Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Yes, Darwin exposed with brutal honesty, the problems with his hypothesis. Not just fossil records but also means of inheritance.
However, he appealed to future scientists to come up with the answers...and they have!

He cant get around to clicking a link, or even thoroughly reading any of our posts. I highly doubt you will get him to not only watch but LISTEN as well to something that doesnt fit his 'view'.
Leviticus 19:19: “You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.” So, no polyester, no mixing breeds of cattle and you can only farm one plant!

Exodus 21 is clearly too long to bother quoting here, but if you know the bible half as well as you say you do, you know how it advocates slavery, and removes the '6 year limit' on a hebrew slave by keeping his wife and children hostage until he says he wants to become a permanent slave.

FYI: These instructions were given under the Mosaic Law, which has come to pass. If you were a bible scholar, you would have known this. Instead, you run and dodge behind bullshit.
I want to point out on a side note, that i truly do pity anyone closely related to you BrotherBuz. I can only imagine that this kind of attitude (total dismissal of ANYTHING that doesn't fit your incredibly tiny world view) probably makes you quite difficult to live with. I imagine you run your household as if YOU were god, most of the extremely religious do. Its part of the power complex. They don't understand (or fear) mortality, so they turn to 'god'. When they turn to 'god' they have to embrace how 'powerless' they are, and that's where the tyranny begins. If you can't lead later, you better lead now right?

I am finding this all quite entertaining. Enjoy your 2 supporters friend, because the other 200 people that have visited this thread either didn't care, or disagreed with you. How do i know that? Well, we all know that you guys are the loudest, even if you ARE the minority anymore. I highly doubt that even ONE person who agreed with you, or shared your ideals, has made it to this thread without voicing their opinion. Not one.

Originally Posted by KlosetKing
Actually i never said i believed ANY of that story cuz i dont. I was merely using a specific example, i dont want to speak in generalities like you guys are so pro at doing.

You continue this, but it is only because you do not accept evolution as even slightly plausible. The bottom line is there were millions of animals, trees, insects, and numerous other forms of life that he COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY got them all. To think that one old man built a big enough boat to even fit 2 of just 1 thousand animals is an absolute fallacy, and mentally handicapped children still have trouble accepting it.

There is actual science and TONS of books that imply that jesus was a man. Can you find TONS of books referring to noah? can you find TONS of books that refer to adam and eve? no, just a couple. Also, you only continue to believe he walked on water because its what your fabled story book tells you. Were you there? Guess what, i just saw my mom walk on water too! Who are you to say i didnt, you werent there! See your reasoning? You guys keep missing the biggest thing about having a debate, the burden proof lies on those making the claim.

I provide quotes and links for all of my arguments, almost every time. Please, PLEASE, point out to me where i said 'History is Fact'. You cant, because it didnt happen.

Some might say that engagement practices are outdated, but it really doesn't matter does it? People don't use engagement as a tool for mass control, oppression of rights or murder. Try again. The bible teaches us about where we came from, the way we thought a long time ago, how we evolved from our previous ways of faith, civilization, ignorance and intelligence, ugliness and beauty, all in one. It is NOT fact, far less so than a history textbook, which is already questionable enough as it is. So even if i DID reference to the bible as fact due to being a form of history (which i didnt) would i rather trust 'textbook' thats 10 years old? Or 2000 years old?

Your beliefs ARE outdated. Very few of you use your faith as ONLY a tool for the good, and for leading a good life. MOST of you, use it as a tool for war. As a means to strike fear into those that are not intelligent enough to make their own decisions, take responsibility for their own actions, or even understand how many serious holes in your 'logic' there are.

I am more than willing to continue to post, quote, link, and continue to break your argument apart piece by piece if needed. This post is a direct example. I have addressed everything you have said. How will you respond? I expect more dodging, more circles. It lost its fun for a bit, but i admit, you have rekindled me slightly.

Yeh, so WHERE did u break apart my argument???

ur truly ridiculous. This will be my last post in this thread & u will be added to my ignore list. u have said probably 5-10x in this thread, how many pages another member has dodged questions, how they basically have no merit, etc. & so on. How it is all "entertaining to u" & all kinds of other drivel. u continue on with how many pages exist in this thread, u continue to spew out insult after insult, u act like u basically see urself as the authority on all that is...this is ur attitude.

