Why don't we get along with Iran?


New Member
I've heard that the citizens of Iran actually like America. Many move here. We are the #1 country they emigrate to. Its just the government. And Its not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It's the old radicals behind the scenes.

On a side note, does anyone else think its weird Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can just parade around New York doing interview after interview. It doesn't seem right.

Agreed he should be strapped on to the first of about 100 bunker buster bombs we drop on there nukes.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Most Iranians Iv met say the American media feeds you a bunch of bullshit. I worked with a guy before who said he pitied yous for hating him especially with yous being kept so in the dark about the truth.

Betcha if you finally just leave Iran alone it'd be a successful country with no interest in attacking anyone.

Just outta interest tho...when was the last time Iran attacked anyone?
hmmm last time iran actually attacked anybody themselves was 1988 in their scuffle over "who be more crazy" with saddam hussein. it was a tie.

usually iran (who has military forces, infrastructure, oil feilds, and cities clearly marked on maps, which means they got something to lose!!) prefers to pull the strings and help their proxies do the attacking of world powers who dont play the proportionality game when you step across the line.

the last century's last half was dominated by overbearing referees and whiney rules lawyering by the coaches on all sides.the UN has maintained a staunch and unshakeable belief that STABILITY is the only virtue, and war is the last and always unacceptable resort to "conflict resolution". under the UN rules and post-modern reverence for "understanding" the secret aggressor can sit in the back seat and irritate you for hours using every trick at their disposal to try and make you hit them. cuz then YOURE the aggressor! like a long car ride with an immature little brother

iran LOVES to stare at the US and israel. just stare, for hours.
pick boogers out and let them cling wetly to their fingertip and slowly push that finger closer and closer to us.
stuff a shitload of dortios in their mouth, chew em up into a nasty mess and then open their mouths and wiggle their tongues at us.
drool out a long line of sticky spit until it ALMOST lands on our leg, then they suck it back up and do it again.
ripping loose horrible farts and fanning them towards our side of the car.
repeating everything we say in a stupid inflection.
pulling faces and clicking two pebbles together for HOURS
licking the tops of EVERY soda can. every one.
endlessly babbling the theme song from the power rangers while staring at us. always with the staring
snatching our onion rings, chewing one up and then regurgitating it onto the remainder before giving it back.

and all this while chanting "Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You! Im Not Touching You!"

until you can take no more and you punch him, and then YOU are the one who is starting shit.

thats how the UN operates. as long as the assholes keeps his aggression and offenses just under the UN's threshold for response, you cant do shit. so they can fund hezbollah, hamas, the PLO, and the al aqusa brigade publish inflamatory propaganda, declare their intention to see israel wiped off the map ... oops, thats just a little too far, lest walk that back by claiming we just want their REGIME lifted/cleansed from the pages of time... yeah yeah, that works, the morons will buy that one machmoud! great job! or the US can fund the shit out of the mujahadeen in afghanistan, and the russian's protests go unheeded (what, we werent touching them...) and as long as stability remains untouched by any nation who is not strong enough to tell the UN to pound sand (like north korea, the soviets, turkey, or the US) or so absolutely irrelevant on the world stage as to be insignificant (like darfur) then everything is good, and the UN has saved the day once again.

so iran doesnt step over the line, they cruise right up to the line, set up camp and wait for the other guy to blink, or let their proxies nibble and nibble and nibble till the opponent makes the "first move" which is in fact just the first CULPABLE move.


Well-Known Member
Yep, dad just pulled the car over, got out and a simple open hand across the back of your head. problem solved.


Well-Known Member
I think pushing Israel towards the Two State Solution (with land swaps) is probably the easiest and least bloody resolution to the conflict.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I think pushing Israel towards the Two State Solution (with land swaps) is probably the easiest and least bloody resolution to the conflict.
unfortunately the hardline "palestinians" have claimed all of judea and samarita as the mythological "nation of palestine" and are determined to keep all of it based on their "historical claims" while ignoring the "historical claims" of the jews, and ignoring the fact that before the jews came with technology, modern irrigation systems, and modern agricultural practices all of the mythical "nation of palestine" was suitable for goat grazing and industrial scale manufacture of wind-blown dust.

