Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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I want to point out on a side note, that i truly do pity anyone closely related to you BrotherBuz. I can only imagine that this kind of attitude (total dismissal of ANYTHING that doesn't fit your incredibly tiny world view) probably makes you quite difficult to live with. I imagine you run your household as if YOU were god, most of the extremely religious do. Its part of the power complex. They don't understand (or fear) mortality, so they turn to 'god'. When they turn to 'god' they have to embrace how 'powerless' they are, and that's where the tyranny begins. If you can't lead later, you better lead now right?

I am finding this all quite entertaining. Enjoy your 2 supporters friend, because the other 200 people that have visited this thread either didn't care, or disagreed with you. How do i know that? Well, we all know that you guys are the loudest, even if you ARE the minority anymore. I highly doubt that even ONE person who agreed with you, or shared your ideals, has made it to this thread without voicing their opinion. Not one.
Not every transitional form appears in the fossil record because the fossil record is nowhere near complete.

As I said before, these are not transitional links, but instead fully developed fossils. In order to be transitions, the fossils should show gradual changes in skeletal structure, for example, sea creatures developing a pelvis in order to walk up right-do you get it now? Thousand of such small transitional fossils should be in the ground, but are not. What goes up, must come down
As I said before, these are not transitional links, but instead fully developed fossils. In order to be transitions, the fossils should show gradual changes in skeletal structure, for example, sea creatures developing a pelvis in order to walk up right-do you get it now? Thousand of such small transitional fossils should be in the ground, but are not. What goes up, must come down

You still aren't actually reading anything anyone is linking are you? You really don't WANT the truth, so you don't even bother looking for it. Im losing my respect rather quickly fool, your quite pathetic. Your still twisting words. My very fucking post even addressed your concern! Fossils are rare for a reason, if we collected every fossil in existence we would have less than 5% of the total amount of species that have ever lived on this earth! You will NEVER get EVERY link, and no matter how many people provide, you will always require more.

Absolutely brilliant! Great information there! +rep for the LINKS! ;D
Not every transitional form appears in the fossil record because the fossil record is nowhere near complete. Organisms are only rarely preserved as fossils in the best of circumstances and only a fraction of such fossils have ever been discovered. The paleontologist Donald Prothero noted that this is illustrated by the fact that the total number of species of all kinds known through the fossil record was less than 5% of the number of known living species, which suggests that the number of species known through fossils must be less than 1% of all the species that have ever lived. Furthermore the fossil record is very uneven. Certain kinds of organisms, for example those without hard body parts like [/URL]jellyfish and worms, are very poorly represented.[6]
What part of that is confusing you? The part that says that implies fossils are RARE? Or the part that refers it being less than 1% of all species that have ever lived? Iam guessing the latter, as that just doesn't fit your view right? I mean, Noah couldn't have possible fit them all. There had to be less.
Insults won't help you, since your reasoning has failed.
Thanks for laugh, but i have only barely displayed my disgust towards you. Besides, i figured since its all you do (other than dodging), you might actually read it that time (which you did!). SO do i just need to keep lacing insults into my posts to get you to actually read them?

YOUR melting down. YOUR reasoning has failed, YOUR the one that throws out insults as readily as your opinions, and YOUR the one whos reasoning is failing.

Your the captain of one gigantic fucking failboat sir, its been obvious since your first post, and your only getting closer that iceberg of fail.

Keep deflecting. Keep dodging. Keep trying. But just know, i have a feeling that your spot in heaven isn't as guaranteed as you think it is.
What part of that is confusing you? The part that says that implies fossils are RARE? Or the part that refers it being less than 1% of all species that have ever lived?

There are thousand of fossils, they just don't show transitional links. What part of that is confusing to you?

Darwin had noted the same problem in The Origin of Species –

“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

Without physical evidence, the mechanism for this critical evolutionary step remains unresolved and spectulative after 150 years. ;-)
You keep quoting Darwin, like that means anything. He opened our mind to the idea of evolution, but his science and facts and 'statements' that you keep quoting are long since outdated. I, and Mindphuk, have both shown you actual evidence with links and citations included.

