Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

this has been deemed impossible to answer by any theologian for the LAST 2000+ years and as such disproves jesus before he was even supposed to be born

What were you saying about me cutting and pasting, not having an original thought-dumb blond. Lol lol
I imagine you to be a "dumb blond".
You still a dumb blond!! :hump:
Fucking troll.
Dumb blond, I've been saying this all along.
Stupid fucking troll.
What were you saying about me cutting and pasting, not having an original thought-dumb blond. Lol lol

Now im just pissed. Your a fucking cocksucking troll. How many insults is this now? Im done showing you respect.

Once again, you have not answered it, just dodging and FUCKING TROLLING.

Your a fantastic piece of shit, and ive grown tired of the circles and games you play. Congrat-u-fucking-lations for making you and your kind look even dumber than normal. You have no credibility, you are incapable of logical thought, and debating with you is like arguing with a car salesmen. Your not in the business of learning, or expanding your own mind. Your in the business of brainwashing dodging, recruiting and manipulating. Are you a pastor? Do you own stock in some sort of religious staple, such as a major holy water conglomerate? Do you manufacture and sell confessionals? Perhaps you have a few sisters in the perish?

I can't wait until people like you are finally bred out. At this point it should be within the next century or two.
Man you guys are really sad.
I haven't heard any new evidence in this whole 47 page thread that hasn't been argued to death in a philosophy 101 community college class.
Seriously, I've had more interesting debates in high school

Faithful; don't you see it's pointless to try and explain religion to the Godless? That's why it's called faith. You can't prove it, and those without it are confounded by it. I've noticed most evolutionists/atheists are unhappy people. Even if they're generally happy, all they have to is see someone worshiping or praying or even just having an honest to God good, and they start bitching..."What an idiot..How could you believe in blah blah blah..."
Plus we live longer statistically, not to mention all the things the church does in times of crisis. I bet if their house got washed away in a flood, and the church had cots and food and shelter, they'd be in there quick. Don't be drawn into pointless arguments with atheists. Debate is one thing, but this degraded into a brawl.
Yes it did unfortunately. And you're right about faith being just that. Faith. A belief in something not provable.

You're also right about the happiness. i always see atheists as being angry people too. And when i ask them what's making them angry, they usually say something about the faithful. The funny thing is, they are trying to own someone else's issues. No WONDER they're always upset.

But i still say that a debate such as this, with no POSSIBLE solution helps to sharpen debate skills. Which can come in handy when dealing with trolls.
At best you're describing "variety" within a particular species, other than that, they aren't in the fossil record! Sorry! Did these transitional links float up to space? Lol lol
You are so clueless it's not even funny anymore.

Do you honestly think that a land animal that is the ancestor to the hippopotamus with feet and legs is the same species as a whale? I'm talking about major transitions between different classes like reptile to bird, amphibian to reptile, reptile to mammal. Those are the transitions that we have shown you. Now you cut and paste a comment that says that those don't exist? Please. You won't even explain why you think the examples I gave are not transitions. You won't because you can't.

Man you guys are really sad.
I haven't heard any new evidence in this whole 47 page thread that hasn't been argued to death in a philosophy 101 community college class.
Seriously, I've had more interesting debates in high school

Faithful; don't you see it's pointless to try and explain religion to the Godless? That's why it's called faith. You can't prove it, and those without it are confounded by it. I've noticed most evolutionists/atheists are unhappy people. Even if they're generally happy, all they have to is see someone worshiping or praying or even just having an honest to God good, and they start bitching..."What an idiot..How could you believe in blah blah blah..."
Plus we live longer statistically, not to mention all the things the church does in times of crisis. I bet if their house got washed away in a flood, and the church had cots and food and shelter, they'd be in there quick. Don't be drawn into pointless arguments with atheists. Debate is one thing, but this degraded into a brawl.

If you honestly think that real evidence hasn't been provided by our side of the argument in the last 43 pages, your as blind and misguided as our friend Brother.

Your right, this did degrade into a brawl. Frankly, because im sick and fucking tired of reading Brotherbuz insulting other people when they present him with facts he cant provide an explanation for.

If you had come in here, said your piece without revealing your bias, i would have just let this one go. But you couldn't hide it, and its very obvious you are in the exact same line of thinking as Brother. There have been many other reasons shown as to why religious people live longer. Let me sum it up, its called the fear of death. They get to a point where they start eating right, or stop smoking, or don't like to fly planes,etc. Plus they have entire congregations that shift the weight, like the Amish (technically considered the 'faithful') who never touch anything modern made, and live off their own goods.

How could you possibly say we have provided pointless arguments? The only pointless arguments here have been presented by him in defense of our evidence. Your post is as lacking in anything substantial as his are.

But at least you didn't resort to blatant name calling. I give you credit for that. I can tell you now, not one more post of mine will be directed towards Brother without calling him a cocksucking troll, hes lost all respect i ever may have had, and now im just going to stoop to his level. Its less aggravating that way.

-edit- you also don't understand atheists half as well as you think you do. A. Im an admitted AGNOSTIC, and B. We (they) don't GIVE A FUCK what you believe in, so long as you stop passing your 'word' as fucking FACT to anyone who is dumb enough to not know the difference.
I've noticed most evolutionists/atheists are unhappy people. Even if they're generally happy, all they have to is see someone worshiping or praying or even just having an honest to God good, and they start bitching..."What an idiot..How could you believe in blah blah blah..."

