Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

Lol! California is magical! What other state can claim southern and northern? There's no so-tex or nor-tex. We start the trends! :D We have hollywood, san diego, OC, san francisco, Beverly hills, etc. What other state has as many football and baseball teams than us? Humboldt county? Our governor can beat down other governors like a soapy dick (although he's about as sharp as a bean bag). Who knows how many songs they sang about California. I'm here........ Lol! I'm joking man! I agree with you a hundred percent metalhead. Cali folk do have monster attitudes and egos. I didn't mean to say our weed is so much better than others. My douchebag friend just told me it is... I asked, "better than amsterdam?" He said, "yeah." I wanted to know how is indoor weed better than others indoor weed in other states? Someone did say earlier that they thrive in higher elevations. I didn't know that. I guess that might be one case.

It's all good dude. I just think people need to think outside the box, dank is everywhere.
Keep trying to insult me since you don't have any knowledge to back up your words.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but here it goes again. I think Cali has great weed, I also think it has a bunch of average quality nugs from the massive amount of inexperienced growers and the amount of hydro produced for profit. Thats it, that was my whole point. Get over yourselves.

Example of Dan's excellent knowledge when it comes to herb:

Yet with a small amount of research he could of found this info from many different places.

The Diesel Breakdown

By Jason King - Wednesday, February 22 2006

I write this in hopes of clearing the mass confusion on the Diesel lineage. I have the real story from the actual folks responsible for Diesel.The Diesel came from a seed that was found in a bag of the insanely delicious Colorado Indica known as ChemDawg (Cannabible 2, page 46). Two friends met on a Grateful Dead tour in ?91 (thank you Jerry!), and a pound of the majestic ChemDawg ? whose own lineage is still somewhat of a mystery ? containing 12 seeds made its way to Massachusetts.As for the father of those seeds, this much is known: The person who had the ChemDawg in Colorado was growing only ChemDawg, so the father was probably a ChemDawg male or hermaphrodite. The seeds found in the legendary pound bag were grown out, and from this came some truly phenomenal ganja.At this point, another good friend was met on a Phish tour (thanks boys!) and clones of the awesome ChemDawg offspring were passed on to this lucky new friend. The new growers, from New York City, didn't like the name ChemDawg, so they started calling it The Diesel. This is the Diesel that some of us are lucky enough to know and love today. A couple of years later, a Super Skunk x Sensi Northern Lights was crossed with the newly named Diesel, and thus Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, and Diesel #1 (Cannabible 1, page 65) were created. Soon after that, a hermaphrodite Massachusetts Super Skunk pollinated the Diesel, and from the seeds created, the Sour Diesel was born. Then there's OG Kush, which is a sister to Sour Diesel. Several newer crosses have been made by the original Massachusetts ChemDawg family, and they are featured here.

Unfortunately, Soma's "NYC Diesel" barely, if at all, resembles the real Diesel. It has more of a citrus flavor, and is much weaker than the real Diesel. The thing that I love so much about the original Diesel and its hybrids is the aftertaste. Don't get me wrong, the exhalation is almost orgasmic, but it's after the smoke stops coming out that you notice a sour fuel flavor that just coats your entire mouth and throat. It's freakin' outrageous. I would smoke the real Diesel for just the taste even if it didn't have THC ? which, by the way, it has massive amounts of.
The lesson learned here is that we should all be very thankful to both The Grateful Dead and Phish, not only for their awesome music, but also for all the great connections that were made on their tours.

More of Dan's excellent knowledge: (he seems to be really informed)

Ummm. Og kush is a cali strain. Sure, it came from plants with different genetics, but so does every strain. If you want to look at it like that then there is no such thing as American or Amsterdam strains, only Asian and south/central american strains.
I've lived in Los Angeles for ten years and there's no place I'd rather be. California is NOT like every other state in the US and anybody who says so should maybe spend a year or two here and tell me that it is. If it was like every other state, then there'd be medical marijuana available to patients across the country and every state would be gearing up to vote for the total legalization of weed THIS November 4th. There is no better feeling than being able to walk into a store and choose from a selection of dozens of strains the herb that I'm in the mood for that day. Every day, I'm allowed, by law, to do something that I never thought I'd be able to do in America and that's a friggin' AMAZING feeling. Every single one of y'all should be thanking California for being at the forefront of the legalization of marijuana in the US. Call us shallow or superficial or whatever, but at least we had brains enough to know that weed shouldn't be illegal AND the balls to do something about it. We have dank weed here and the freedom to talk about it, grow it, smoke it, trade clones, drive around in your car with an ounce and no fear of getting in trouble because of it. Beautiful.

Having said that, I used to get amazing Hash Plant in Tampa FL back in like 1990. I bought or smoked incredible herb in Idaho, Utah, New York, Oregon, Georgia, Colorado, North Carolina, New Jersey, Connecticut etc etc etc. You get the point. California doesn't have better herb than anywhere else. We just have A LOT more of it.

