Why I do not do LSD


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If this is not bullshit, then I guess I'm glad you found a way to cope with your issue (via religion in this case).

But besides that.. dude, that whole story smells like a heaping steaming fresh pile of shit.

Its a hobby

Active Member
LSD is safe...physically. Is it really sensible to say that LSD (and even marijuana for that fact) is safe? It absolutely isn't. Besides the fact that marijuana is not good for your lungs, depending on what type of person you are, it may not be safe for "EVERYONE" to smoke. Like LSD, it alters the way your brain works. So for some people like my girlfriend they cant smoke pot or they'll freak out, get paranoid, think they're straight up dying. theres alot of things that are to be taking into consideration here for lsd or marijuana, and that is solely dependent upon the person taking the drug.....Come on guys... if pot was as healthy as it is for me it would be IMMEDIATELY legalized. anywho... thank you Dr. Albert Hoffman - RIP


Well-Known Member
Wow, praise the lord christ our savior. My god I feel so full of the holy spirit My eyes turned brown. Cause I am full of shit.

Hey all you Christians. Do you know Christ? Please explain if you think you do.

LSD and Herb both have good and bad things that come along with them. Herb isnt always pure kids. As Acid isnt always LSD.

There are many people that have made the world the advanced society it is today that have taken LSD and many that continue to take LSD still. A high percentage of those people consider Marijuana to be a bad substance in the same manner as alcohol or opium.


Well-Known Member
ahhh you got your religion in my spirituality!

what is belief anyways? Is it a tool. why would you protect yourself from consideration of the unknown?

ahh you got your game in my experience!

There are plenty of christians that do not follow dogma, they follow their own spiritually cultivated moral compass. Religion is like vegetation, it requires a lot of digestion before it can be assimilated, and most of it should go right through you.

ahh you got your certainty in my symbol!

Buddhism is a meta-religion, it being not terribly Buddhist to think of yourself as such. There is a lot of structure with coherence in powerful organizations with no farce nor inkling of spiritual/moral consideration. We very well might need these self-organizing principles to overcome. We overcome with the conviction of our beliefs. We free ourselves with the skepticism of our beliefs.

and before anyone says it yeah i'm really high...harvest moon is waxing.

as you are

Active Member
This sounds like the LSD trip itself triggered a schizophrenic episode which last the majority of the year for you. I can tell you almost positively that if what your saying is the truth and nothing but the truth SO HELP YOU GOD! lol... your not being manipulated by the devil "LSD". You previously had a hidden mental illness that was brought out by the LSD. If your going to use a drug do your research, it has been proven that in some cases LSD can cause previous mental illness's to be enhanced by it's use.

They used to do tests with LSD for many different uses, and one thing they found was that LSD's effects are extremely similar to that of a schizophrenic in full blown episode. So just as the LSD can act as a substitute for your natural seritonin, it can be theorized that because you had this massive breach in reality your mild schizophrenia which a good portion of the population have and function without being noticable. All the sudden got drudged up to the surface.

I mean you even said yourself that the psychiotrist said it was schizophrenia, and here you are claiming the acid gave me voices. The acid was merely a catalyst to your own mind.

If anything all religion probably did for you was to relax you and give you something grounding...
Don't blame the drug, Blame the user...


Well-Known Member
. . . your current predicament, still crazy, but, this time you're completely unaware of it. It may seem preferable at the moment, but is it really?
I don't know of any medical doctor that would call me crazy, or would've called me crazy at any point in the last 15 years of my life.

You may *think* my faith is crazy... but in that case you obviously are just using the word "crazy" to apply to people who disagree with your faith (or lack thereof). Its a bit rude, to be honest. But to each his own.


Well-Known Member
The acid was merely a catalyst to your own mind.

If anything all religion probably did for you was to relax you and give you something grounding...
Don't blame the drug, Blame the user...
I don't necessarily disagree with you on this. As I've said, I don't judge anyone who does LSD as being immoral or even unwise. I've got friends who trip and I don't look down at them at all, even a little bit.

I personally, for me, do not do any drugs that have man-made chemical processes going into their manufacture... whether or not the "base drug" is naturally occurring. That's just my own personal "line-in-the-sand." Oddly that would leave me able to do mushrooms but not LSD, able to do opium, but not ecstasy. But there you go. It is just a line that, in many cases, I think is a safe one to draw.

As it is, the only drugs I use are alcohol, cannabis, and caffeine. But again, all this is just me. I'm not trying to judge other people. My own experience is just that... my own personal experience. I don't hold others to it. That would be stupid.


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear, I'm not judging people who take LSD in any way. I'm sharing my own personal experience. I'm not holding any one else to that experience.

Do I know Christ? What do you mean by that? I pray to him every day, I believe he rose from the dead, and I study the Scriptures and do my best to follow his advice and commands. Is that what you mean by "know him"?

Wow, praise the lord christ our savior. My god I feel so full of the holy spirit My eyes turned brown. Cause I am full of shit.

Hey all you Christians. Do you know Christ? Please explain if you think you do.

LSD and Herb both have good and bad things that come along with them. Herb isnt always pure kids. As Acid isnt always LSD.

There are many people that have made the world the advanced society it is today that have taken LSD and many that continue to take LSD still. A high percentage of those people consider Marijuana to be a bad substance in the same manner as alcohol or opium.

as you are

Active Member
personally im one of those people who believe in something but not nessesarily whats being shovled at us... an agnostic.

I honestly think all the religions of today are not what they claim... i believe that their gods are false and all that who hah! but the bigger picture is religion is a way of keeping people in line, preventing chaos... believe it or leave it... religion while not my cup o' tea serves a purpose, but i do believe not to do anything half assed either. so this man above me who studies the scriptures gets me non-believing props for dedication...

