Why do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
I have always referred to it as my leveller. keeping things on a more even keel. I have for reasons associated with circumstances at the time...gone without sometimes for extended periods....I have had the tendency at time to abuse alcohol. I have been on a multitude of anti-depressents and seratonin inhibitors.....to me they are took too much of the edge off and left me with nothing. marijuana leaves me free and enhances my exploratory nature....I find myself in that peaceful place where all seems to be in its proper place, able to manage and adjust more comfortably than when without. I am so happy to have been able to make progress on my own growing....security of supply and anxiety over trustworthiness has held me from having a reliable and consustent opportunity to enjoy this wonderful weed. for now....I have to wait until my bud is ready....
I know what you mean! I hated having to buy my stuff from shady dealers, knowing I was getting ripped off, but nothing I could do about it...
And I love growing my plants, I see those little leaves spread, like so many arms reaching out for hugs, and it makes me warm and fuzzy inside. :peace:


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha....like Chiceh said...housecleaning!....makes me think of that Robin Williams movie...Mrs. Doubtfire...where there's that piece him cleaning the house to Aerosmith...Dude looks like a Lady! hahahahahahahaha
Robin Williams is the Demi-god of comedy. I'm a huge fan of his. Especially when high. XD


Well-Known Member
I smoke because it gives me a better view of what life is, well..more or less a second view on everything, I have the sober me, and the stoned me, the stoned me thinks things more rationally and intelligently, as the sober me jumps into things quickly and doesnt think very smart about certain actions, not only that but smoking helps me sleep (I have a sleeping disorder) and I once was diagnosed with manic depressent and bi polar, but since I started smoking the depression has left, I dont have the mood swings I mean occasionaly but everyone does, I can only look at life and be so happy with it, there is no sadness within my heart only love. Smoking gives me a way to bring peace to myself, and those around me, and a more in depth feeling of myself. Smoking, for me has helped shape me, and definantly helped me from doing alot of stupid things>.<


Well-Known Member
I know, he makes me laugh my ass off..and I dont find all that many comedians, or comedic movie stars and what not funny..at all..I rarely find any movies funny but just about every one of his is hilarious in some way or another, and if its not funny its just plain good..


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed because it tastes/smells/smokes a lot better than cigs, I no longer feel agitated when in a crowded social environment. I just hope someday I'm able to walk into a gas station and say, "Yes pump 8 and a pack of WW [joints] please."


Well-Known Member
one of the other ones I have that I listen to a fair amount is Eddie Murphy Delerious......thats so awesome shit....but then I like Bob and Doug Mackenzie, live 24hr blottoed through John Belushi, Steve Martin, Dan Ackroyd, and the Two Wild and Crazy Guys....:hump::hump::hump::hump:

YouTube - Fox Gallery - The Czech Brothers