Sorry bro but cali was not the first state to leagalze mari jane. look a little back in history, but they were one of the first to BAN MJ!
I was going to post something in this thread but I'm from California and I think I know everything...I refuse to share my vast amount of knowledge I think I know

LOL that is some funny shit. "bajafox" I'm still laughing.....I'd love to use this some time.. With your permission of course.
Ummm. Og kush is a cali strain. Sure, it came from plants with different genetics, but so does every strain. If you want to look at it like that then there is no such thing as American or Amsterdam strains, only Asian and south/central american strains.

Did you read the article? Your a lost cause and a perfect example of the average Cali weed head. I'm sure there are plenty of people in Cali that know what's up but you aren't one of them.
We're not bashing Cali, we're bashing your attitudes and egos.

Our "attitudes and egos"? Yeah, I do have an attitude and an ego. I'm proud of the fact that I live in the freest state in America. I'm proud of the fact that we're leading the way for the rest of the US when it comes to any kind of "progressive" issue whatsoever. I'm free here. I can do pretty much whatever I want to, as long as I don't fuck with anybody else. I have access to some of the best weed in the world (there, I said it) and don't have to worry about getting in trouble because of it. I can grow to my heart's conitent without fear of prosecution. I can get Headband clones from my next door neighbor. What you classify as an "ego" or an "attitude" is simply how it feels to be motherfucking FREE. It's crazy what a difference a lack of fear of the law makes in one's attitude and outlook on their day-to-day existence.

Now, if you're referring to all of those idiots who type shit like,"Wat, u no was up kid cali has the bomb og nobuddy has it beterrrrrrrr", well, you should know, most of the people on sites like this are twelve. And stupid. And actually, I suspect the majority of people proclaiming California's weed as the best are actually punk-ass sixteen year olds living in Ohio (no offense to Ohioans)(or sixteen year olds) and listening to top-forty "hip-hop" and wouldn't know a kind nug if it bit them on the ass. Just sayin'...
i live up north we got some dank :D it always matters on the grower how he grows and how he cures been getting some green apple its amazing, hippy chicken 2
Sorry bro but cali was not the first state to leagalze mari jane. look a little back in history, but they were one of the first to BAN MJ!

Really? What state was the first to legalize marijuana for medical use? I know there were plenty of states to decriminalize marijuana (of which, California was one of the first, if not the first), but I was under the impression that Cali WAS the first. What state legalized medical marijuana first.

Love the avatar, by the way. Trailer Park Boys rules.
Our "attitudes and egos"? Yeah, I do have an attitude and an ego. I'm proud of the fact that I live in the freest state in America. I'm proud of the fact that we're leading the way for the rest of the US when it comes to any kind of "progressive" issue whatsoever. I'm free here. I can do pretty much whatever I want to, as long as I don't fuck with anybody else. I have access to some of the best weed in the world (there, I said it) and don't have to worry about getting in trouble because of it. I can grow to my heart's conitent without fear of prosecution. I can get Headband clones from my next door neighbor. What you classify as an "ego" or an "attitude" is simply how it feels to be motherfucking FREE. It's crazy what a difference a lack of fear of the law makes in one's attitude and outlook on their day-to-day existence.

Now, if you're referring to all of those idiots who type shit like,"Wat, u no was up kid cali has the bomb og nobuddy has it beterrrrrrrr", well, you should know, most of the people on sites like this are twelve. And stupid. And actually, I suspect the majority of people proclaiming California's weed as the best are actually punk-ass sixteen year olds living in Ohio (no offense to Ohioans)(or sixteen year olds) and listening to top-forty "hip-hop" and wouldn't know a kind nug if it bit them on the ass. Just sayin'...

I understand there is great weed in Cali and the scene there is more open and free which is awesome. I'm talking more about people like Dan Kone who don't really know the backgrounds of strains and think every dank plant in America came from Cali. They see the clones going around out there and assume it's a local strain.

Cali was the first state to legalize MMJ back in 1996.
It's called a discussion, I'm sorry your not up on the concept. Maybe when you learn to spell and use complete sentences you can join in.
oh shit!!!!... you see the difference between me and you is that u get mad over this shit and try to insult me.. wich is cool whatever!..and this aint a discussion .. u jus looking for people that see things your way..and bash everyone else in between
What are you talking about? Out of nowhere you pop in bashing me with no info on the subject at hand. I'm sorry I pointed out your lack of insight and the waste of space that are your posts.
I grow the best marijuana, it's the best because I am growing it.

See how that statement is an opinion. You could say the same thing about your grow. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

When Cannabis becomes legal on the federal level we can have a U.S. Cannabis cup and determine the best. Until that day it's indeterminable. Fact is if you have bomb weed, who cares where it was grown. Just be grateful for your nugs and smoke them with a peace of mind that someone put forth alot of effort and time so you can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Grab your favorite smoking device and puff puff pass.

Peace and positive energy to you all.

i forget that your insights are wise and noble and rest of us that dont meet your requirements are idiot piece of shits.. u gonna get different opinions on this man.. and the ones u dont agree with u gonna start talking your mess that they are simple minded they wont grow as people and that they don't think outside the box and all that other bull shit u be saying...