Yet you continue to ignore those facts. You dont actually read them, you just say 'nope', throw an insult out, and 'NAILED IT AGAIN!'.

Seriously, stop repeating your same old tired outdated quote. Charles Darwin was the discoverer of evolution, but any real scientist knows that 150 year old anecdotal evidence can only be taken so literally. Things have changed since then, our methods of testing have changed, and the amount of fossils and 'links' discovered since then have been abso-fuckin-lutely exponential.

So real scientists have trouble taking a book thats 150 years old at face value, yet you continue to defend your fables that are over 2000 years old. Your not helping yourself here.
pay attention now brother buz....

There are thousand of fossils, they just don't show transitional links. What part of that is confusing to you?

Darwin had noted the same problem in The Origin of Species –

“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

Without physical evidence, the mechanism for this critical evolutionary step remains unresolved and spectulative after 150 years. ;-)


You obviously don't have a concept of transitional links. As I said before, I'm not talking about fully developed skulls; instead small graduations in skeletal formation is the definition of transitions - do you get it?

Now, I'm going to give the viewers a chance to see what a "dodger" you are, by asking you to provide examples of 7 transitional links, since according to you, there are thousands.

See he's a dodger!!

Darwin had noted the same problem in The Origin of Species –

“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

Without physical evidence, the mechanism for this critical evolutionary step remains unresolved and spectulative after 150 years.
pay attention now brother buz....

There are thousand of fossils, they just don't show transitional links. What part of that is confusing to you?

Darwin had noted the same problem in The Origin of Species –

“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

Without physical evidence, the mechanism for this critical evolutionary step remains unresolved and spectulative after 150 years. :wink:

pay attention now brother buz....
Ive been trying to get him to for sometime now. This is not the first time real data was put in front of him.

His answer is always the same though. It falls into one of the following responses:

A. Flat out insult.
B. Disappearance. He disappeared for 2 days before, then he came back when he thought i was gone and made some comment about 'anyone else wanna come at me, he couldn't hack it'.
C. Spinning. He is one pro spinner that's for sure! On multiple occasions he has taken the very facts provided to him in argument of his debate, and manipulated the words to sound as if it were for his benefit.
D. Dodging. He wants us posting continuous info. He wants us to ask more and more questions. The more WE think about the debate in a logical, rational, level headed way, the more 'perplexed' we get about the convo, the less HE has to think. The less he has to think, the less actual meaningful posts we will get from him.

There are a few others that pretty much scream the exact stereotype i pegged him for, but i think you get the idea.
". . . but any real scientist knows that 150 year old anecdotal evidence can only be taken so literally. Things have changed since then, our methods of testing have changed . . ."

Nothing has changed! transitional links were missing then and their missing now.
“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

So out of the whole book, thats the only thing you could take from it? Let me use your logic with the bible and see what i take from it, shall we?

Deuteronomy 25:11-12. “If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.” Dont even need the powers of personal interpretation for that one!

Leviticus 19:19: “You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.” So, no polyester, no mixing breeds of cattle and you can only farm one plant!

Exodus 21 is clearly too long to bother quoting here, but if you know the bible half as well as you say you do, you know how it advocates slavery, and removes the '6 year limit' on a hebrew slave by keeping his wife and children hostage until he says he wants to become a permanent slave.

Lets just keep picking the things we like and ignoring the things we dont like shall we?
Nothing has changed! transitional links were missing then and their missing now.
Pay attention now BrotherBuz.... this is only one of many posts that have shown you that that is a FALSE statement. Keep saying it, its still wrong.

There are thousand of fossils, they just don't show transitional links. What part of that is confusing to you?

Darwin had noted the same problem in The Origin of Species –

“Although geological research has undoubtedly revealed the former existence of many links, bringing numerous forms of life much closer together, it does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species required on the theory, and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be urged against it.”

Without physical evidence, the mechanism for this critical evolutionary step remains unresolved and spectulative after 150 years. ;-)
Yes, Darwin exposed with brutal honesty, the problems with his hypothesis. Not just fossil records but also means of inheritance.
However, he appealed to future scientists to come up with the answers...and they have!

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