Never ending paradox...

And also this conversation should be sterred in a different direction because religion and polotics are two things that cause long arguments...


Active Member
Do not give credit to jesus when it is you who deserves it. Jesus didnt help you dude, you did.

"Beleive not in religion, but in yourself." --the best advice ive heard in a long time.


Well-Known Member
This is some serious bullshit. Theres no fucking way you tripped for a year, and to say that "god" made you stop tripping is complete bullshit.

It is physically impossible to trip for a year off of 1 dose of acid.

Religions are just manmade things to give comfort to people who give up on finding the answers to life.

Christianity says that if you praise any other gods, you will burn in hell.

Do you mean to tell me that the BILLIONS of other people in the world are going to burn for an eternity simply because they chose the wrong one?

We have carbon-dating evidence saying that the dinosaurs are hundreds of millions of years old, yet now many christians are saying that "humans and dinosaurs co-existed"

That is a half ass excuse to try and cover their asses because they know they are wrong but are so sucked into this idea of "god" and his good morals that they cant escape.

Its really quite disgusting that people are born into family's which FORCE these ideas into their children's head so much that they base their who life around it and believe it to the death.

Christianity has NO reasoning or answer for all of the evidence of evolution, (IE the bones, fossils etc) All they say is "believe in god"

as you are

Active Member
Not to mention that LSD can be taking through the skin... so licking it shouldn't have made such a major difference, so why this man warned you not to lick it makes no sense to me...

the fact of the matter remains... this was most likely caused not by the drug, but by an underling conditions that you were unaware of...

Its a hobby

Active Member
This is some serious bullshit. Theres no fucking way you tripped for a year, and to say that "god" made you stop tripping is complete bullshit.

It is physically impossible to trip for a year off of 1 dose of acid.

Religions are just manmade things to give comfort to people who give up on finding the answers to life.

Christianity says that if you praise any other gods, you will burn in hell.

Do you mean to tell me that the BILLIONS of other people in the world are going to burn for an eternity simply because they chose the wrong one?

We have carbon-dating evidence saying that the dinosaurs are hundreds of millions of years old, yet now many christians are saying that "humans and dinosaurs co-existed"

That is a half ass excuse to try and cover their asses because they know they are wrong but are so sucked into this idea of "god" and his good morals that they cant escape.

Its really quite disgusting that people are born into family's which FORCE these ideas into their children's head so much that they base their who life around it and believe it to the death.

Christianity has NO reasoning or answer for all of the evidence of evolution, (IE the bones, fossils etc) All they say is "believe in god"

So religion is profitable..... Therefore it stays lingering in the valuable time that we have here on earth, figuring out "why?" while we still have a chance. Religion is such a long road in the WRONG direction to the meaning of life (IMO)


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of perfectly reasonable people who have faith in various spiritual entities & religions, Christianity as taken directly from the writings of Jesus is a very simplistic method for living a happy, peaceful life, everything else that has been built upon it since is merely political in origin.

C.S. Lewis wrote a book called "The Case for Christ" which is quite thorough in its explanations, examining Christ's life and teachings (as well as the concept of the divine in general) from a very logical point of view.

Historically all religions have been significant sources of both personal & cultural change, whether this change is positive or negative depends on the instance & interpretations involved.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
I don't know of any medical doctor that would call me crazy, or would've called me crazy at any point in the last 15 years of my life.

You may *think* my faith is crazy... but in that case you obviously are just using the word "crazy" to apply to people who disagree with your faith (or lack thereof). Its a bit rude, to be honest. But to each his own.
True, crazy is a broad term.

But seriously now. You've already stated that you believe some dude rose from the dead days after beaten, flogged into a pulpy mess, crucified, and stabbed in the heart.

So I can only assume that you believe noah managed to round up two of every animal and herd them onto a rickety wooden ship, sail on stormy seas for some longass time, not sure exactly(sorry, been a while since sunday school), keep everything alive and not eating each other or noah and his peeps, and then repopulate the earth all while living to the ripe old age of 600 or however the tale goes(sorry again, can't say I tried too hard to remember), and the earth has been washed of heathens and sinners. Praise be unto him.

Also, jonah lived inside a whale, must have been nice and cozy.

Adam and eve manage to give rise to the entire human species(that's a whole lot of brother, sister, and cousin fucking going on(even compared to mississippi) and all without getting too inbred to see straight, let alone survive and fuck some more and multiply.

There's a talking snake somewhere in that part of the book too.

Jesus could walk on water and mastered the fish multiplication tables.

The earth is a shiny new plantet only a few thousand years young.

Oh yea, and fossils? Those are just some of the many sneaky little things the devil planted here to try and fool us. The bastid.

It has nothing to do with disagreeing with someones faith, or being rude. It's just straight up crazy, and I'm not going to say otherwise just to avoid offending some crazy guy on the internet.


Well-Known Member
For all you dumb-dumbs that think Christ is a man and pray to jesus christ, you are mistaken.

Christ is not a man at all. Never was a man, god or son of a god. So you are preforming a worthless action with your prayer.

Understand that Christ is a state of being, a consciousness. So it would be Jesus of (the)Christ. However he never existed so that doesnt matter.

as you are

Active Member
honestly i do believe christ was a man existing on this earth at one point his image was just completely exaggerated...

Similar to Santa which is another major christian figure...

Santa clause we are all told is real, find out its fraud, and than we later find out that St. Nicholas was a real man who santa was based off of...

So therefore i believe christ was a man who attempted to unite people in harmony and his image took on a devine view in order to force people into the beliefs...