The TRUTH is....(let me throw ur crap back at u & with ur condescending attitude) back around page TWENTY that would be a TWO and a ZERO, I answered ur supposed questions, I responded to a discussion we were suppose to be having.


U DISAPPEARED for several days, (too hot get out of the kitchen), only to return when YOU thought maybe I had gone away & you didnt have to respond. WHO is "dodging"? YOU. I gave you nothing but SPACE & OPPORTUNITY to reply.

Now u can reply all u want, I wont be back because I am unsubscribing to this thread & once ur on my IGNORE LIST I wont be able to see/read any of ur DRIVEL. So u can keep trying to act like ur intelligent, articulate, educated, & the like, but U completely avoiding my reply to u, PROVES u cant handle the crap u dish out & when u dont have a reply, u simply run & hide & avoid, & all the other things u have accused others of in this thread. And again, since u love to point out how many pages r in this thread, how many people have read it, how others should "try to keep up" because u r reading every bit, it is damn well clear, u didnt miss my last post to u, u simply DODGED & RAN. LMAO...u r really pathetic. u pick n choose what YOU have wanted to respond to.

The fact is you ran from & couldnt break apart what I had to say.
Originally posted by: thexception

Oh, more insults. No surprise there eh?
I addressed all comments u made, I didnt pull any "generalities" out of the air. You said, u believe Jesus to have been a man, not u say u dont believe any part of the "story"; he is the MAIN party of the "story" (Bible)

Now where did I say, I didn't accept evolution as being anything? Now I am speaking directly to your comments, where did u get that from. But since u brought it up specifically in reply to me, I do indeed believe evolution happened as well. But alas, evolution or no, the beginning was STILL made by God, & all things beginning, so while man may as well evolved, lets say from ape, God made ape; all God's work or doing just a different form. And it seems u sir r not replying directly to my reasonable or in ur words plausible argument. I SAID, I believe there were maybe only a couple hundred....just my thoughts on the interpretation, let me say once again. And again, u want to pick apart single things but r missing for those that believe in God, all things are one. No, one old man didnt build an ark himself, God laid his hands upon that old man & in effect used him as his "tool" if u will to build the ark...again, u just want to seem to interpret everything to need a specific answer. That is the BASE of believing in the bible, which you actually don't which is fine. But no one needs to prove or is every going to prove that to you, ever. There is no answer to what was before God, nothing, God always was, period, end of story. It is hard for humans to believe because humans in their inherent nature needs X+Y to = XY. There is NO explanation for many things, they just ARE. U want people to bring proof to u, bring proof that they are just stories, bring proof that this outdated information is not as important or doesnt have as much meaning as it did...2000 years ago. I will give you proof, the mere acceptance by the larger majority around the world on planet earth that do believe in a higher power and in Jesus, & in the bible. The acceptance that has been & will continue to be for another 2000 years if earth last that long. What more proof do u need?

Again, God killed many before. Again God came down to man, spoke from the heavens to man, etc etc etc. and even after he sent his son to perform all the miracles thereafter, etc. etc. there were still those that wouldnt believe, didnt believe, and those that will never believe or until they see more miracles with "their own eyes". That is why gave up on convincing many, he did too good a job on this species of man, & his need for proof proof proof. he gave man free will, told man he could believe & accept or not, & called it a day. Afterall he wants all man to come to heaven & will have an eternity to wait for each one, but man must CHOOSE, and what a gracious & loving God in the end to let you & me, do that.

The burden in your opinion lies in the ones making the claim. imo, the burden lies in the ones saying what has been written & believed in & told throughout the centuries has no basis of truth. Prove it!

U didnt say history was fact, you said the bible is part of history. well in any definition I have ever known of history, history is something that happened in the past on record, as something that HAD happened, DID occcur, WAS. I looked it up though, quick definition: History...1. The study of past events, particularly in human affairs. So again, you said, bible was literature, & then YOU said in the same sentence it was simply a part of history at which point I said, exactly...you said it (being facicous). The bible is part of human history (again please refer to the meaning of history), history doesnt mean what may have happened, it doesnt mean mythology, it means HISTORY which the bible is part of, a book of history.

