WHY is EVERYTHING you believe STUPID and WRONG?!


New Member
See...this is how I wanted the thread to start... not with all those evo religious nuts....preachin about their non existant god...


Ursus marijanus
About monkey houses ... imo the key feature that distinguishes the human animal from the others is a capacity for Story. It underlies our technology.
Monkeys can be taught by external alien god sorts (the naked pink things with dreadful fashion sense) to use sign language, okay. But how many wild monkeys (apes, technically) use language, sign or otherwise, to share concepts with any abstact content? As near as we can tell - none. Mind you, it's possible that there is a simian secret society, a surreptitious ape-clan, pithecine Illuminati whispering about Goldman Sachs and Haarp and deep lethal Trojans in every computer OS sold since 1988 ... waiting for the signal in fourteen months ...
uh, is that pizza?? cn


Ursus marijanus
God is about as real as Santa and the monster under your bed. SO be prepared for that.
Still want to know more about Vaginatron. You into bestality? Ever hump a fax machine? Faxin' awesome. Never diddle a copier. You'll be drained of all operating fluids by the child support. cn


New Member
I mean like, get me a beer...cut the grass monkey...maybe ak47, cone rolling monkey...man, who wouldnt want a monkey to get their beer and trim their plants?!