Why do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
So, I've been thinking recently about why I smoke. I think it's partly because I need something that relaxes me and something that turns my mind off for a while. I'm an English PhD student and my brain is constantly on, thinking about all of my research and blah blah blah. But I also find that I think about what I'm thinking about... (and so on, if that makes any sense). So my smoking is sort of an escape from constant mental function. Not that I get stupid, I just am able to turn on my more artistically creative side when I smoke.

When I was younger, I was the classic dumb little stoner that just cared about getting high and acting stupid. As I've gotten older, I've found that the act of smoking has become much more ritualized. I use a specific peice depending on what mood I'm in, I listen to music, I have a designated smoking room with art on the walls, a good sound system and comfy places to sit. Sometimes I will do oil painting or play my guitar and work on new music that I'm writing. I use the time that I smoke as a way to relax and remove myself from the every day hustle and bustle.

Does anyone else approach their smoking like this? Are you ritualized in any way? I guess I'm looking to some of the older smokers for responses. But hey, younger people chime in if you are like this. :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's almost the exact opposite for me. It actually turns my brain ON instead of off. It's like the creative switch goes on when I'm high, and I think of every possible thing there is to think about. I love it, I realize new things, learn new things, and make a lot of observations that I wouldn't have made when I was sober.

Also, I call being high "looking through another perspective", because everything is different when you are high, so you notice new things, as if you were looking at the world through another perspective. So I smoke to see things through this, and also to feel good. =]


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, Victozap. I guess I should have clarified when I said "off". I think I mean I turn my regular, everyday brain off and turn on a different kind of mind. Like you said new realizations, sensations, observations are intensified and highlighted. I like it. I like talking to people who understand what I'm talking to. So another question, do you have any significant things that you have learned, realized or observed that are completely due to smoking?


So, I've been thinking recently about why I smoke. I think it's partly because I need something that relaxes me and something that turns my mind off for a while. I'm an English PhD student and my brain is constantly on, thinking about all of my research and blah blah blah. But I also find that I think about what I'm thinking about... (and so on, if that makes any sense). So my smoking is sort of an escape from constant mental function. Not that I get stupid, I just am able to turn on my more artistically creative side when I smoke.

When I was younger, I was the classic dumb little stoner that just cared about getting high and acting stupid. As I've gotten older, I've found that the act of smoking has become much more ritualized. I use a specific peice depending on what mood I'm in, I listen to music, I have a designated smoking room with art on the walls, a good sound system and comfy places to sit. Sometimes I will do oil painting or play my guitar and work on new music that I'm writing. I use the time that I smoke as a way to relax and remove myself from the every day hustle and bustle.

Does anyone else approach their smoking like this? Are you ritualized in any way? I guess I'm looking to some of the older smokers for responses. But hey, younger people chime in if you are like this. :peace:
Yeah, I definately have a ritual when I smoke. A special place, comfortable. It's very relaxing too me. I like to think about things when I stoned. Sometimes you come up with some good ideas when your stoned. Sometimes they seem like good ideas but are actually pretty wasted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, Victozap. I guess I should have clarified when I said "off". I think I mean I turn my regular, everyday brain off and turn on a different kind of mind. Like you said new realizations, sensations, observations are intensified and highlighted. I like it. I like talking to people who understand what I'm talking to. So another question, do you have any significant things that you have learned, realized or observed that are completely due to smoking?
Yeah, and I noticed that when I'm smoking with a close friend, we're able to understand our crazy ideas better, and outsiders who were not high would not know what were talking about at all.

To answer your question, the wierd thing is that I can't remember most of the things I've learned while I was high when I'm sober. Most of what I learn when I'm high only come back to me when I'm high. It's a wierd thing. I like it though, it's a cool concept.


Sometimes I write things down when I think of them. Or start doing whatever activity it is that I thought of, this can be tricky.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I write things down when I think of them. Or start doing whatever activity it is that I thought of, this can be tricky.
I've been trying to do this, but I always forget haha.

I want to keep this little stoner diary just filled with all of my crazy ideas. It would be fun to look back on them.


Well-Known Member
weed is amazing for me in so many ways I can't even explain. no mental hinderance here . . .


Well-Known Member
Its a good way to get through the boredom of a factory job. Also for taking the stress out of life.

Worrying about the next mortgage payment. Fuck it smoke a joint, and worry about it tomorrow. lol

Keeps me out of the pubs.

Nice to have a smoke and practice on the guitar or watch a good movie.

I smoke less cigarettes when I'm smoking weed.

Could go on all night why I smoke, I guess everyone could.

Oh yeah Great stuff when you've got the flu!