I cannot say u dont have points with ur final banter about war, & hate, & murder, etc. you absolutely do, BUT, all that doesnt come from the Bible, belief therein, or from God's or Jesus teachings. That comes from CHURCH, & church & the bible or church & the word of God, & church and anything else that u can equate to religion of any sort are two ENTIRELY different animals. Church=man (at least in the present day age & age that has been for the last several hundred years at least) Bible=God, Jesus=God. Now THAT is where all the problems come in as far as I am concerned the teachings of any one "denomination of faith/ Church".

That's where, after the bible, for some "men" the bible wasnt good enough OR as the years passed on the arguments ensured over the interpretation of the bible, thus new religions formed, old ones changed & added their own laws/rules, etc. then changed them again to relate to the masses at large, at that time, to keep their set followers to find more rules, "laws", that appealed to more people, & it was a big ugly bubble that grew & grew & broke apart into another & another & another & another & this continues to this day. But there is but ONE word of God, it is written in a book of historical fact called the bible. And while this book will always & forever be the most highly debated book ever as to what is the meaning of this that or the other, the central meaning for the lay person has always & will forever be the same.

There is a God, he created everything, all mankind & all living things, that ever were or will be after him, in his image. And as God made mistakes & learned, we are not unlike him at all, much very much like him. He made you, he had no one to guide him along the way, he made mistakes. He learned from them, he blessed man with his knowledge of love, anger, vengence, etc. and so forth & with the story of his mistakes and his OWN repentance, & of his own conclusion, that the only way to get through to man is through love & in that end the only way to him is through love. We are so much of everything that God is, it is beautiful. Now, like him, we must find our own way, but unlike him, (who had no one) we have had him there to lead us & guide as, long long after his own trials & tribulations with his creation in man; we have the bible everlasting, his word everlasting, as he is everlasting, to help us, to maybe not make all the mistakes he did if we CHOOSE to listen. Sounds very much like parenting...no? And anyone who is a parent knows exactly what that means? Some people, in fact most all people, no matter what, HAVE to find their own way. You can teach them, guide them, love them, & let them go. The rest is up to them
God sinned, (although God is without sin, because sin is something of man, same equivalent in man's terms.) God murdered, God showed anger, God tested his "sheep", God bestowed the worst plagues on lands, peoples, nations, God was jealous, so on & so forth. But in the end, God was I believe, the way he hopes all mankind "might" choose to be from jumpstart, just a simple good hearted person, out to love & be loved, out for peace & beauty, & have life in this manner everlasting, one of which is better shared!
Yeh, so WHERE did u break apart my argument???

ur truly ridiculous. This will be my last post in this thread & u will be added to my ignore list. u have said probably 5-10x in this thread, how many pages another member has dodged questions, how they basically have no merit, etc. & so on. How it is all "entertaining to u" & all kinds of other drivel. u continue on with how many pages exist in this thread, u continue to spew out insult after insult, u act like u basically see urself as the authority on all that is...this is ur attitude.

The TRUTH is....(let me throw ur crap back at u & with ur condescending attitude) back around page TWENTY that would be a TWO and a ZERO, I answered ur supposed questions, I responded to a discussion we were suppose to be having.


U DISAPPEARED for several days, (too hot get out of the kitchen), only to return when YOU thought maybe I had gone away & you didnt have to respond. WHO is "dodging"? YOU. I gave you nothing but SPACE & OPPORTUNITY to reply.

Now u can reply all u want, I wont be back because I am unsubscribing to this thread & once ur on my IGNORE LIST I wont be able to see/read any of ur DRIVEL. So u can keep trying to act like ur intelligent, articulate, educated, & the like, but U completely avoiding my reply to u, PROVES u cant handle the crap u dish out & when u dont have a reply, u simply run & hide & avoid, & all the other things u have accused others of in this thread. And again, since u love to point out how many pages r in this thread, how many people have read it, how others should "try to keep up" because u r reading every bit, it is damn well clear, u didnt miss my last post to u, u simply DODGED & RAN. LMAO...u r really pathetic. u pick n choose what YOU have wanted to respond to.