I can't help wondering if you actually know any atheists in real life, or is this just based on your experiences in online debates? The majority of my friends are atheist or agnostic, and I have to say that my experience has pretty much been that we aren't especially concerned about you, or your worship. Sure, I get annoyed when zealots go around trying to shove their crap down everyone else's throats, and I'll occasionally stop into a debate here on RUI to kill a little time while I'm having a smoke... but other than that, I couldn't really care much less about your worship. On my list of concerns, you're way, way, way down there at the bottom. BTW, I'm a happy person too. :)
And you're right about faith being just that. Faith.

You're also right about the happiness. i always see atheists as being angry people too. And when i ask them what's making them angry, they usually say something about the faithful.

Said like a diplomat. Where does that leave you-straddling the fence? :-|
Said like a diplomat. Where does that leave you-startling the fence? :-|

Diplomat, scientist. It's true. True faith is the belief in the not-understood. Therefore, if you have true faith in something, you admittedly don't fully understand it. i have no reason to NOT straddle the fence in my posts. It's called conflict avoidance and maturity as well as being respectful of other's opinions and beliefs. Something you would be wise to emmulate.
And you're right about faith being just that. Faith.

The Bible, describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. God’s Word says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” — Hebrews 11:1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For other uses, see Faith (disambiguation).

Mino da Fiesole, Faith.

Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept or thing.[1][2] Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true,[3] belief in and assent to the truth of what is declared by another, based on his or her supposed authority and truthfulness.[4]
Religious faith in a theological context is a confident belief in a transcendent reality, a religious teacher, a set of teachings or a Supreme Being. Thus, religious faith disqualifies reasoning in favor of "transcendent reality". However, atheists and agnostics generally consider religious faith to be simply superstition.
Since faith implies a trusting reliance upon future events or outcomes, it is often taken by some people as inevitably synonymous with a belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence."[5][6]

Informal usage of the word faith can be quite broad, and the word is often used as a mere substitute for trust or belief. The English word is thought to date from 1200–50, from the Latin fidem or fidēs, meaning trust, derived from the verb fīdere, to trust.[1]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For other uses, see Faith (disambiguation).


Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept or thing.[1][2] Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true,[3] belief in and assent to the truth of what is declared by another, based on his or her supposed authority and truthfulness.[4]
Religious faith in a theological context is a confident belief in a transcendent reality, a religious teacher, a set of teachings or a Supreme Being. Thus, religious faith disqualifies reasoning in favor of "transcendent reality". However, atheists and agnostics generally consider religious faith to be simply superstition.
Since faith implies a trusting reliance upon future events or outcomes, it is often taken by some people as inevitably synonymous with a belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence."[5][6]

Informal usage of the word faith can be quite broad, and the word is often used as a mere substitute for trust or belief. The English word is thought to date from 1200–50, from the Latin fidem or fidēs, meaning trust, derived from the verb fīdere, to trust.[1]
I imagine you to be a "dumb blond".
You still a dumb blond!! :hump:
Dumb blond, I've been saying this all along.
What were you saying about me cutting and pasting, not having an original thought-dumb blond. Lol lol
Drumroll please........
Sir, I never once called you a name.
You must LOVE the taste of your foot, cuz you've had it in your mouth for about 45 pages of trolling now.

-edit- I suppose to be fair, that was Ginjawarrior, now that i look back. But trying to defend yourself by saying that by not insulting HIM you have been innocent in this, is a fallacy.
Some more foot for you to taste Brotherbuz;

From page 7 of this thread:
I bet Dumbphuk, believe in evolution, without a fossil record - billions and billions of years. :lol:

You know what is even funnier? You said this, THREE PAGES LATER! That's right, LATER!
From page 10 of this thread:

"Ha, I'm talking in circles? You're fucking delusional."

Looks like you started name calling first. Now who's really delusional? ;-) This is the story of your life lol
Edit: You is meant to interpreted generally, not singling anyone out.

If you believe he's a troll, then he's doing a great job because he's pissing you the fuck off. Calm down man, it's pointless. He's obviously given up on converting people a while ago. The fact of the matter is, he's making egregious claims solely to make you respond with hostility. While he "plays it cool."
Normally this would just be a lame face to face argument tactic, but on paper it holds far more weight.
You see, by associating your anger with your arguments, even a high school-er could argue that you are being irrational and highly emotional. While brothabuzz keeps his cool and comes of as logical and keeps his emotions detached from argument. However, he is simply feeding off of your emotions by expecting your next move and further pissing you off. If this argument were a game of chess, he would be slowly wiping out your pawns.
Don't fight back with anger fight back with evidence.

This doesn't really have too much to do with the bible, but an interesting point: Most fundamentalist Christians believe that Jesus was white. You'll notice that most portraits and pictures of Jesus to this day depict a white Jesus. The funny thing about that is there were no native White people in Bethlehem at Jesus' birth. You had some Romans who conquered the lands, they weren't natives, and most certainly were not Jewish. Jesus was actually most likely black or middle eastern in appearance. Since the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt for a fair amount of years, the Egyptian men most probably had intercourse with the Jewish women at the time. After a fair amount of breeding, and killing off of Jewish males, the resulting offspring probably looked pretty similar to a modern day black or middle eastern man. Fun fact I guess.
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