the "palestinians" who were actually jordanian settlers from across the river in jordan (which also used to be part of historic israel, but the jews aint sweating jordan since they calmed the fuck down in 74) sold "their" land quicker than shit for a few sacks of jew-gold, and felt pretty good about it, till the jews made the land worht something again (other than goat pasture) and now the "palestinians" have crippling sellers remorse. they want "their ancestral lands" back from the people who paid good money for THEIR ancestral lands without any bitching, screaming or carbombing during THEIR 900 year diaspora. funny isnt it? ever since the moslems jacked israel from the romans the jews have been landless refugees, with no hoime, no homeland, no safe harbour and no friends in the world, they wandered from nation to nation getting welcomed in when their gold was desired, but periodically being persecutred and driven out, and moving on to a new land welcoming jews and their gold, till they get driven out again. there we no great jewish terorist movements, no jewish intifadas, not even during the inquisition when they WERE rounded up and ACTUALLY tortured, and not simply subjected to the presence of dogs, and women ontheir menses,, or being exposed to harmless caterpillars or increased localized moisture (lol waterboarding is fucked up, but compared to the "Pear of Misery" or thumbscrews, its just dampness)

its amazing how much the jews withstood while never resorting to random violence against children (in b4 blood libel) or terrorism, and even more shocking when compared to how little provocation is needed to make a muzzie shout allahu akbar before he pushes his magic button to get his 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys (which is still so NOT gay...)

so no, pushing the jews to accept a solution that places their defense in the hands of people who have repeatedly been shown to be hostile to everything thats different from themselves is NOT a solution. unless you really want to see a second try at the previously attempted FINAL solution.

also the "least bloody solution" is not always the best solution. a much less bloody solution to invading the japanese home islands was dropping 2 nukes on cities, and we still havent heard the end of that shit yet. Truman wrecks two cities with exotic weapons, and your a devil for all eternity, but sulieman wrecks a few cities with blood dripping swords, plague corpse catapaults, treachery and burning balls of pitch and you get the appellation "The Great" some societies have very different values. and our new post modern values are the ones which turn a nation of men into a nation of pussies looking to negotiate with the drunken asshole who is sodomizing our daughters.

personally i prefer the old ways. if the israelis and palestinians were simply allowed to fight it out in their OWN way with no interference or name calling in the press i betcha we would see some real "settling of the dispute" in short order.

or if you REALLY want to see less bloodshed, a cage match. one man each, the toughest jew in israel against the toughest palestinian in sandland, in Thunderdome. winner take all, no bitching, no arguing afterwartds, and no dispouting the results. may allah or elohime strengthen the righteous, and deliver us a solution.


Well-Known Member
Lets get down to brass tax here, you hate Mussel-men.

Itd be ok if you disliked all religions equally, but singling out the Allah crowd...you're worse than Hitler.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard? we are a peace loving people - "say a prayer for peace". We don't want war and only wage it if those upon whom we do don't agree with us wholeheartedly or if they have something we need that they won't give freely.
which totally explains why we havent annexed mexico and canada, the philippines had a vote and decided to be a separate nation, while the puerto ricans voted to stay a territory, liberia is NOT our colony in africa, and iraq has elected all the dickwad mohammedan assholes they want, and we have NOT re-invaded, and their country was NOT reduced to rubble like post war germany. oh yeah and who rebuilt germany and japan with the marshal plan at their OWN expoense, and then left them to do as they wish? ohh yeah that was the US. who liberated france and then, left, not even taking any cabaret girls with us? the US. who is curently defending south korea at our OWN expense? the US.

it takes a LOT to get the US to go to war. unfortunately we are always viewed as a paper tiger. were always that asshole you can punch and he wont do shit. till we reach out and start whoopin that ass, then we are bullies.

im GLAD this is not the nation you describe canndo. and it's sad you see it that way.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Lets get down to brass tax here, you hate Mussel-men.

