insomnia I suffer from
5 - I grow small and for personal use only, no one that knows me knows I'm growing, I figure there's a lot less risk involved than waiting around in those parking lots.

That about sums it up, if it was legal I would just buy it from a store and happily pay for it. but since I live in the world I live I basically see this as the only reasonable option.
Valid points...im def. with you when it comes to meeting in those fuckin parking lots. And its actually not that bad with running lights. I use Fluorescent lights for my 24/0 veg and then a 400w Mh @ 18/6 and then a 400w HPS for my 12/12 I do it this way so that I can free up my fluorescents for my next grow but still keep my current grow in veg. I wish it were legal, but w/e personal grows are more fun than running to the store to get bud. Thanks for posting!


Active Member
First I would like to say is this is an awesome thread. Next I want to say I love weed, I love the smell, I love the taste, I love holding the smoke in my lungs long enough and blowing a cloud of smoke in my friends faces.

1.I grow cause in the suburbs people are shady as hell, theyll be like yeah I'll call you if I get anything and you wont hear from them for weeks.
2.when you do get a deal and you look at the weed you can tell its gonna be like grass but you buy it cause you have no options really/
3.I love taking care of pets but I hate cleaning up feces/urine but plants are like pets and I dont have to clean any fecal matter up so it makes me happy.
4. and last but not least? I fucking love weed.
1. Thanks for the props man...After reading through peoples grow journals and seeing how old a lot of these guys are I figured that people are more like me and arent just drug dealers. Turns out a lot of people grow for personal medical use.
2. Contrary to popular thought holding smoke in your only beats on your lungs it wont make u any more high. My doctor told me this and I put it to the test. You get the same effect if you take a hit and exhale and then just breathe fresh air in and hold your breath...try it.
3. I lived in a suburb that only got shit weed for a long time and it was never around when you needed it. It's a lot more abundant now. My little brother is a freshman in HS and at least 5 of his closest friends are always lookin for tree, and they'll pay anything...lol. my brother makes bank off of them. I love my 3 cats and I dont think anything could replace them...they're more like dogs and they're really clean, but you're right...my plant hasnt left a drop of shit anywhere since it was born...occasionally it farts and makes my room smell like a skunk,lol, but other than that its pretty nice. haha. Hey man I LOVE WEED to ;) Thanks for posting!


Well-Known Member
I have a good grow. just bubble gum, ww I have a terrible time getting clones off of. not sure what to do there. Gods bud that I just got from a provider doing hydro, power skunk that is growing outside, and grapefruit haze that I also got from my provider. I just startet my auto ak47 and blueberry cross. They are getting germinated in water and in papertowels. They will go outside too as I ran out of lights. Oh cancer is ok with the help of my mj I have 8 more chemo treatments to go. I had one ovary removed and half of my liver. I also have barrets syndrom that I take prilosec for as it is pre cancerous. The chemo will kill those cells too. I had a scan last week and they showed no cancer but I still have to do chemo to make sure they get it all. I am female 43 years old.


Well-Known Member
I have a good grow. just bubble gum, ww I have a terrible time getting clones off of. not sure what to do there. Gods bud that I just got from a provider doing hydro, power skunk that is growing outside, and grapefruit haze that I also got from my provider. I just startet my auto ak47 and blueberry cross. They are getting germinated in water and in papertowels. They will go outside too as I ran out of lights. Oh cancer is ok with the help of my mj I have 8 more chemo treatments to go. I had one ovary removed and half of my liver. I also have barrets syndrom that I take prilosec for as it is pre cancerous. The chemo will kill those cells too. I had a scan last week and they showed no cancer but I still have to do chemo to make sure they get it all. I am female 43 years old.

my dad had cancer so my heart goes out to you. good luck with everything and i hope all ends well. happy growing!

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Here's my story. I got arrested when I was 18 for smoking a bowl on a roof one night with my roommate. Of course, we were charged with possession and trespassing and got put on probation for 1 year with mandatory urinalysis tests. So we both had to quit smoking weed to complete our program. Anyway, we were finishing smoking our last bag when we decided to pick out all the seeds and grow as much weed as we could so it would be ready when we got off. I know it sounds incredibly stupid but we were high and pissed off at the time. Out of it all we got 8 females which gave us roughly 12 oz which me and my mate took on vacation with us that summer when we got off. It was awesome. Now I just grow because it's a fun hobby and I really like plants in general.


Well-Known Member
Because cannabis is the most amazing plant in the world. It is the tree of life :)

And because I smoke 1/4 a day and my man said, 'grow your own' So I did.



