Why dont people get pissed off about the real easy rich?


Well-Known Member
let me just bust this in the mouth ..Seeing how we got a couple of broads complaining on the next man making money...Professional sports is not easy at all...lots and lots of hard work...if you ever played you would know...Now are they worth the money they get paid..maybe not but nor the pay that some CEO make...Now do Micheal Vick create jobs...you damn right he does...When he was in Atlanta they sold out the dome just because of him...now sold out arenas only equals one thing more jobs...from the car attendant.. to security...to the concession stands...to the freakin hustlers selling VIC shirts..mo money all around...SMACK....now you two broads stop hating on others and get your weight up


Well-Known Member
Who cares who makes what...........live your own life........not any dummy can play pro anything or star in a multi million dollar blockbuster...........getting pissed over someone else's income is irrational on so many levels.....if you made 20 million dollars a year for starting threads I dislike I wouldn't be angry at you I would congratulate you for being successful....


Well-Known Member
let me just bust this in the mouth ..Seeing how we got a couple of broads complaining on the next man making money...Professional sports is not easy at all...lots and lots of hard work...if you ever played you would know...Now are they worth the money they get paid..maybe not but nor the pay that some CEO make...Now do Micheal Vick create jobs...you damn right he does...When he was in Atlanta they sold out the dome just because of him...now sold out arenas only equals one thing more jobs...from the car attendant.. to security...to the concession stands...to the freakin hustlers selling VIC shirts..mo money all around...SMACK....now you two broads stop hating on others and get your weight up
Well maybe owning a business and employing hundreds or thousands of employees is hard work too!!! OMFG WHAT A CONCEPT!!!

The whole point of this thread is to make people think outside the box and hopefully realize that maybe they are being a little hypocritical about how they view *the rich*.

We should be friggin thanking them, not contemplating putting them in jail as Medicineman advocates.

And for the record, I dont begrudge Mel Gibson, Michael Vic, Tiger Woods or any other star the absolute most amount of money those scumbags can negotiate for their services.

If people realized the pie was not a fixed size and that they could simply create wealth rather than coveting others, this world will be a better place.


Well-Known Member
Who cares who makes what...........live your own life........not any dummy can play pro anything or star in a multi million dollar blockbuster...........getting pissed over someone else's income is irrational on so many levels.....if you made 20 million dollars a year for starting threads I dislike I wouldn't be angry at you I would congratulate you for being successful....
thank you for saying what I should have said at first...just was curious why the OP started this crap...first he started a thread about poor owing society now this..WTF

The Knuck

Active Member
its the baseball players we should be hating on, look at what they are getting paid to get a tan all summer, oh and he cant play first base today because he hurt his nail on his pinky finger

they make me sic.


Well-Known Member
I guess there are two different thing's going on,,,The Have and not's,,,,The Rich or sucsessful,,,Up or down,,,The In club or the loser's,,,The sheltered or Homeless,,,Who fucking cares?
The one question should be are you happy with what you have? I am but I'm a simple person,,,Life is to short to be worried about something you are not going to change:roll:,,,My simple life might be more or less than anyone else? Who the fuck gives a shit?
Unless you have a better opportunity for me:mrgreen: Oh yea I don't care about "Taxes",,,or much anymore:hump::peace:


Well-Known Member
You know those people who make millions so easily?

Mel Gibson is a prime example. The guy drags down like 20 million per movie but nobody is hating on him... Michael Vic is rolling in the dough too and what did he have to do to get it?

Everyone points to bill gates and other people like that who worked their whole lives for their wealth but nobody hates on the football stars that are making 10+ million per year just out of high school.

You want to hate rich people? Start looking toward your idols and start hating on them. Cause those are the easy rich...
Those people have talent and work hard. They are no different from any other successful individual.

I have no more animus against a professional athlete or movie star than I would for a success in any other field.

LeBron James makes a wheelbarrow full of money for running up and down the court a few times? Big deal.

Elton John owns an island? Good for him.


Well-Known Member

Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.


Well-Known Member
its the baseball players we should be hating on, look at what they are getting paid to get a tan all summer, oh and he cant play first base today because he hurt his nail on his pinky finger

they make me sic.
I'm guessing you never played baseball at any level beyond little league.

Baseball gets more competitive at each succeeding level.

The pressure at the Major League level is unbelievable. In truth, most major league players make the League minimum, which is impressive until you factor in all of the job related expenses which come out of their salaries. Every professional athete has a manager who gets a cut of everything he earns; and that's just the beginning.

Only a fraction of Major League players make the gargantuan salaries you are complaining about. And it's the big name players who earn the big salaries who draw the crowds.


Well-Known Member
thank you for saying what I should have said at first...just was curious why the OP started this crap...first he started a thread about poor owing society now this..WTF
Those questions are answered in the post directly above yours...


Well-Known Member
You know those people who make millions so easily?

