MonSatan supplied the cash to Scotts to buy GH, Gavita and a bunch of other companies involved in pot/plant growing. Now Bayer owns MonSatan so the whole Bayer/MonSatan/Scotts/Hawthorne/Roots etc companies are all under the same corporate umbrella and should be shunned by aware growers. Takes a little investigation to find out what all companies have been bought out by them but they tend to brand products with one of those names so just read the labels before you plunk down your money.
GH in particular NEVER supported pot growers and still doesn't. Only AN had the balls from their start to announce they made their nutes specifically for growing pot and they got trolled everywhere by people paid by the other companies too chicken shit to admit that pot growers were their biggest market. For that alone I would recommend AN over any of the others. Plus it's Canadian in origin and made in the states too. Not worrying about pH is just a big bonus.
GH has always and still sources it's base minerals from the cheapest bidders over the kind of quality control AN uses for it's nutes. Can you say China? I knew you could.