I wouldn't try to seperate them at this stage but thats just me. I would do as I said before and put them in a much bigger pot and then maybe LST the shit out of them to give them room above ground to grow and not be so bunched up.so when i take one of those plants out i should just leave the other one in there and im thinkin i may put one in the ground and leave the other one in there.
Put them in the ground believe me you'll have twin towers with massive BUDZ You can't go wrong and don't listen to that negative dude he had a lot of crap to say about my plant too and my plant is doing great now Keep up the Good worknah man lol that pot is over a foot and a half tall easy. the plants look smaller than they really are too. idk whats goin on with the camera lol
didn't you say it was like a gallon or 1.5 gallons? If so that is still way to small for more than one plant.this pot is big lol hold on ill take a side pic of it.
This Dude Is a Piece of work pure negat if you know what I mean.I just told you why bro. Your plants are tangled up.. under the soil. The roots from both plants.. have entwined themselves' together. What part of that did I not make clear the first time?
that is pretty big. I think if it were me I would probably still go bigger like a 5 gallon bucket or something but you may be alright.alright nevermind the pics are turnin out terrible but if i put my finger tips at the bottom it goes up to my elbow.
Them being in the same pot won't mess them up as long as they have enough room for their roots... at least I have done it before and they have done fine, its just not the ideal situation. Like the other guy said I would not try to seperate them because that would most likely kill them. When I transplanted the two I had in the same clay pot what I did was break the pot with a hammer and i ended up getting everything out intact and had no problems.that is a lot more than a gallon pot. lmao the topped plant i have is in a 1.5 gallon clay pot. and the pot with them two is like triple the size.. but thanks zoso lol ill try. transplanting could be quite hard. im bound to destroy half the roots by taking them out. i dont see how them bein in the same pot will mess them up. they have been like that since day 1 from before sprouts
that is a lot more than a gallon pot. lmao the topped plant i have is in a 1.5 gallon clay pot. and the pot with them two is like triple the size.. but thanks zoso lol ill try. transplanting could be quite hard. im bound to destroy half the roots by taking them out. i dont see how them bein in the same pot will mess them up. they have been like that since day 1 from before sprouts