Mel Gibson is a prime example. The guy drags down like 20 million per movie but nobody is hating on him... Michael Vic is rolling in the dough too and what did he have to do to get it?
first of all, you fail because PLENTY of people hate both of these people.

secondly, you think making millions as a hollywood actor is easy? why don't you go to LA and try to get an audition, much less any role, major or minor.

or how about your implication that it is easy to make millions as a football player? you think that is easy? remember, professional athletes are PROFESSIONALS. you have to put in years and years and years of hard work, practice, repetition, training and more to get to their level.

you fail so hard, so often....like the gift that keeps on giving.

did you get that beanbag chair for the basement yet?

edit - and btw, who the fuck is hating on bill gates? or any of the rich, for that matter?

edit #2 - do you have to work hard to see things through such a simpleton's prism? or were you born that way 12 years ago?


Active Member
Who gives a fuck..Its not your damn money go fuckin cry somewhere else..I bet your low on dough so u HATE. HATER..HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER...Get off your ass and get your money right...If you could run or throw like most athletes you could get paid too..BUT u suck at sports so you make 15G a year..deal with it..


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck..Its not your damn money go fuckin cry somewhere else..I bet your low on dough so u HATE. HATER..HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER HATER...Get off your ass and get your money right...If you could run or throw like most athletes you could get paid too..BUT u suck at sports so you make 15G a year..deal with it..
You can appologize to me if on a rare chance you actually read the thread.

Have a nice day ;]


New Member
here's my only gripe:

how many people who complain about celeb's lavish salaries support them in one way or another?

when did you last go to a Mel Gibson movie or pay to see a sports event?

it IS a supply/demand market...and while the wealthy "powers that be" are already hugely established, the consumer still controls the market. imagine if nobody showed up to the next superbowl

do I agree with you, that pro athletes are paid way too much? absolutely yes

but do i EVER, and I really mean- EVER, care to watch a sports game? that's a resoundng "no" :joint:


New Member
and i wouldn't call these athletes and actors "easy rich"

I'd just call them "the non-contributing rich"

that's my opinion

and as far as wealthy businessmen/CEO's of companies...hiring people to work for their business...let's remember that, while they are providing jobs, they're doing it all for the benefit of the business...which boils down to the benefit of themselves ;)


Well-Known Member
and i wouldn't call these athletes and actors "easy rich"

I'd just call them "the non-contributing rich"

that's my opinion

and as far as wealthy businessmen/CEO's of companies...hiring people to work for their business...let's remember that, while they are providing jobs, they're doing it all for the benefit of the business...which boils down to the benefit of themselves ;)
There's no such thing as altruism. Everybody is acting in their own self interest.:cry:


Well-Known Member
here's my only gripe:
how many people who complain about celeb's lavish salaries support them in one way or another?
when did you last go to a Mel Gibson movie or pay to see a sports event?
it IS a supply/demand market...and while the wealthy "powers that be" are already hugely established, the consumer still controls the market. imagine if nobody showed up to the next superbowl
do I agree with you, that pro athletes are paid way too much? absolutely yes
but do i EVER, and I really mean- EVER, care to watch a sports game? that's a resoundng "no" :joint:
I support and agree with every sentence except the one about pro athletes making too much. It is my belief that pro football players should make more. Get rid of salary caps in the NFL and make it like MLB. I think about it like this: If enough people are willing and able to pay $50 for parking, $150 each for tickets, arrive at the game wearing their favorite $200 jersey, $200 MVP endorsed shoes, $6 soda, $8 nachos, $25 foam "GO TEAM!" finger, etc. just to see their "idols" play a game, fill 80,000+ seats at those prices for every game in every stadium in the country every weekend... There is an undeniable demand. With salary caps, the club owners get the lions share of that wealth, not the players.

I guess the other side of the coin looks something like this: I go to a State University full time. I pay $312 a credit hour. There is talk about increasing the tuition by $22 a credit hour and the same people who have no problem dropping $350 to watch a professional sports game in an afternoon are freaking out that they may have to pay $334 per credit hour to enrich themselves! This is the part that mystifies me.

Pay the athletes more. They are worth more than education, as there is obviously a bigger demand for them. For the sake of the economy, I would rather see every pro athlete an attention seeking, bling purchasing multi millionaire, than see a handful of club owners hoarding billions.

and i wouldn't call these athletes and actors "easy rich"
I'd just call them "the non-contributing rich"
that's my opinion
and as far as wealthy businessmen/CEO's of companies...hiring people to work for their business...let's remember that, while they are providing jobs, they're doing it all for the benefit of the business...which boils down to the benefit of themselves :wink:
When I hear of the "non-contributing rich" I think about a youtube video I saw where Eddie Griffin wrecks a Ferrari Enzo and I giggle.
That was a $1.5M durable goods contribution to the economy that was laid to waste in a 30 second video. The fact that it got wrecked changes nothing. The $1.5M was spent and recirculated through the M1 (money stock).

While the wealthy businessmen are certainly self serving whilst creating jobs, what it really boils down to is that they create jobs. I am happy to have the opportunity to benefit myself by providing jobs to others. Why wouldn't I be?