The fact is you ran from & couldnt break apart what I had to say.
Originally posted by: thexception

Oh, more insults. No surprise there eh?
I addressed all comments u made, I didnt pull any "generalities" out of the air. You said, u believe Jesus to have been a man, not u say u dont believe any part of the "story"; he is the MAIN party of the "story" (Bible)

Now where did I say, I didn't accept evolution as being anything? Now I am speaking directly to your comments, where did u get that from. But since u brought it up specifically in reply to me, I do indeed believe evolution happened as well. But alas, evolution or no, the beginning was STILL made by God, & all things beginning, so while man may as well evolved, lets say from ape, God made ape; all God's work or doing just a different form. And it seems u sir r not replying directly to my reasonable or in ur words plausible argument. I SAID, I believe there were maybe only a couple hundred....just my thoughts on the interpretation, let me say once again. And again, u want to pick apart single things but r missing for those that believe in God, all things are one. No, one old man didnt build an ark himself, God laid his hands upon that old man & in effect used him as his "tool" if u will to build the ark...again, u just want to seem to interpret everything to need a specific answer. That is the BASE of believing in the bible, which you actually don't which is fine. But no one needs to prove or is every going to prove that to you, ever. There is no answer to what was before God, nothing, God always was, period, end of story. It is hard for humans to believe because humans in their inherent nature needs X+Y to = XY. There is NO explanation for many things, they just ARE. U want people to bring proof to u, bring proof that they are just stories, bring proof that this outdated information is not as important or doesnt have as much meaning as it did...2000 years ago. I will give you proof, the mere acceptance by the larger majority around the world on planet earth that do believe in a higher power and in Jesus, & in the bible. The acceptance that has been & will continue to be for another 2000 years if earth last that long. What more proof do u need?

Again, God killed many before. Again God came down to man, spoke from the heavens to man, etc etc etc. and even after he sent his son to perform all the miracles thereafter, etc. etc. there were still those that wouldnt believe, didnt believe, and those that will never believe or until they see more miracles with "their own eyes". That is why gave up on convincing many, he did too good a job on this species of man, & his need for proof proof proof. he gave man free will, told man he could believe & accept or not, & called it a day. Afterall he wants all man to come to heaven & will have an eternity to wait for each one, but man must CHOOSE, and what a gracious & loving God in the end to let you & me, do that.

The burden in your opinion lies in the ones making the claim. imo, the burden lies in the ones saying what has been written & believed in & told throughout the centuries has no basis of truth. Prove it!

U didnt say history was fact, you said the bible is part of history. well in any definition I have ever known of history, history is something that happened in the past on record, as something that HAD happened, DID occcur, WAS. I looked it up though, quick definition: History...1. The study of past events, particularly in human affairs. So again, you said, bible was literature, & then YOU said in the same sentence it was simply a part of history at which point I said, exactly...you said it (being facicous). The bible is part of human history (again please refer to the meaning of history), history doesnt mean what may have happened, it doesnt mean mythology, it means HISTORY which the bible is part of, a book of history.

I cannot say u dont have points with ur final banter about war, & hate, & murder, etc. you absolutely do, BUT, all that doesnt come from the Bible, belief therein, or from God's or Jesus teachings. That comes from CHURCH, & church & the bible or church & the word of God, & church and anything else that u can equate to religion of any sort are two ENTIRELY different animals. Church=man (at least in the present day age & age that has been for the last several hundred years at least) Bible=God, Jesus=God. Now THAT is where all the problems come in as far as I am concerned the teachings of any one "denomination of faith/ Church".

That's where, after the bible, for some "men" the bible wasnt good enough OR as the years passed on the arguments ensured over the interpretation of the bible, thus new religions formed, old ones changed & added their own laws/rules, etc. then changed them again to relate to the masses at large, at that time, to keep their set followers to find more rules, "laws", that appealed to more people, & it was a big ugly bubble that grew & grew & broke apart into another & another & another & another & this continues to this day. But there is but ONE word of God, it is written in a book of historical fact called the bible. And while this book will always & forever be the most highly debated book ever as to what is the meaning of this that or the other, the central meaning for the lay person has always & will forever be the same.

