Well-Known Member
My insights are just informed. I'm sorry knowledge isn't that important to you.
My insights are just informed. I'm sorry knowledge isn't that important to you.
Did you read the article? Your a lost cause and a perfect example of the average Cali weed head. I'm sure there are plenty of people in Cali that know what's up but you aren't one of them.
I'm talking more about people like Dan Kone who don't really know the backgrounds of strains and think every dank plant in America came from Cali. They see the clones going around out there and assume it's a local strain.
Keep trying to insult me since you don't have any knowledge to back up your words.
I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but here it goes again. I think Cali has great weed, I also think it has a bunch of average quality nugs from the massive amount of inexperienced growers and the amount of hydro produced for profit. Thats it, that was my whole point. Get over yourselves.
hell yeah, i live in hawaii and there is dankness in huge abundance but its interesting to note that marijuana is the top cash crop in 30 us states and the #1 cash crop in the united states in terms of production and revenue generated. thats a fuck load of ganja. everywhere has weed as good as everywhere else. throughout the u.s. and the wworld people will continue to grow awesome, quality crops. cali ain't nothin special except for the fact that most of their citizens understrand and respect weed. other than that, good ganj is everywhere.If you leave out Kentucky. Def alot of outdoor activity going on there for a long time also.
If you take into consideration the size of the states, I gues Hawaii would have the most 'dank per capita".
OMG!!! why u care so much that cali growers think we have the best chronic is beyond me... all i know is the REAL GROWERS IN CALI have taken many seeds from around the world and jus made them better.. stabilizing strains
Show me where it says OG Kush was originally from some where other than California. Since you keep claiming this article proves OG Kush isn't originally a cali clone only strain, this should be easy.
So you know the background of every single strain in existence? I just know what the best strains going around are and how to get them and grow them. I guess that makes me a terrible person.
Jesus Christ, how many people FROM California have to chime in and tell you that this "massive amount of hydro for profit" doesnt exist? Since you love providing sources for your so-called information, where is your source that claims the majority of weed here is hydro grown? Huh? OPEN YOUR EYES. ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE WRONG.
Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?
I'm talking about southern california by the way...
I've seen it with my own eyes, I don't need you to tell me it doesn't exist. Yes there is a lot of good organics in Cali but to say there aren't any hydro operations is ignorant.
It isn't. Most of it is hype, it just happens to be in more abundance there because it's more accepted. If you know the right people you can find true dank anywhere. Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is a lot of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality. There is dank in Cali but there is just as much bullshit. If your a good grower and you have good genetics it doesn't matter where you live. As to why they have so many clone only strains it's because people there playing with males or hermies finding a nice plant but they don't commercialy produce seeds.
Really? What state was the first to legalize marijuana for medical use? I know there were plenty of states to decriminalize marijuana (of which, California was one of the first, if not the first), but I was under the impression that Cali WAS the first. What state legalized medical marijuana first.
Love the avatar, by the way. Trailer Park Boys rules.
Seriously? I never said hydro grows dont exist, but these "MASSIVE hydro grows" which you keep talking about (that I and many others have repeatedly told you dont produce the majority of herb for profit here) simply is misinformation. Im just trying to help you get your facts straight that way you dont sound like a dumbass trying to tell people about weed in California. But since your skull is too thick to comprehend that, go right on ahead thinking there are multimillion dollar huge fucking hydroponic grow warehouses littering the state that cut down weed a week early just to sell shitty product for a profit.
No, but I do know the backgrounds of many of them from tons of research over the last 15 years and if someone tried to inform me on something I didn't know about I would be happy to gain the info.