Itd be ok if you disliked all religions equally, but singling out the Allah crowd...you're worse than Hitler.
of all the abrahamic psuedoreligions,, the mohammedans are just the most duplicitous, the whiniest and the ones who get their panites in a twist every time things dont go their way. they piss me off, their book is the worst of the three (and the other two anint no great shakes either) and if i had to choose ONE religion to wipe from history, they are the ones i would scrub. that particular brand of compulsion and coercion by force is the MOST distasteful to me.

i dont care much for cauliflower, i got no fondness for collard greens, but i HATE beets. same thing.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yes i remember the vincennes incident.

the aircraft was radioed to inform them they were approachinng a military vessel in combat, the plane did NOT repspond, nor did it have a civilian trransponder (required equipment even at that distant and ancient date of the late 80's when axl rose was a hungry young singer, and 3 of 4 beatles were still alive) it continued on a direct course towards the vincennes, and began a descent.

pretty odd behavior for a civilian airliner of a nation at war (still fighting iraq) and engaged in provocation against US ships in the area. so yes, the vincennes shot that fucker down. Smart Money would have turned that plane to a dififferent course. but Smart Money wasnt the pilot on that plane, Captain Retarded Small Change Jr was at the controls. and he came up snakeyes. tough noogies.

the russians shoit down a south korean jetliner with US congressmen on board too. and all they did was get blown a couple miles off course by crosswinds, and stray a couple yards over "soviet airspace" to get a couple missiles up the tradesman's entrance from a Mig in visual contact with the civilian airliner wearing the south korean national ensign on it's tail. and we didnt throw a tantrum over that one. but then we dont get to play the victim,, cuz we are evil. unlike the gentle and noble leaders of the islamic republic or iran, who can declare themselves a victim if they smell a westerner's fart.


Well-Known Member
The only way to truly get peace between Israel and Palestine is a two state solution. Israelis must recognize the Palestinians and the Palestinians must recognize the Israelis. I'm not sure if I should have opened that can of worms here. My first (very broad) statement is the only thing I'm going to say on that subject for this thread, for it is a very complicated situation that I don't want to get into now. But as far as politics in the middle east that's related to this thread- I will say this:

While I'm a supporter of President Obama- I have been very frustrated by many of his policies, both abroad and at home- And I've been extremely happy with some of them. As far as his foreign policy- He has both surprised me and made me proud with his handling of the situation with Israel and Iran. I can say that of the other possible presidents that we could have ended up with, not many of them could have handled this particular situation the way he has. He hasn't given into, or got scared into, a war with Iran- Yet. His handling of Iran has been phenomenal considering the hawkish ways of Washington and the pressure of the right-wing government of Israel. While the right wing in America has criticized the relationship between Obama and Netanyahu- Obama has stood strong and independent, not rushing into yet another war. You can't say the same for many others.


Well-Known Member
yes i remember the vincennes incident.

the aircraft was radioed to inform them they were approachinng a military vessel in combat, the plane did NOT repspond, nor did it have a civilian trransponder (required equipment even at that distant and ancient date of the late 80's when axl rose was a hungry young singer, and 3 of 4 beatles were still alive) it continued on a direct course towards the vincennes, and began a descent.

pretty odd behavior for a civilian airliner of a nation at war (still fighting iraq) and engaged in provocation against US ships in the area. so yes, the vincennes shot that fucker down. Smart Money would have turned that plane to a dififferent course. but Smart Money wasnt the pilot on that plane, Captain Retarded Small Change Jr was at the controls. and he came up snakeyes. tough noogies.

the russians shoit down a south korean jetliner with US congressmen on board too. and all they did was get blown a couple miles off course by crosswinds, and stray a couple yards over "soviet airspace" to get a couple missiles up the tradesman's entrance from a Mig in visual contact with the civilian airliner wearing the south korean national ensign on it's tail. and we didnt throw a tantrum over that one. but then we dont get to play the victim,, cuz we are evil. unlike the gentle and noble leaders of the islamic republic or iran, who can declare themselves a victim if they smell a westerner's fart.
Libtards and Libertarians Usually defend the Iranian pilots


Well-Known Member
iran would long since have been off our shit-list if they would stop their rhetorical war-mongering, constant threats to israel, the US and anyone else who they find to be a useful menace to keep their populace in line, their refusal to abide by the treaties they signed (nuclear non-proliferation for example) and their continued indulgence in all the worst aspects of socialist dictatorship without the silver lining of atheism.