There is a God, he created everything, all mankind & all living things, that ever were or will be after him, in his image. And as God made mistakes & learned, we are not unlike him at all, much very much like him. He made you, he had no one to guide him along the way, he made mistakes. He learned from them, he blessed man with his knowledge of love, anger, vengence, etc. and so forth & with the story of his mistakes and his OWN repentance, & of his own conclusion, that the only way to get through to man is through love & in that end the only way to him is through love. We are so much of everything that God is, it is beautiful. Now, like him, we must find our own way, but unlike him, (who had no one) we have had him there to lead us & guide as, long long after his own trials & tribulations with his creation in man; we have the bible everlasting, his word everlasting, as he is everlasting, to help us, to maybe not make all the mistakes he did if we CHOOSE to listen. Sounds very much like parenting...no? And anyone who is a parent knows exactly what that means? Some people, in fact most all people, no matter what, HAVE to find their own way. You can teach them, guide them, love them, & let them go. The rest is up to them
God sinned, (although God is without sin, because sin is something of man, same equivalent in man's terms.) God murdered, God showed anger, God tested his "sheep", God bestowed the worst plagues on lands, peoples, nations, God was jealous, so on & so forth. But in the end, God was I believe, the way he hopes all mankind "might" choose to be from jumpstart, just a simple good hearted person, out to love & be loved, out for peace & beauty, & have life in this manner everlasting, one of which is better shared!

lol that was drivel when you first posted it and its still drivel now

the popular vote doesnt prove good it doesnt matter how many idiot believe something it still doesnt make it true

while the bible is "part of history" it is far far from a historical document it isnt an accurate detailing of events

the old "humans cannot conceive an everlasting god" is crap too

god by any definition i have heard is all knowing (how could something so knowledgeable make mistakes?)
pay attention brother buz

FYI: These instructions were given under the Mosaic Law, which has come to pass. If you were a bible scholar, you would have known this. Instead, you run and dodge behind bullshit.

Yes, Darwin exposed with brutal honesty, the problems with his hypothesis. Not just fossil records but also means of inheritance.
However, he appealed to future scientists to come up with the answers...and they have!

ur truly ridiculous. This will be my last post in this thread & u will be added to my ignore list. u have said probably 5-10x in this thread, how many pages another member has dodged questions, how they basically have no merit, etc. & so on. How it is all "entertaining to u" & all kinds of other drivel. u continue on with how many pages exist in this thread, u continue to spew out insult after insult, u act like u basically see urself as the authority on all that is...this is ur attitude.

I stopped reading there. Congratulations, you are officially the first person in this thread that im not even going to give the time of day to actually read what you said. You clearly have NOT been following the thread, or you would know that i have never insulted anyone without being insulted first. You would know that I all i have done is provide evidence as i have seen it.

You have made a total of 3 posts in this entire thread, and yet you act as if ive been on you this entire time. Are you really brotherbuz? You have fare more contentment towards me than you should in my opinion. And i lied, i just skimmed a bit more of that, and i can only laugh. All you did was cloud your opinion in blocks of text, but in the end it was the same, what did you call it, 'Drivel' that we have heard this entire time. Let me summarize:

"Im not those christians, they dont represent me. You arent all that smart, your science is flawed. The tide comes in, the tide comes out, NO MISCOMMUNICATION!"

Also, id like to point out, that by your very definition of 'History' both the bhagavad gita and the kuran are JUST as factual.

You say: The burden in your opinion lies in the ones making the claim. imo, the burden lies in the ones saying what has been written & believed in & told throughout the centuries has no basis of truth. Prove it! Your logic here is so utterly fucking flawed its insane.

Now i can list at least 5 different places in that post alone that you directly insulted me, please, PLEASE, provide me with ALL the insults i sent your way? I would like to tally them up. And please, do me the same favor i do you, and clean your goddamn quotes up you lazy bastard! (joke intended =P)
Why is the Bible so Revered as the "Word of GOD". It's not like god wrote a book and placed it down for a prophet to find it. The bible is just stories that where told orally until someone that actually knew how to read and write turned it into a book. So how do we know The bible is not just a really famous fiction novel that a roman solider brought back to Italy and said god wrote this so follow it with me.
Because as you may notice all the origins of Christianity are based in the middle east, yet there are hardly any Christians over there.

