why dose my plant do this?


Well-Known Member
hello ev1... i have a w.w plant thats 5 weeks flowering looks great has a few yellowing at the botton.. i am now up to a full str with foxs farm.. now when i feed it turns atleast 1 fan leaf yellow.. never really had issues with the plant i just notice happening latley.. everything is fine as temps,ph,bugs ect..

foxs farm ocean extra perlite 5 gallon pots
foxs farm bloom,tiger,growbig 1/8 str every watering..(when the pot feels dry) ph 6.3 when fed
temps-76 on 68 off humidity around 30-54%
1000w hps in a 5x5

if anyone had this happen to them plz chime in..


New Member
HMMM could be 'newbie syndrome' don't be offended please and allow me to explain. A lot of newbies see what appears to be a nutrient deficiency and increase dosage and feeding schedules only to see the issue increase. What may actually be causing your problem is lock out and over feeding. Notice I said MAY, neither I nor anyone can specifically diagnose without pics and more info ie..When did you start feeding, what is your ph, is the perlite fortified with nutes or inert. Also lokie is correct that a little bit of yellowing and/or dying lower leaves ath that age can occur naturally. I see you started with 1/8 dose. What concerms me is when did you start and have you been feeding everyday since you did? Welcome to RIU! And, I always suggest Read, study, plan, and act. The link in my signature contains a thread of many how to videos from master growers for first timers. Best of luck!!!1


New Member
I just re-read this thread and DOH! I realized you are 5 weeks into FLOWERING. When a plant nears the end of her life cycle, she decreases her N uptake in favor of an increased P and K uptake. Her 'biological clock' is ticking and she wants to get pregnant. So she stops vegging and puts all her energy into producing pistils. Same thing in all of nature. So leaves yellowing and dying at this stage are indeed a natural occurence. Especially if she is otherwise healthy.

As a side note, this is why pics are always good my friend. I may have over looked that she was flowering in the thread. But if there were a pic, I am sure I would not have missed the bud porn.

Anyway, Good job! I tried to rep you but RIU says I have given out too much in the last 24hrs so I will have to come back later and take care of that. Peace!


New Member
br0 if iz old fan leeefz iz ok if new growth then u have def or some other sort of prob iz normal


Well-Known Member
i didnt say i was freaked out i was just wondering why.. if you dont understand why it happens why bother with my post?


Well-Known Member
I just re-read this thread and DOH! I realized you are 5 weeks into FLOWERING. When a plant nears the end of her life cycle, she decreases her N uptake in favor of an increased P and K uptake. Her 'biological clock' is ticking and she wants to get pregnant. So she stops vegging and puts all her energy into producing pistils. Same thing in all of nature. So leaves yellowing and dying at this stage are indeed a natural occurence.
Plants do not slow n uptake for p due to a biological clock. This entire statement contains zero fact and represents how forum bs gets started.......

Plants use more P and K during flower in relation to N. And that balance is up to us to tend too, not the plant.....


Well-Known Member
I just re-read this thread and DOH! I realized you are 5 weeks into FLOWERING. When a plant nears the end of her life cycle, she decreases her N uptake in favor of an increased P and K uptake. Her 'biological clock' is ticking and she wants to get pregnant. So she stops vegging and puts all her energy into producing pistils. Same thing in all of nature. So leaves yellowing and dying at this stage are indeed a natural occurence. Especially if she is otherwise healthy.

As a side note, this is why pics are always good my friend. I may have over looked that she was flowering in the thread. But if there were a pic, I am sure I would not have missed the bud porn.

Anyway, Good job! I tried to rep you but RIU says I have given out too much in the last 24hrs so I will have to come back later and take care of that. Peace!
thanks bk.. reps to ya..


Well-Known Member
You certainly have a right to listen to what you want. But you may want to chew on this. If plants had a clock that controlled how they uptake nutrients then wouldnt they all be like 30-30-30, 10-10-10 or such, letting the plant figure what it needs? Rather than different ratios depending on stage of growth? Pretty simple........


I wouldn't worry about the lost of a leaf or two. I think everything else your doing is fine. Sometimes just some advice without the baggage would be nice. I noticed the pics wouldn't come up in a few of the tutorials they have so its kinda hard to tell. Maybe if you check back later they might load. Other wise sounds ok.


Well-Known Member
it's fine pat i was just wondering.. i know the leaves will turn over time. i just notice late in flowering i was seeing more yellowing after i fed them..a real experience grower will stop by and let me know but in till then i know it wont killl it.. lol
First of all hello to everyone and thanks in advance for any help.
I have attached some pics that show my concern.
This problem only occurs while they are in flowering.
Throughout the vegetative process everything looks great.
Once they are in flower for a couple weeks this starts to happen.
Any info will be greatly appreciated
Thanks again