iran NEEDS to be on the brink of conflict with somebody, and the best somebody to be on the brink of conflict with is the US since we REALLY REALLY dont actually want a war, so we bribe,, schmooze and caress every petty despot who wants a nice wet hummer and a sandwich while he oppresses his victims.

who better to shake down than the richest most kind hearted woolly headed liberals on the planet? thats the US by the way.
Moron response...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Libtards and Libertarians Usually defend the Iranian pilots
yes, i have today been treated to a stirring example of the reductio ad libertarianism narrative.

according to a raging liberal, leftist, progressive, socialist democrat of my acquaintance, all libertarians want the freedom to jerk off on public buses, and as long as they dont spatter anyone with their seed, then it's AAAALLLLLLL GOOOOOD!

libertarians apparently believe they have the right, nay the OBLIGATION to burn garnage under their neighbor's windows and play bajo music at 900 decibels at 3 in the morning to ensure that everyone is familiar with their "personal freedoms"

libertarians also wish the freedom to live in a cabin in the woods scrawling their manifesto on dried leaves with slightly less dry feces before they "personal freedom" themselves into a violent standoff with the FBI.

too bad thats all lies.

the dumbass pilots of the iranian airliner may have been dipshits, incompetents, or just terribly unlucky in their choice of actions when warned by a US warship. my personal belief is that the iranians loaded the plane up with corpses (or possibly even living people who were selected to sacrifice themselves for the greater glory of the Dark Santa Khomeni) and sent it out to charge headlong towards any US vessel that they encountered, just to see if we would blink, or if possible, even to crash the plane into the vessel. i believed this possible back then, and still do to this day.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Moron response...

we used to have regular pissing matches with england, and now we have a "special relationship" despite the fact that we went to war with them on several occaisions. the philippines used to be those assholes in the pacific who dont realize how lucky they are we annexed them, now they are one of our closest friends in asia. in the 1940's japan germany and italy were our mortal foes, now we got no beef with them even when they indulge in democratic socialism, economic shenanigans, and even revisisionist history (read a japanese history book from the 80's and youll discover pearl harbor was retaliation for the atomic attacks on hiroshima and nagasaki, fancy that!) but now all is forgiven because the USA doesnt hold grudges. we just fucking dont do it.

even when russia was the Evil Empire and we had a regular schedule of afternoon tea and sabre rattling with them when they had a famine, who sent them wheat, corn, meat and whatever other foods they needed? WE DID

north korea is STILL a bee in our bonnet, and yet the US sends hundreds of tonnes of food to them every year, even though the kims insist we label every sack as "reparations for our crimes during their great patriotic revolution"

and im the moron.

nice brainworking Corky.

try not to hurp your derp when you crawl out of your hugbox.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The only way to truly get peace between Israel and Palestine is a two state solution. Israelis must recognize the Palestinians and the Palestinians must recognize the Israelis. I'm not sure if I should have opened that can of worms here. My first (very broad) statement is the only thing I'm going to say on that subject for this thread, for it is a very complicated situation that I don't want to get into now. But as far as politics in the middle east that's related to this thread- I will say this:

While I'm a supporter of President Obama- I have been very frustrated by many of his policies, both abroad and at home- And I've been extremely happy with some of them. As far as his foreign policy- He has both surprised me and made me proud with his handling of the situation with Israel and Iran. I can say that of the other possible presidents that we could have ended up with, not many of them could have handled this particular situation the way he has. He hasn't given into, or got scared into, a war with Iran- Yet. His handling of Iran has been phenomenal considering the hawkish ways of Washington and the pressure of the right-wing government of Israel. While the right wing in America has criticized the relationship between Obama and Netanyahu- Obama has stood strong and independent, not rushing into yet another war. You can't say the same for many others.
unfortunately your "only solution" requires israel to capitulate. and capitualtion has NEVER gotten israel anything in negotiations.

when the PLO agrees to stop launching rockets in exchange for autonomy and relaxing of restrictions at the occupation borders, hamas steps up and starts launching missiles until THEY get a concession, then here comes Hezzbollah! thenthe PLO wants something else, then the al aqusa brigade wants something, and before long israel suffers the death of a thousand cuts.