Well-Known Member
It seems like we have an echo.... I only wish the government could hear it.
Some of the top reasons people grow their own weed, are also reasons why the government should consider legalizing it.
Stop funding criminals,
It creates a safe place to conduct business,
Instead of buying crappy weed from shady people, we can buy lights, soil, nutes, etc and pay taxes on all of it.
Oh yeah I almost forgot.... Its medicinal


Active Member
I have smoked weed off an on for many, many years. I like to get high. When first started smoking, the dealers I knew ONLY dealt with bud, and it was some good shit back then.
Over time, and over dealers, I noticed a lot of dealers were becoming pushers. Don't get me wrong, I have damn near tried it all, but I simply no longer wanted to deal with guys who invariably were into all forms of dealing. Eventually I knew some bad would come of it.
These days, I know no dealers (well, the only one I knew fell off the face of the earth, have no clue where he is).
I don't want to be involved in the drug sub-culter such as it is today. I see nothing wrong with an adult smoking weed.
For me, the next logical step was to grow my own. Stay under the radar, keep my thing small. I have NO intentions of selling, NONE. What I am doing today is for 100% personal use and I know I wont spend money that is going back to ill-fated agenda's (quick money for medium sized growers or money going back to Mexico).
If my harvest goes well, I might only have to grow twice a year. Once my grows are done, I will be re-using my setup to grow spices and what not for cooking.
This grow experience so far has got me hooked on the in-door thing; love it and I love the amount of info I find on this site..

Have a good one all!!


Well-Known Member
I smoke for medical use but in my state there is no med laws yet. I grow because i am not payin 300+ per ounce of decent stuff and i like the finer strains. Also i grow bagseed like hell. Because the way i see it is if weed is growing everywhere how can they keep it illegal, so each year i save all my bag seeds until 1s of may and germ and plant them everywhere i can. I put the sprouts in city planters, ditches, city gardens, you name it if there is a public area that wont get mowed i got sprouts in there lol. I dont know why but it makes me feel like a modern day johny appleseed lol. i probly put out 350+- sprouts this spring.


Active Member
Here's my story. I got arrested when I was 18 for smoking a bowl on a roof one night with my roommate. Of course, we were charged with possession and trespassing and got put on probation for 1 year with mandatory urinalysis tests. So we both had to quit smoking weed to complete our program. Anyway, we were finishing smoking our last bag when we decided to pick out all the seeds and grow as much weed as we could so it would be ready when we got off. I know it sounds incredibly stupid but we were high and pissed off at the time. Out of it all we got 8 females which gave us roughly 12 oz which me and my mate took on vacation with us that summer when we got off. It was awesome. Now I just grow because it's a fun hobby and I really like plants in general.
Nice story...I'm fortunate enough to say that I've never had a run in with the law when it comes to pot. But thats gutta be the best reason I've heard for growing it (entertainment wise) it seems like it worked out just right...


Active Member
Because cannabis is the most amazing plant in the world. It is the tree of life :)

And because I smoke 1/4 a day and my man said, 'grow your own' So I did.


Fuck yeah...

I grow because I am sicking of paying for it!!!!!!
Yeah Fuck paying for weed...

It seems like we have an echo.... I only wish the government could hear it.
Some of the top reasons people grow their own weed, are also reasons why the government should consider legalizing it.
Stop funding criminals,
It creates a safe place to conduct business,
Instead of buying crappy weed from shady people, we can buy lights, soil, nutes, etc and pay taxes on all of it.
Oh yeah I almost forgot.... Its medicinal
If only they would FUCKING listen!

I have smoked weed off an on for many, many years. I like to get high. When first started smoking, the dealers I knew ONLY dealt with bud, and it was some good shit back then.
Over time, and over dealers, I noticed a lot of dealers were becoming pushers. Don't get me wrong, I have damn near tried it all, but I simply no longer wanted to deal with guys who invariably were into all forms of dealing. Eventually I knew some bad would come of it.
These days, I know no dealers (well, the only one I knew fell off the face of the earth, have no clue where he is).
I don't want to be involved in the drug sub-culter such as it is today. I see nothing wrong with an adult smoking weed.
For me, the next logical step was to grow my own. Stay under the radar, keep my thing small. I have NO intentions of selling, NONE. What I am doing today is for 100% personal use and I know I wont spend money that is going back to ill-fated agenda's (quick money for medium sized growers or money going back to Mexico).
If my harvest goes well, I might only have to grow twice a year. Once my grows are done, I will be re-using my setup to grow spices and what not for cooking.
This grow experience so far has got me hooked on the in-door thing; love it and I love the amount of info I find on this site..

Have a good one all!!
Yeah I had a close friend get nabbed cuz he started movin blow...i told him it was a bad idea. Anyways we wont be seeing him for a loooooong time. And the info found on this site is amazing...thanks for posting!

I smoke for medical use but in my state there is no med laws yet. I grow because i am not payin 300+ per ounce of decent stuff and i like the finer strains. Also i grow bagseed like hell. Because the way i see it is if weed is growing everywhere how can they keep it illegal, so each year i save all my bag seeds until 1s of may and germ and plant them everywhere i can. I put the sprouts in city planters, ditches, city gardens, you name it if there is a public area that wont get mowed i got sprouts in there lol. I dont know why but it makes me feel like a modern day johny appleseed lol. i probly put out 350+- sprouts this spring.
I just bought a 350$ ounce of Armageddon...im wicked high. And thats fucking hilarious...im totally gunna start planting all over the world...lol
