Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
This thread shows just how ignorant, asinine, retarded, stupid and just plain dumb some can be.

First someone tell me what American culture is.
You may have to leave this web site to really find out...It seems the Dems on here are not a good example of american culture sorry.....imo


Well-Known Member
I see not one answer to the question as to what is American culture. How can we discuss someone not being a part of something if we don't know what that something is ??


Well-Known Member
I see not one answer to the question as to what is American culture. How can we discuss someone not being a part of something if we don't know what that something is ??
You must have ignored my posts.

American culture is consumption. Consumption requires spending, which requires money.


Well-Known Member
I see not one answer to the question as to what is American culture. How can we discuss someone not being a part of something if we don't know what that something is ??
It is consumerism. All else, self reliance and pioneer spirit, etc is all straight up, make, build, add value to raw materials, and consume stuff for the profit, of all.

Go West. North to Alaska. The Manifest Destiny, is the only destiny there is.

Very Nashian Game Theory. Make the Pie. Then make the Pie bigger. Now it is the organized crime of States against this world. And WE are spreading consumerism and that is called the Great Satan, in some parts. Maybe it is the cancer of self rule, consumer selfishness? I don't know.

But what else could the American Cultural Experience be? I think it is simple.

Get Some!


Well-Known Member
It is consumerism. All else, self reliance and pioneer spirit, etc is all straight up, made and consume stuff for profit, of all. Go west. Very Nashian Game Theory. Make the Pie. Then make the Pie bigger. Now it is the organized crime of States against this world. We are spreading consumerism and that is called the Great Satan, in some parts. Maybe it is the cancer of self rule? I don't know.

But what else could the American Cultural Experience be? I think it is simple.

Get Some!
If what you say is true then we all do this, which makes this whole thread :dunce:


Well-Known Member
If what you say is true then we all do this, which makes this whole thread :dunce:
I assume what you are saying is that the question is still nonsense because African Americans also consume.

It was a poor generalization to start a thread with I agree, but to charitably explicate it such that I receive it as an honest inquiry I would say African Americans are generally more impoverished than others and therefore consume less. This is a poor generalization on my part, but poor questions receive poor answers.


Well-Known Member
I assume what you are saying is that the question is still nonsense because African Americans also consume.

It was a poor generalization to start a thread with I agree, but to charitably explicate it such that I receive it as an honest inquiry I would say African Americans are generally more impoverished than others and therefore consume less. This is a poor generalization on my part, but poor questions receive poor answers.
LOL...replace the word poor with "dumb".

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
and thats why i focussed on Rape.

how fucked up does your school have to be to turn you into a Rapist?
how poor do you have to be to get forced into Rape as your only career path?
how much oppression turns people into Rapers out of desperation?
how does slavery 150 years ago equate to Rape now?

none of that shit makes sense in the context of Rape and yet the stats dont lie.
this represents a systemic problem in the black social structure, whitey didnt make nobody into a Raper.
It's dangerous to lay a blanket statement in this subject. Tempers flare easily.

I will say however that I believe a strong family unit is #1 in turning children into healthy responsible adults.

It really is a crime, in my eyes, that many kids in the ghetto grow up with crappy parents who don't give a fuck about them.

Then you have people who DO care about their kids but raising them right in a crappy environment is super hard.


Well-Known Member
You can't talk about culture with out talking about food and music.

Assimilation sounds like conquest.

This reminds me of army chow in Georgia. This may sound completely ignorant, but I'll say it anyway, most (probably all) of the civilian cooks were black. That was my exposure to soul food, especially breakfast. It softened the culture shock that I was going through at the time, because that aspect took such good care of me. I thought I would have missed my mother's cooking, but instead I transcended my culture just a bit, by enjoying a cultural experience. It left as strong an impression on me as the indoctrination.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Now hold on a sec, the stats were on Arrests not Convictions.

I could see where you were going if the stats were on convictions. As most low income people can't afford a private lawyer.
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