the hardline violent pallie organizations will never be satisfied until israel is NO MORE

britain had the same problem with the 200 individual IRA's and their 400 independent negotiating teams, with 800 irreconcilable demands. until the brits and the paddies actually realized niether side could win, and they were just pissing into the wind there was no progress at all, and this is between two peoples who have been allies, enemies and rivals for at least as long as the jews and the arabs, but the difference is, the bog trotters and the limeys niether one had a policy of extermination once cromwell slumped into his grave for his well earned eternity in the hell of being burried up to his neck in shit. but it could be worse, cromwell is standing on mohammed's shoulders.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately your "only solution" requires israel to capitulate. and capitualtion has NEVER gotten israel anything in negotiations.

when the PLO agrees to stop launching rockets in exchange for autonomy and relaxing of restrictions at the occupation borders, hamas steps up and starts launching missiles until THEY get a concession, then here comes Hezzbollah! thenthe PLO wants something else, then the al aqusa brigade wants something, and before long israel suffers the death of a thousand cuts.

the hardline violent pallie organizations will never be satisfied until israel is NO MORE

britain had the same problem with the 200 individual IRA's and their 400 independent negotiating teams, with 800 irreconcilable demands. until the brits and the paddies actually realized niether side could win, and they were just pissing into the wind there was no progress at all, and this is between two peoples who have been allies, enemies and rivals for at least as long as the jews and the arabs, but the difference is, the bog trotters and the limeys niether one had a policy of extermination once cromwell slumped into his grave for his well earned eternity in the hell of being burried up to his neck in shit. but it could be worse, cromwell is standing on mohammed's shoulders.
Simplistic explanation covering 700 years in a paragraph, but surprisingly accurate.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes, i have today been treated to a stirring example of the reductio ad libertarianism narrative.

according to a raging liberal, leftist, progressive, socialist democrat of my acquaintance, all libertarians want the freedom to jerk off on public buses, and as long as they dont spatter anyone with their seed, then it's AAAALLLLLLL GOOOOOD!

libertarians apparently believe they have the right, nay the OBLIGATION to burn garnage under their neighbor's windows and play bajo music at 900 decibels at 3 in the morning to ensure that everyone is familiar with their "personal freedoms"

libertarians also wish the freedom to live in a cabin in the woods scrawling their manifesto on dried leaves with slightly less dry feces before they "personal freedom" themselves into a violent standoff with the FBI.

too bad thats all lies.

the dumbass pilots of the iranian airliner may have been dipshits, incompetents, or just terribly unlucky in their choice of actions when warned by a US warship. my personal belief is that the iranians loaded the plane up with corpses (or possibly even living people who were selected to sacrifice themselves for the greater glory of the Dark Santa Khomeni) and sent it out to charge headlong towards any US vessel that they encountered, just to see if we would blink, or if possible, even to crash the plane into the vessel. i believed this possible back then, and still do to this day.
Wet feces is far easier to scrawl with...just sayin'

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wet feces is far easier to scrawl with...just sayin'
dude! thats the whole point of using feces, it needs to be a waxy turd to start with, and once it dries to a sufficiently malleable texture (but not crumbly!) it can be rolled and manipulated into a fine crayon.

if it's too dry or chalky you would only be able to draw on sidewalks and whatnot, but that can also be good.

whenever im feeling libertarian i eat lots of boiled rice, bacon fat and hotwings (i like just a little red in my finished product) to achieve the perfect colour and consistency. youll know youre on the right track when your morning dump draws that line around the inside of the bowl when you flush.

i learnt to make my "Manifesto Quills" from an informative article in a Ron Paul newsletter back in 92, and i been running a small cottage industry making the finest libertarian writing implements this side of the sierra nevadas ever since.

being a libertarian is AWESOME! even when i agree with the left (abortion bans are unconstitutional) i can still be totally wrong because im ideologically impure (usurpation of power not delegated by the constitution is not the same as a woman's indefinable right to "choose"!) and thus actually WORSE than religious conservatives who disagree, while simultaneously being exactly as evil and hateful as they are, so we are BOTH somehow worse!

it boggles the mind, but then, if i were to find myself agreeing with socialist deomcrats without my ideological impurity i would have to suspect i had been brainwashed, or there was something funny in that weed.