Why thc farmer sucks ass

I have enjoyed thc Farmer. Made a few friends, more enemies probably. Never ordered and spent significantly more time there then here, but that was mainly due to the site working more efficiently, or at least previously.

currently thc Farmer is down. Not sure what happened as Im not in the drama. So I guess I’ll give roll it up a try again and see how it is these days.

Here’s a pic of my Mazar I Sharif finishing up. Much love and let’s roll it up together.

also some of you need to stop bashing people for using another forum. Makes some of you look like the exact type I see others talking about here. Sure if you want to call out a POS for some bs I’m with you. if you want to come at me and talk some trash - best make sure it’s legit. Like I said I started using both a couple years back and thc worked better for my mobile. doesn’t look like it’s the case any more so with out more ado,

I have chokes, I mean jokes for everyone

i could not for the life of me why when still illegal to do so people order cannabis seeds and equipment off the internet to their cultivation room...you can blame the stupidity of many people being manipulated by activist and government spooks such as Todd McCormick
Of course they are and Alex Jones is a deep state 33rd degree tranny woman formally known as Natalie Woods.