It's easier to believe your friend won a fight if you weren't right there watching him get his ass beat. know what I mean.

christianity and religion in general is just a way to scare the masses into believing they will go to hell if they didnt do right, its a great concept and it does nothing but good for society so im all for it....although now today with the scientific technology we have its pretty easy to see that the bible is just that, a book of stories.... the proof is in the pudding, evolution....
You betcha it is. Evolution was used justify conditions of the poor, in order appease the rich.



If you are honestly justifying this in your mind as if the religious are the ones that live in squalor and the atheists-infidels-nonbelievers are the rich ones, you are in an even darker cave than i thought sir.

Please please please please please start citing some more sources. I sure would love to see where you drew this conclusion!

-edit- Actually i take that back, your cave couldn't possibly be that dark. My conclusion? Your a troll. Plain and simple, its the only answer. That sentence had so much, jeez i cant even word it. Its like you honestly have NO foot in reality whatsoever.

Just in case you really didn't know, religions are the ones that HAVE money. Its the very reason that they can become the minority of populations more and more each day, yet still sound, look, and vote like a full blown majority.
". . . when u dont have a reply, u simply run & hide & avoid, & all the other things u have accused others of in this thread. And again, since u love to point out how many pages r in this thread, how many people have read it, how others should "try to keep up" because u r reading every bit, it is damn well clear, u didnt miss my last post to u, u simply DODGED & RAN. LMAO...u r really pathetic. u pick n choose what YOU have wanted to respond to.

Come on now, lets be gentle. :lol::lol::lol: Lol Lol :bigjoint:
You betcha it is. Evolution was used justify conditions of the poor, in order appease the rich.

Your assertion that it may have been USED by MAN to justify said conditions, that does no exclude evolutions explanations completely either. Evolution happens. Physical, mental, spiritual, etc. NOTHING in this universe is static. NOTHING. Except God. And only because he will never fail me, imho.
I mean cannabis came from God and was used to control the poor and enrich the already wealthy. So by this theory, cannabis is evil as well. Correct?
while the bible is "part of history" it is far far from a historical document it isnt an accurate detailing of events

So, the Dead Sea Scroll does not exist then, chronicling 2,000 years of the same bible test, which hasn't changed. This is physical evidence-no bullshit. People weren’t born last week Friday.
So, the Dead Sea Scroll does not exist then, chronicling 2,000 years of the same bible test, which hasn't changed. This is physical evidence-no bullshit. People weren’t born last week Friday.

Umm, yeah. They exist. And those that edit the Bible chose which scrolls to accept and which ones to reject. The churches theory is they only wanted to keep the writings of those closest to Jesus in order to keep the picture accurate. HOWEVER, how can you completely discount the writings of Mary Magdelan? The VERY FIRST PERSON that Christ appeared to after resurrection. You CAN'T and still maintain historical accuracy.
And the Dead Sea Scrolls are fiction?
So you're okay that there are books found in the DSS library that are not included in orthodox canon?

I know i have asked you before but can you please explain what you believe the significance of the DSS are wrt authenticity of the stories in them? IOW, why do you think scribes would be unable to copy documents successfully over a number of centuries? Problems tend to arise when these books are translated to other languages but most of the scrolls found in Qumran were written in Hebrew and Aramaic.

Do you think the words of Shakespeare have been altered over the centuries? How about Chaucer? If they can remain intact, why not biblical texts?
Your assertion that it may have been USED by MAN to justify said conditions, that does no exclude evolutions explanations completely either. Evolution happens. Physical, mental, spiritual, etc. NOTHING in this universe is static. NOTHING. Except God. And only because he will never fail me, imho.

At least you can understand meanings, unlike your protégé, klosetking.
". . .bring proof that they are just stories, bring proof that this outdated information is not as important or doesnt have as much meaning as it did...2000 years ago. I will give you proof, the mere acceptance by the larger majority around the world on planet earth that do believe in a higher power and in Jesus, & in the bible. The acceptance that has been & will continue to be for another 2000 years if earth last that long. What more proof do u need?

He' just running and dodging-very typical of of klosetking-runs in his family. bongsmilie
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